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Everything posted by Lisey

  1. Oh wow. OK. Thank you for the information.
  2. Who do I report it to? Local council where the dog was found - council of where it is now living? I don't know the exact details and if money was exchanged, etc. But the 'rescue' posted the original picture/story and from there it was organised through the facebook comments to firstly go to foster care - then it was advised that he is in his new forever home by one of the people commenting. Not sure if any of the rescue's carers even met the dog.
  3. I don't know - I'm really not up with the in's and out's of rescue - but it just seems totally wrong to me....
  4. Is there anything I can do? I'm sure they will just delete my comments and block me...
  5. It makes me feel sick. Noone knows the situation and how the dog got loose. Now they have no chance of finding their dog.
  6. There is a rescue group in Qld that I follow on facebook. I don't know why as I already haven't had a good experience with them... They have recently posted a photo of a dog that was found - with a collar on but apparently no tags. They didn't want to take it to the pound in case it was PTS. When they were talking about foster carers I commented and asked if it had been microchiped as no mention of that so far. They wrote back and said no microchip..... I was already annoyed as they were going to put it in foster care - if I was this dogs owner how am I meant to find it if it's in someone's backyard?? One of the first places I would look would be all local pounds. The microchip could have moved.... I've just checked the latest today and it has been re-homed! Given to a person who doesn't live in the area. What right do they have to do this? 24 hours they had this dog for and have 'forever homed' it. Surely this can't be legal?
  7. Another brag tonight!! :D After just 1 night in class 2 we have been moved up to class 3!! He has really turned a corner, while he is not perfect he is so much better then when I started this thread. During the class tonight he was doing really good and I was looking around thinking we don't really belong in this class but it will probably be a few weeks before we get to move, but then instructor came over at the end and said we did really well and to move up next week :D So proud!
  8. I've no input for the bag but just wanted to say congratulations on moving up a level! It's very exciting :) Well done Zig
  9. They had such a good time. Am going to have to find some more places to take them around brisbane now. I enjoyed it too!
  10. They certainly do :) There are very tired tonight. Bit of peace & quiet!
  11. We took the dogs for a walk up Mt Cootha today for something different. They loved it:
  12. Thanks Zug Zug. Will do. Have started with his auto sits as he's pretty good at that now :)
  13. Great photos :) looks like they had a good time. My guys think the dirtier the better :)
  14. I've recently switched to the ham lunch roll from woolies for his treats. He loves it. I don't think that's the only reason though :) we have been doing a lot of work also. Plus he is still growing up.... My next goal is to reduce the amount of treats he gets for training, both instructors at the 2 different places we go have said I give him to much! :) He has to do what I ask the first time.
  15. He is a SBT :) I've got Bruno's page on my fb - he is so good looking! Love seeing all the photos you post. He seems like a well behaved young man :)
  16. I'm here to brag tonight :D So proud of Booker. He was promoted to Class 2 in obedience starting next week!!! Yay! He has really settled down over the last couple of weeks. I think by going twice a week has helped too. Plus it's his birthday today - 1 year old! Yay for Bookie!!
  17. That's a shame you can't get a hold of her. I'm really happy with Booker's jumper. I bought a pre-made one from her though when she had her stall set up at a recent show so was a bit quicker :)
  18. Book had his appointment this morning, was a nice drive out :) He fixed something near his back end and thinks Book should be all good!
  19. Thanks guys :) Was Tailwagger's busy when you went though BC Crazy?
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