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Everything posted by naughtynanna

  1. She seems much better this morning - still pretty wobbly, but got up,had breakfast and a big drink then went back to bed!
  2. he did show me the skin test for dehydration - she is ok at the moment and there hasn't been any discharge since the small amount of blood i saw yesterday morning, so we are just in that horrible 'wait and see' stage.
  3. thank you for the advice - took her to the vet and she has an infection somewhere (maybe uterine although he couldn't feel any abnormality) she is running a temp of 40.4. the vet gave her an antibiotic injection and an antiinflammatory injection and said we should see some improvement by morning. i am syringing water into her mouth as she is not interested in drinking atm. thanks again for the timely advice - will let you know how she goes!
  4. thank you for the advice - took her to the vet and she has an infection somewhere (maybe uterine although he couldn't feel any abnormality) she is running a temp of 40.4. the vet gave her an antibiotic injection and an antiinflammatory injection and said we should see some improvement by morning. i am syringing water into her mouth as she is not interested in drinking atm. thanks again for the timely advice - will let you know how she goes!
  5. just wondering if what moet is doing is within the range of normal for a first 'season'. She is lethargic, and seems to be in pain - doesn't want to move off the waterbed (cant blame her) even when the postman goes by - normally she would be by the gate letting everyone in a 20 km radius know. not interested in what i'm cooking in the kitchen - very unlike her - and didnt even care when my daughter's boyfriend came round and he is her favorite person. i noticed a small amount of blood under her tail yesterday and rushed out to buy 'bitchpants' but so far haven't seen any other signs. she is around 16 -17 mths old (rescued, so we're not quite sure) and she is medium size and weight. I've never had a non-desexed female dog before so dont know what is normal or not
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