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Everything posted by Merrirose

  1. Thanks Lynai! Here are pics of my baby Luna @ 6 weeks.
  2. Just though Id add some updated pics. We are now 4 weeks.
  3. I allow mum to come and go as she pleases (except i request she feed them after solids for the first week). Mine started wanting to spend a time away from when they started getting canines at about 2.5 weeks. The babies now go outside in a pen all day on sunny days and she hops in and out as she pleases.
  4. Hi Josuki! How are those beautiful babies going? I am no expert by any means though I wait until mum wants to start spending some time away from the litter at about 2.5 - 3 weeks. I start with one feed a day and I use a "pink slushie" so red beef mince from the butcher & I add divetalac (*spelling) or a puppy milk or goats milk and squelch it though my hands until it is literally a pink slushie and very runny with no real bits in it at all. Once they are lapping this up I start adding a puppy kibble (I use Innova). I put the kibble in a blender dry until it is a powder and add this to the pink slushie. If you leave it soak for about 15 minutes it will soak up alot of the milk then add more. Once the puppies are really getting into it (about 3-4 days from introducing solids) I up it to 2 meals a day and then 2-3 days after that I up it to 3 meals a day. Once you can feel the puppies have their back teeth really well through I stop blending the kibble and just soaking it and serving it wet. I also switch the mince out for Natures Gift Puppy tin food over a week or so. This is where I am up to now. Over the next 2 weeks once their mouths are full of teeth I will start serving the Kibble half soaked (week 5 maybe) and then totally dry (week 6). I probably take mine a little too slow though after seeing a puppy choke to death on food when I was a teenager I am super paranoid. I will also start giving them supervised chicken necks this week (4th week) and see how they go. I also make sure I get mum to come and nurse them after ever feed for the first week or so just to make sure it is all washed down ok. Good luck!!
  5. :laugh: To the OP: Shame you were in a situation you were not comfortable with.
  6. Ill vote for a Whippet! As adults mine are happy to sleep on the lounge 23.5 hours a day though are also just as happy to be out and active. They also have a perfect short odour less coat. Happy to rumble. Very loyal. Can run rings around all other dogs at the dog park too ;-)
  7. I wont use any chemical (unless urgent and on vets advice) on my bitch at all from mating to whelping.
  8. I just find it bizarre that things went so wrong and the breeder didn't even call the vet just to see if further action was warranted or at least go in today for a check up (Apologies now if she did). What if the black & stillborn pups were caused by infection which is putting the dam & other pups at risk. With infection every hour counts.
  9. Wow. I would have called the vet at the first dead black puppy be it at 1 am in the morning or not. IMO the second we choose to breed an animal thats where natural stops. It is our responsibility to interfere wherever needed and as soon as required once we have put our bitch in that position.
  10. Thank you! Black & whites are special!! It says you can use it though was hoping to find people that have tried it with no issue. :-) I got some individual pics....
  11. 8 days today. Has anyone safely used advantage on a nursing bitch? I noticed a flea on a puppy Such total time wasters!!
  12. Awwwwww they are beautiful. Mum looks like she has had a big night on the town though :laugh:
  13. Thank you. Im toooo chicken to do them myself. Have just found a vet that will do them for me. THANK YOU!!
  14. Can anyone recommend where to go in Western Sydney for dew claw removal on baby puppies?
  15. Good luck getting what you want. Very interesting how fawns change.
  16. Yay!!!!!! Glad all is well and hope you got what you wanted!! Photos? What colour is a sable born?
  17. Lynai are your babies fawn? Just researching fawns at the moment as I have a possible fawn brindle though the fawn base is all peppered with black hair like yours. Hope they are all doing well.
  18. Doing it rough on 24 hour surveillance
  19. We have whelped! 4 girls & 3 boys. The first was a big breech boy who was delivered in the back seat of the car 10 minutes from the vet. I decided to keep going to the vet and she whelped the rest easily. THANK GOODNESS!!! Count below and individual photos to follow. 2x Black Parti bitch 1x Black bitch with white trim 1x Brindle bitch with white trim 1x Brindle dog with white trim 1x Black dog with white trim 1x Brindle parti So very happy all was well this time.
  20. Any day now for me... Last litter she went 62 days from first mating which is tomorrow.
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