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Everything posted by Lisey

  1. I've had a look in the pinned accommodation thread but couldn't really find what I'm looking for. Hoping someone can recommend dog friendly accommodation for a few nights holiday in July/August. Am happy to travel up to 4 hours from Brisbane. I've done lots of beach holidays before so am looking for a different experience. I would love somewhere 'country' or hinterland that is secluded with bushwalks nearby that the dogs can come on, possibly with a stream or dam. It must have a log fire and be cosy :) Dogs must be allowed inside also. I've looked around northern NSW and Stanthorpe area so far. Thanks!
  2. I have an appointment for Booker on Saturday morning at Fernvale - going to be a long drive :) I tried Nelson at the Canine Therapy Centre but they only did Mon - Thurs in business hours which makes it very hard when you work full time
  3. I would be interested to know what kennel that is?
  4. I had this same situation last year :) I already had a pre-booked holiday in September (for 3 weeks) and I picked Booker up the start of July. He was already 4 months old when I got him. However I had already discussed it with his breeder and told her I had a holiday and would it be ok for him to stay with her for the 3 weeks. She was happy to do this - I have had another dog from her previously though so we already knew each other. My older dog Eva (4 years old) stayed at my house still with my mum looking after her (which is what I previously arranged) but I thought a puppy as well would be too much to ask of mum. His training hasn't suffered - if anything it's good for him when he stays with his breeder :)
  5. Thanks everyone. Will try and book in to one of them :)
  6. My insane dog today jumped off the balcony at home - gave me a heart-attack! Rushed him to the vet to get checked over and he has been given the all clear which is awesome news, but I can't understand how he walked away from that with no injury. I think I should take him to a chiro or similar though as he is probably all out of whack now from the impact - does anyone have any suggestions for doggy chiro's in Brisbane? I aged 10 years today . I am just so glad he is ok. I hope he has learnt a lesson, it certainly gave him (and me) a fright. I know I've learnt a lesson
  7. That's a shame Rainy.... It's all up to his breeder which ones he goes to, I know she has been to Newcastle in the past though so we may be there :)
  8. I use this company and haven't had a problem.... I get Eagle Pack for my guys.
  9. Great attitude and committment. Well done! Thanks Tralee :)
  10. I'm looking forward to the next - he will be going to the Qld Stafford show in August - so I've got a a few months to do some more practice with him. I think also a lot will come with maturity, I sometimes forget that he is not quite 1! I had a really great time, don't know if I could do it myself though, I would be so nervous, so many good handlers that know exactly what they are doing. Too intimidating!! I'm happy just helping get all her dogs ready before they go out & giving them cuddles when they are done :)
  11. My whippets have Wolf's Den coats. Can recommend them - warm & hardwearing. Plus, with the zip on the back, my girl can't undress herself just because she feels like it. Booker appreciated his on the weekend when he was camping in Canberra for his first show. Wolf's Den had a stall set up there with lots of pre-made jumpers in different styles and sizes. His was only $28.
  12. I just bought a new coat for Booker from The Wolf's Den. Lots of different patterns to choose from :) Bookie got the monsters pattern :D
  13. I've got a couple of kilo's of Eagle Pack Puppy kibble left over - I've switched Booker over to adult kibble now but don't want to throw the remaining puppy kibble out. It's not in the bag anymore but has been kept in a big container (which you can have too :) ). It can be picked up or if your not too far away am happy to drop off.
  14. I am very proud of Book - he did really well for his first show :D He was only a litte naughty - definitly not as bad as I thought he might be. He was entered in the Puppy Dog class - he came 4th out of 5 dogs on Saturday and 3rd out of 3 dogs on Sunday :laugh: I think with a bit more practice and focus he will do well. I had a great time - met some very cute doggies and got lots of cuddles with my breeder's girls which she was also showing down there.
  15. And I'm here :) So good to see Book again.
  16. So glad I've booked a hotel and am not camping!! I'm a Queenslander, anything under 20 is cold :laugh:
  17. Just dropped Booker off at his breeders - they are heading off EARLY tomorrow. I miss him already!! Hope he behaves himself :) He was very excited to be back there and didn't seem to mind when I left! Too busy sniffing everyone else's crates, blankets, etc.... :laugh: Getting very excited now!
  18. Both my Staffords get Sardines in oil. They love it. One of them also has to 'wipe' her mouth after, usually on the lounge or your leg :)
  19. Thanks Sandra. I'll look into it when he is a bit older, he will be 1 this month. Hope your doing ok....
  20. I would be interested in getting Book into this when he is old enough. What age is it safe for them to start? Where in Qld? :)
  21. RIP Herbert..... Sorry for your loss
  22. Yeah I know.... Just sucks when you think you made progress and then go backwards. Going to do a lot more work with him over the long weekend as no official training on - I've just bought a long lead for him so we can do lots of recall training too in different environments. I really enjoy training with him most of the time, he is a smart dog. He just seems to switch off when we are waiting our turn or not moving.... Hopefully he behaves for his breeder in 2 weeks!! He is going to his first show. I'm sure she will bring him into line, she has had plenty more experience with Staffords than me :)
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