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Everything posted by owebeewan_1

  1. Hi there, I own a Hyundai iload and I would love to get some custom cages made to help me transport my large breed dogs around. Does anyone have any suggestions of where to go or people to ask or websites to look at? Any assistance would be great. I dont think collapsible cages would really be secure enough so looking for something more permanent. Any suggestions? Cheers,
  2. Hi there, I was planning on using it to teach kids about dog anatomy and health. Not all kids like real dogs so that makes it tough and toy ones just look a little too much like toys! As for breed, it doesnt really matter, one of the larger breeds or a cross, they are all good. Cheers
  3. Hi there, I would love to have a fake life sized dog made, something like a stuffed toy but more realistic. Aside from taxidermy, does anyone have any ideas where I could get such a thing? Some people have mentioned asking visual artists, does anyone know one? Cheers
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