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Everything posted by **Super_Dogs**

  1. I love it I am just starting this journey. My puppy is now 5 months old. She is my first puppy since I entered the world of agility. My dog previous I trained in obedience for 12 months and then switched to agility. The way I am training my puppy is VERY different to how I have trained my previous dogs and I am getting so much more from her. She offers behaviours and quickly works out what I want. I am excited about continuing my training with her!!
  2. Proofing in when the dog can complete the instruction with variations, in different environments and with distraction. Like Ruthless said, one of these distractions is other dogs. Other distraction include squeaky toys, food, banging ect. The variation is you standing in different places, being at distance, moving ect. Enviroment is just doing it in different places. It is important you do not start proofing though until your dog know exactly what you are asking. This is the Train part of the pinciple.
  3. Being that you did not state the deposit was non refundable IMO you need to refund. When people go on my waiting list I advice them I will require a deposit when the puppy is born and that it is not refundable. I also state on the deposit receipt no refunds if you change your mind. I like taking a deposit as it required a commitment from the buyer - especially knowing no refunds. However in your case, family problems, I would refund.
  4. Callicoma Kelpies & Pet Supplies can beat Priceless Pets by a long shot http://www.callicoma.com.au/ I also buy my collars/leads from Callicoma.
  5. I would say at 15 weeks, there is a good chance your pup does not really understand he is not allowed in the garden. As you mentioned, pups will often think it is a game. Be careful as this will reinforce the behaviour you do not want. I have also had this problem recently - so I had to change what I was doing!! To help with you answer about consequences, this can be as simple as what you are already doing to stop jumping - the consequence is being ignored. Another example is if they bite the consequence is you stop play.
  6. I use to buy from Vet Products Direct, but their prices kept going up. Now I buy from Aussie Pet Products. They are Brisbane based, and if I order by 2pm, I will have the order the next day.
  7. This is so hard!! I think you want a puppy that is people focused. You may say all labs are people focused, but some are more than others. My recent litter, of labs, it was always the same pups that would come to me first and would 'hang around' me. Others where more focused on their litter mates and would say hello, but in their own time. The breeder will be able to help you with this. The food driven shouldn't be an issue. My female lab, who had this litter recently, is excellent in obedience and agility (we focus on agility) and as a pup she was rather timid - I had to socialise her alot with people to build her condifence. IMO it is because of this she is so focused on me. I have kept a puppy this litter, a very confident puppy - very different to what her mum was like, but she is proving to be great also.
  8. My last litter, 8 labs, I started introducing food about 3.5 weeks, just one meal and day, then a second meal and by 5 weeks they were on 3 meals a day. The food was a combination of Biolac (I wanted to use it up) wet food and dry food. I used a wizz/blender to make it into a slop. Over time I slowly decreased the Biolac and wet food so when the puppies left me they were eating soacked dry. Hope this help :D
  9. Yes it does. Budget is up to 10K a year, whereas the next plan "Standard" is 15K. The standard includes extra's such as Death from injury refund, theft and straying refund and holiday cancellation refund which are things that are not of interest to me. FYI - Medibank Silver plan is up to $12K.
  10. I did the online quote yesterday with Petplan. For a lab it is $36 a month on the budget plan with a $250 excess. This is the same amount for medibank on the silver with a $200 excess.
  11. That is a fantastic point. It is not for everyone. I think you need to be a reasonable calm person that does not stress easily. My first litter I was very calm however this was not the case for my OH. Whenever I walked away he kept saying "the puppy is coming" "the puppy is coming" - when it was not!!!! When the puppy actually did come he could not watch as he thought it was disgusting.
  12. My female labs is also a great watch dog. She had a big bark and most people look twice as you would not expect it from her. My male lab is useless ;) He very rarely barks at all. My female Rotty is an excellent watch dog. I can tell my the her bark if if is someone on the street or someone actually walking to the house. Lucky she makes most people think twice before entering our yard because as soon as you come in the gate her barking changes to a "pat me" bark
  13. Frank is gorgeous I love to hear from my puppy owners. In fact I email them to ask how the puppy is going and for pictures. There was recently a thread about the age between puppies. This was about a specific breed, but it still has some good general info. Link
  14. It's great to hear that the owner is being responsible and trying to help out by taking his dog indoors when he can. Unfortunately if a dog in your care escapes your yard and enters your neighbours yard it would be your responsibility not his as it is your legal responsibility to keep dogs in your care or ownership contained in your own yard. Although I presume he would have to take you to court for damages regarding his bitch being impregnated as council could not do anything about that IMO it is the owner of the bitch on heat who is responsible for keeping her in a secure place where dogs cannot get to her. Myabe this is not legally correct - but it is the owner of the bitch that will have the problem!!
  15. I always have the best intentions.......but each year I seem to forget However Christmas is different. Each of my dogs has a stocking and santa leaves them a few wrapped presents.
  16. That seems cheap! It is only about $35 a month. How many dogs? It seems the policies have gone up alot recently - like everything I suppose.
  17. Hey Olivebaby, If I remember correctly you have a lab - as do I and we are on the 'middle' cover and pay $49 a month - which equates to $22.61 a fortnight - so my thought process would be that I'd be willing to pay the extra $6 a fortnigh (let's be honest - that's 1 beer in a pub - or a coffee) and not have to pay say $2,000 on a $10,000 vet bill. I wouldn't miss the $6 a fortnight - but I know I'd miss the $2,000. I am just looking at the budget plan - I think this is sufficient. I just did an online quote for a lab, as my puppy is also a lab, and for the budget plan with a $250 excess it is $36 something. That is in Qld, not sure how much $$ the state makes. Medibank have 10% dicount if you are a member, which is great, but not worth loosing 20% when you have a claim!!!!
  18. I looked at changing all of mine, but it is still cheaper to keep my 3 with Medibank getting the 100% and have my new puppy on Petplan. Also, Petplan wont cover my 8 year old Rotty.
  19. I noticed the 80% cover on the website when I looked recently. Yesterday I called to add my puppy to my policy. The guy told be the policy has now changed and will only cover 80%. I asked if my current policies for 100% have changed and he said no - the 80% is only for new policies. I am not sure when this changed - - I think it was in April - as when I looked earlier this year in March it was still 100%. dandybrush - you are still covered for 100%. But if you add another pet, they will be only covered for 80%. I remember when I checked earlier this year Petpan was more expensive. However yesterday I did the online quote and they were the same - see my earlier post - you just have to change the excess option on Petplan. The only difference if if you have pets in different plans you don't get the multipet discount, so it does make PetPlan a few dollars more expensive. Olivebaby - Medibank does not pay the bill up front. You pay and then get then Medibank pay you. My understanding is this is how they all work. So you still need fund available on a credit card! Difference being when you get 100% refund you only have to pay the excess. I have a $200 excess with Medibank and will choose the $250 excess with petplan, as I can afford to pay the first few hundred. You will have to check you policy to see if you are 80% or 100%. I am keeping my current 3 dogs with Medibank, for the 100% cover, but I am going to put my new puppy on PetPlan. I looked at Pet Insurance Aus (PIA)and Bow Wow Meow and they like Medibank have also changed to 80% (my guess is they are all the same underwritten by the same company).
  20. Does PetPlan pay back 100% of the vet bill, minus the excess? Alot of the other plans have changed to 80% (I started another thread about this) and I am thinking of moving my new dog to PetPlan if it is 100% cover.
  21. I think you are right. To compare: PetPlan budget plan, which is up to 10K a year with a $250 excess is the same price as the Silver plan from Medibank with a $200 excess up to 12K a year, but medibank is only 80% cover. One of the benefits of Medibank for me is I get a multipet and member discount so it does make it $5 cheaper than petplan. However I think the 100% cover from PetPlan is worth the extra $$ so I am thinking I might keep my existing plan with medibank where I have 100% cover and change my new dog to Petplan so I can also get 100% cover.
  22. I have just added another pet to my Medibank Pet Insurance policy and have some information to share with exisiting policy holders. There was a change to their policy earlier this year (I think the 15th April as this is when the current product disclosure statement is dated). New policies are only 80% cover on vet bills. I have checked out all the other insurers and they are all also 80%. The good news is the existing policies do not change - you are still covered for 100% of vet bills (minus excess). :D So if where thinking about changing insurances maybe think twice!
  23. I wouldn't say the chewing gets worse when the adult teeth come in (thought each puppy is different) - it is just that they do more damage!!
  24. My lab puppy is 5 months old tomorrow. The only adult teeth she has are her front 4 top and bottom. Others beside this are starting to come through. It was only a few weeks ago I noticed them starting to come through. I have been dreading the adult teeth as this is when the destruction starts!
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