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Everything posted by tands

  1. Thank you guys again!! I am so glad that I did post here, as it really has got me thinking. dancinbcs.. I had no idea that you could work with different temperaments and activity levels in a breed!! I would love some more info or a point in the right direction to where I can learn more. I have also looked at all of the other breeds that have been mentioned, so thank you for the suggestions I will definitely keep them in my mind, but I think we have all come to the decision of investigating Border Collies from a breeder or a rescue dog. I think that is really where my heart was all along...we love bc's and I guess we got so lucky with maggie as a x breed that I thought I couldn't possibly get that lucky twice so thank you KKDD and westiemum for gently reminding me of the benefits of a foster carers knowledge of the pups/dog in their care. I'm off to do some research and check out those links now...I will definitely keep you all posted to which doggie joins our family (Before I go I thought I might show off a pic of our girl Maggie..hope it is ok in this section)!
  2. Feistylady...we are after a dog that would like to spend time outside with Maggie, and the lady I spoke to said they were more suited as a predominately inside dog. Thanks sparkycat...I'll come and have a look. D&R... They are very hard to resist...I was thinking of not quite as active friend for Maggie...but my husband is starting to bring me around so you never know
  3. Thank you so much for your quick replies I'd never thought of listing what we can offer - I guess the main thing is a very large, fully enclosed suburban back yard with 5ft high fences, and somebody at home most of the as i'm not working at the moment, and of course lots of love and care! The only thing we have definately crossed off is very high maintenance grooming. We have also looked at rescue pups/dogs in our area, but are torn between making that unknown decision with another x breed and a more informed choice with a pure breed. FeistyLady, I have spoken recently to a Cav breeder who didn't think a Cav would work for our situation....unfortunately.....as they are very lovely and do seem to have the temperament that we are looking for...goodluck with your search I think just in getting my thoughts and feelings out there.....I'm nervous of making the wrong choice for us and our newest family member.
  4. Hello I am a very new member of this forum, I find myself coming back to this site over and over for all of the awesome information it has. The way I stumbled across this site was in the search for information on buying a new puppy for our family. We have been looking for around 8mths now and have been really hesitant to rush in and just buy the first pup/dog that stole our hearts (and there has been many)!! I'm hoping that someone may be able to help us in finding a breed that may suit our family. We have 3 kids aged 7-15yrs and a very lovely 5 yr old Border collie x Maggie. Maggie was very much an impulse buy, and although she has turned out beautifully, I would much prefer to make a more informed descion this time. We are looking for a small to medium sized breed as a family member and companion to Maggie, and very open to reading about any breeds or stories that might help us in our search. A very big thanks in advance
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