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Everything posted by Lisey

  1. Can I assume you have Staffords going by your name? :) There is not enough of them at any of the training places I attend - would love to see what a stafford competing in agility can do! That's my goal for Booker one day. Sorry to go off topic OP.
  2. Have to wear one... What happens if he doesn't need one - or works better on a martingale or flat ? Are you just not allowed anything but a check chain?
  3. I know this thread is a bit old now but just wanted to share how proud I am of Booker. We had obedience class tonight and for the first time ever with lots of other dogs in the class he was heeling, sitting, dropping, turning, etc. without a lead on. Only for about 3 mins at the end of the lesson but I am so proud of him - he didn't take his eyes off me :D I am so happy with him
  4. Oh that's a shame! I think they are great at Durack! :D
  5. I've recently started agility with Booker on Thursday nights at Durack - it's through the Qld Agility & Jumping Dog Club - I just finished saying in the agility thread how much I love it there! I think new intakes are on the first Thursday of each month - just send then an email :) I also train obedience at Metro on Monday nights and enjoy it there too. On their website I'm pretty sure it states when the next intake is on. I'm pretty sure you could be assessed also and not have to go straight into class 1 if he is more advanced. Might be a bit far for you to go though.
  6. Booker has been doing well at training - last week he finally went on the Dog Walk on his own without me offering a treat each step - very bloody fast though - I could hardly keep up! We are both really enjoying it - and the club we train at is really good and the instructor is lovely :)
  7. I just don't want to look like a total noob :) Very excited though!
  8. I got mine :) Now I'm nervous though! I hope Booker behaves himself & I don't look like an idiot!!
  9. Oh wow - so much I can be doing that I would not have thought of myself. Thanks all.
  10. Ok so I'm still learning - is that how they get on, walk along it and then go all the way to the end and not jump off ? :) Practicing on and off properly without the height?
  11. There is nothing I can really do at home to practice the dog walk with him is there? I'm excited to go again! Wish it was Thursday already :D
  12. Yes it was slow :) one foot forward - treat - another foot forward - treat lol. He didn't need dinner tonight. Quick to run down it though!
  13. Well Book and I started agility tonight and had a great time :D He is very sleepy tonight. He loved the flex tunnel for some reason - was really keen to run through it - not as keen on the plank (don't know correct name for it), was a bit sooky with that one :) Am looking forward to next week!
  14. Thanks Huski. Do you get to travel up also?
  15. Can't wait til Brisbane! This is just what Booker and I need!!
  16. Oh wow - I didn't know this either - I order their food each time from here. Will do this next time.
  17. Haha yes- poop patrol at this house can be interesting :)
  18. Booker and I are going to be starting agility soon! We are going to be joining the Qld Agility & Jumping Dog Club :) Looking forward to it. Any tips for getting started? Things I can be doing with him at home?
  19. I have started going there also on a Saturday morning too at Carseldine :) They are very friendly.
  20. Good choice Lisey :) I occasionally foster for them and do all their photography and I highly recommend them as a group to get involved with :D I follow a few rescue groups on facebook and Fetching Dogs are my favourite. Nothing is ever put up just to get an emotive irrational response from followers . I love how they've recently changed from listing dogs as 'insert breed x' unless it's actually known what they are. It just makes sense. And chances are I will be moving to Sydney next year(ish) so I will definitely be getting in contact with them then.
  21. Metro Dog Club at Chermside on a Monday night is good - I'm always there with my SBT.
  22. I would love to help out/foster with Fetching Dogs and if I do end up in Sydney I certainly will be putting my hand up. They seem to be level headed and sensible from what I have seen by following them on facebook. They don't ever post crap and it all seems to be about the dogs.
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