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Everything posted by Merrirose

  1. Beautiful SV! Love the 2 chocolate surprises. RIP the little one that didnt make it, was it the first one?
  2. I have a Cherry Pie which is shortened to Cherry... She came with the name and I love it!
  3. OK found it... What is the Limited Register? Dogs on the Limited Register are considered by their breeder to not be quite up to the standard that is required for showing or breeding. Quite often dogs sold as ‘pets’ will be registered on the Limited Register. It is possible to upgrade a dog from the Limited Register to the Main Register with the breeder's consent (by way of signature) for a nominal cost as long as the application is made before the dog turns 3 years of age. http://www.dogsnsw.org.au/resources/faqs.html?start=13
  4. Hey BB, comment was in reply to Pretty Miss Emma who asked "And pertaining to part b, can you get a desexed limit register dog to be put on main if it were for the purposes of showing in the neuter class (obviously with breeder agreement etc)?" So sorry to hear of your girls passing. :D Cheers.
  5. Love the look of rotties/dobes cropped. Just look bizzare to me with a tail.
  6. The dogs must be on main register and then you need to submit their desexing certificate to get them put on the Neuter register. To get a dog transferred from limited to main, you just need the breeder to assess the dog and then complete the relevant form if they agree the dog meets the standard. If already desexed, you would have to get it transferred from limited to main and then resubmit the paperwork to get it transferred to neuter. Thankyou for a fantastic plain english answer!!! (maybe you should write the guidelines so newbies like me understand everything without getting stressed!!) It is my understanding that a dog over the age of 3 (i think) can not be upgraded to main register from limit. Ever. I encountered this problem a few years ago. Hopefully there has been a rule change???
  7. IMO you want the dog to feel some small amount of pain so they understand that they are hurt and to take it a bit easier though not so much pain that they are stressing about it.
  8. I rang about going tonight for the first time though because of Syd Royal it isn't on now till after the 1st of next month.
  9. Glad to see you have teats too, I was a little worried.
  10. Oh wow LOTG. Love the markings on both!
  11. Woohoo! Congrats LOTG & BM! Very happy to see that she delivered ok LOTG
  12. At what gestation are you all getting mild teat development. We are at day 52 and Ella has mild soft swelling on her back 2 teats. No milk... almost like a "soft 6 pack".
  13. Oh so sorry to hear that Cazzie ;( CB hope your girl is better soon. Good luck to all those who are in first stage!
  14. They are sooooooo cute! What a good mum too by the looks!
  15. Just wondering if there are any showies out there that just use their horse float to go to dog shows? Im not sure I need both and since I have a really nice float maybe I should just work out how to secure travel crates in my float?
  16. OK Im going to start training this week for the Syd trial in August. Eeeek! Dumb question but how do you know how far you ride? Can I get an I phone app to help me lol?
  17. I got them because it's my first litter and I'm a bit nervous, but as an added bonus I now have these awesome images: HOLY CRAP THEY ARE HUGE! Is that the normal size of a puppy??? (New breeder here too)
  18. I agree with Poodlefan, Intelligence & Trainability are 2 completely different things. I do agree however that BC's are incredibly intelligent & very trainable.
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