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Everything posted by fido666

  1. Hi KitKat, Black Dog do wholesale orders to trainers, have you approached them about a bulk order? My training school gets them that way. Just a suggestion Cheers, Corine
  2. Hi Chezzyr, I use Heartguard as you know and have seen no hint of a reaction. As a bub he got ProHeart which the vet gave me for free (he was going to do the yearly ProHeart injection at 6 months so they were a "fill in" till he was old enough). He did not end up having the injection as the 6 momthly one was recalled in the US and I just didn't trust it. He gets Frontline Plus for fleas and Canex for worming. I contacted the scientist who was doing the sensitivity testing but the study here has ended. You can get the test done but bloods have to be sent to US and it will cost $$$. Cheers, Corine
  3. Congrats to Elvis Don't let him get too hyper now! cheers, Corine
  4. My boy will sometimes swat at an outstretched leg, I know this is a sign he is about to try it on. I just give him a quick "Arrhh" (growly sound which I can't spell) and he knows to back off. He seems to try it with OH instead of me, not because he is "gender confused", more lilely because I am stricter with my discipline. cheers, Corine
  5. I think JDB was referring to his private parts not his stomach contents It's not funny I know but I'm not sure of the answer. Desexing does not necessarily remove the urges though. Cheers, Corine
  6. Hugs for you Colleen We lost our 14 yo last year through heart failure and I have not forgotten her. I hope the "teenager" is bought to justice for his senseless act. regards, Corine
  7. fido666


    RIP little Cricket ! :hug:s to you Melree. You gave a poor unwanted pony a home and love, take courage in that. Regards, Corine Edited for spelling
  8. Hi Poppii, Lots of breeders use the Supercoat Puppy. My boy still enjoys his brekky of supercoat, puppy milk, and bread. It's the one meal he wolfs down every time Of the supermarket brands it's one of the better ones. cheers, Corine
  9. At the club I attended we paid an annual membership and an additional fee for each dog we brought along. There was no fee for each class, you could come as often as you liked. I am not defending the lady in question, merely trying to figure out her reasoning. Like I have siad before, it is not acceptable behaviour regardless of her position in the club. Not all club volunteers are like this. cheers, Corine
  10. Hi Chezzyr, My Collie bangs the door to go out and bangs it again to be let back in. He learnt this "signal" at 10 weeks old . He is happy if I leave the back door open while he's out there, bangs on it as soon as I close it. I don't have a back verandah so he likes to lie in the doorway surveying his domain. He too likes to know where we are, he is a very personable dog. Once inside he will lie quietly and play with his toys. Rosie has discovered a new environment, it is normal for her to want to explore it. If you want to restrict her access to certain rooms close the door or use a baby gate (metal is best, she may eat a wooden one). Remember she has come from a kennel environment with not much freedom, this must be all very strange to her. cheers, Corine
  11. Hi Kavik, It was only the one exercise he had problems with, he was not generally dog aggressive. I could never work out what caused the behaviour as I whelped him and reared him from day 1. He was not very well socialised as a baby because he had no motherly antibodies to protect him, I had to wait till he was fully immunised. I no longer attend that club, have not for many years, perhaps they have changed their protocols. Mersonmalinois, Most obediance clubs are run by volunteers which include the people on the Committee (the office bearers). I agree with you on that one, I guess her reasoning is she has paid her membership and given up her time to help run the club so should be entitled to train there as well. I'm not condoning her stance, just understanding where it is coming from. The world ain't perfect sadly . cheers, Corine
  12. Hi Dogdayz, I once had a hand-reared pup who developed fear agression. At the time the club I was with seemed to fancy dog to dog crossovers at fast pace on lead. One day my dog reacted to another dog running past and lashed out catching the other dog on the ear. I was told by the instructor he could no longer attend class unless he was muzzled. Now I'm not excusing what he did but instead of helping me fix the problem they exiled him. At the time, I was on the committee, no favouritism was shown to me . I would do as others have suggested, put in a "concern" in writing to the committee, that way they can't ignore the issue. Even if your club is an incorporated body they still have a duty of care to ALL members and their dogs. regards, Corine
  13. Hi Chezzyr, Lovely to see a piccie of Rosie She seems a nice happy dog, just give her time to settle in. Ahhh the dreaded Collie disease! All my Collies have ripped up tissues, my last blue merle girl liked car sponges too. Duncan confiscated my moccies, sheep skin is his favourite. He's almost eaten them and now keeps pinching the ones made of the fake stuff Dogdayz, Hmm, shall have to try. Ham and chicken loaf worked for a while but he got too much of it at Puppy Preschool and Basic and got bored with it I think. cheers, Corine Edited for bad typing!
  14. Sorry Nat . I am trying very hard to food motivate my boy, haven't found that "Millon Dollar Food" yet. Toys seem to do the trick but a lttle too well, at least he stays focused . I use the special toy just for training, he also likes to carry it on his walks which is good for training "hold". cheers, Corine
  15. Hi Chezzyr, Check with the breeder in case she has been paper trained. When I got my last Collie at 5 mths old I had a devil of a time toilet training her as she would only pee on paper (and never on the lead). Eventually I had to take the paper outside till she got the hint. Smoothies are no different to roughs temprement wise and I agree with what Nat said about occasional silliness, it's one of the things I love about them . Enjoy your new dog! Nat, It's called "scanning", it usually means your dog is confused about what you want it to do so does everything it has learnt for that yummy treat . Just make sure you use distinct hand signals and commands to convey the action you wish Reilly to perform, oh and remember to "bridge" (use a word or other marker such as a clicker) to mark the correct behaviour at the exact point it occurs. Sorry, if I'm telling you how to suck eggs . Cheers, Corine Edited because OH was rushing me .
  16. Hi Catzatsea, I am glad you like Orthodogs, it's been very informative. My boy had a Cranial Closing Wedge Osteotomy (similar to a TPLO) so I don't know what is normal for Patella surgery. I didn't take a photo of the scar as it was on the inside of his leg and quite small. Ask the question on Orthodogs, there is sure to be someone there who has the answers. Don't fret, it will heal. cheers, Corine
  17. WOW Catzatsea, that's an icky looking rash :D . Was it a reaction to the adhesive on the bandage? The op scar is not too bad, seems so long though. Suggestion for the e-collar, hook up some wires and use him as a sattelite dish . Hope he comes good quick but if you need a shoulder to cry on join Orthodogs on Yahoo, heaps of good advice and support (you can even find some posts from me there). Here's the link, just click on the "Join this group" button when you get there: Orthodogs Group. cheers, Corine
  18. OOOPS ABZ I meant the plant Wandering Dew not the liquid kind . If you don't have the plant or anything obvious I would consult your Vet, The net is wonderful but "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" and caution should be taken with self diagnosis. I hope you work it out though. Cheers, Corine
  19. Hi ABZ, Do you have any wandering jew in your garden? This can cause a severe allergic reaction in dogs (and it's a bugger to kill the stuff). regards, Corine
  20. Hi, I have read on another list that the remaining Collie Tia has been taken off the drip. The vets are going to feed her very small amounts of food to see if she can keep it down. Tia being a house dog got far less of the tinned food then the other 7. This information was posted by the owner of these poor Collies. Fingers crossed that Tia pulls through. regards, Corine
  21. Hi Allerzeit, I am glad you went away from your 1st trial with a positive outlook. I could never understand why people used to get upset with their dogs for fluffing their 1st attempts. Those people should remember it takes 2 to tango. This is what Encouragement is supposed to be all about. It's a bit like Baby Puppy in the show ring, no-one expects "Lassie the wonderdog". :rolleyes: cheers, Corine
  22. fido666


    So sorry Rozzie :fetch: Run free with my Angus young man! :D regards, Corine
  23. Hi Trace, Good luck for tomorrow ! I haven't been in an obediance trial in years but usde to be heavily involved with running them too. Try and relax as your vibes will rub off on Enya. You are allowed to give praise and pat your dog between exercises but no food is allowed to be given (unless things have changed). Arrive early as others have said (you need to check in first, etc). PM me the name of the judge if you know it, I may know them. As others have said, they are not out to get you. REMEMBER TO BREATHE cheers, Corine
  24. Hugs too you today Jacqui. I haven't forgot the 4yo I lost either. regards, Corine
  25. Lynne, I lost my dear old Dana in July last year. She was a shaded sable like your girl I am sure they are running free together at the bridge. Sending hugs and angels your way regards, Corine Edited to add pic.
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