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Everything posted by fido666

  1. I used to get it years ago but wasn't happy about it being left out in the heat. Even left inside an esky I wouldn't risk it. If you are home to take delivery it might be OK. Cheers, Corine
  2. All this talk of Pancreatitis is rather upsetting. I lost my 4yo Collie boy (whom I hand reared from birth) to what was initially diagnosed as Pancreatitis :p . He spent a week on a drip before I was referred to a specialist. The specialist told me it is a very difficult disease to diagnose correctly and he didn't think it was that (based on blood test results, etc). Exploratory surgery revealed he had a ruptured gall bladder and nothing could be done; so he wasn't woken up again Sorry Curlyking I know that doesn't answer your question but I had to share. I guess high fat, high protein diets would be out but skinless Turkey or Chicken would be OK. My current boy has been on Hill's I/D this week due to a bout of Gastro (and yes the dreaded P word was mentioned as a possible problem ). I didn't think he would eat it as it's supposed to be El Blando but he loved it! Interestingly it does have rice in it. After a couple of days on this his stools are again normal and he is happy and playful again. Now he has a ferocious appetite so something must have been right with the I/D. I wouldn't want to have to feed nothing but it though, I'd go broke . Tonight he had some boiled skinless chicken breast and he wolfed that down too. Cheers, Corine
  3. Hi Tollersowned, The ones I did weren't so much hard as time consuming. If you do your research and make use of the discussion groups Delta sets up for each group it helps a lot. You can't really afford to slack off though as the deadlines for submission sneak up on you. Even though I deferred I get credits for the ones I have completed so far and don't have to repeat the 1st intensive, now I just need to decide if I should re-enrol (must do it for this course or start all over again down the track). You also need to think about finding a mentor (does not have to be Delta but should be a positive trainer) to help with observing, assisting, and teaching classes). You could just go out and do it alone but I wouldn't recommend it. I'm not trying to turn anyone off, just telling it like it is. Cheers, Corine
  4. Hi Mel, It's on the website silly . I enrolled real late last year and still got in but yes it is 1st come 1st served. For all those considering doing the course who are also working full time think carefully about whether you will be able to commit the necesarry study and field research time, it's a big investment of time. I had to defer due to work and personal reasons which was a real bummer and I wish I didn't have to do that. I made some friends on the course who I won't catch up with at the next intensive, life sucks sometimes . Cheers, Corine
  5. Hi Jeanne, During the residential segments of the course (1 week at the start and 1 towards the end) Delta provide food and accomodation. The food is great considering how many students they have to feed. Accomodation is in private rooms with just enough room for a crate for your dog. Currently the residential segments are held at Dookie Agricultural College near Shepparton in Vic. Don't expect the Hilton, but it is clean and comfortable and by the time you hit the sack each night you won't care . Showers are central but private, my dorm had plenty. Any dog you bring needs to be over 12 months old, not sure if that affects you. Payments can be made in installments but a discount is given for up front payment, it's not huge though. Registrations open gairly soon, on the 25th August. Cheers, Corine
  6. The Delta course is a Cert IV level course in "Companion Animal Services". The qualification is nationally recognised (accredited by the Australian National Training Authority). It covers a lot more than just dog training, OH&S, First Aid, Business Mangement, coducting classes, etc are just some of the topics covered. It's fairly intensive as there are a number of assignments and class observation/assistance/running module to complete. We were told around 500 hours of study but personally I think that's conservative (you have to factor in travel time to classes, dog shows, animal shelters, etc). It's a great course but not to be undertaken lightly. Visit the Delta Society website for more info (http://www.deltasocietyaustralia.com.au/). When I looked into the NDTF course it was a Cert III level course, perhaps a little less intense but I haven't done that couse so can't be sure. I haven't done or enquired about any of the other courses mentioned in tim_m99's post so can't comment there. Cheers, Corine
  7. fido666


    Fly high with those wings Angel ;) . Please tell Gianni that my friend Kaye (his human mum) misses him very much. Regards, Corine
  8. Hi Tracey, In the bottom of my huge fountain which is why they are big buggers . Cheers, Corine
  9. Hi Tracey, Sorry but does herding Goldfish (big mothers these boys) qualify? Oh I wish I had lots of land and a few sheep sometimes . Cheers, Corine
  10. Hi Kate, I haven't forgotten, hope you got my email. Hugs to the little girl . Hijack 2 - Sorry Chezzy! Cheers, Corine
  11. Hi Kimjim, Duncan says "Hi" too :woof: :woof: . Remember the hairy greyhound who floats? He's doing really well the little monkey! Sorry for the Hijack Chezz! Cheers, Corine
  12. Wow, that's amazing for such a young pup . Cheers, Corine
  13. Hi Chezzy, I have a hydrobath you are welcome to try but I'm going to Brissie on Sunday. I don't have a turbo dryer though, just a really good hairdryer I bought from my haidresser > 10 years ago. I suggested the Doveton place as the prices are reasonable I think. Cheers, Corine
  14. Hi Chezzyr, We used the Hydrobath at the dog physio place in Doveton a few times while we were going there, they had the turbo dryers too (they work by blowing water out of the coat rather than drying it). The cost was about $10 for both for a DIY job. PM me if you want the contact details, I don't have them handy right now. Cheers, Corine
  15. Maggie you were too young to go but the angels must have needed you in Heaven :D Your human mum misses you terribly but will meet you at the bridge one day. I hope you shared some cake with my beloved furkids today, Fuzzy, Bonnie, amd Angus :D. Regards, Corine
  16. Run like the wind at the bridge little Pirate My condolences Trisven and Rossie Regards, Corine
  17. Hi Ellz, I have been meaning to track down one of these myself, I have heard very good things about them. I have the distributor's contacts from my VCA Gazette, PM me if you want them (they are located in East Geelong Vic). Cheers, Corine
  18. fido666


    Poor little Bella, RIP little one . Regards, Corine
  19. Nothing I cab say will ease your pain but my thoughts are with you. RIP Maggie, run free girl. Regards, Corine
  20. Hi InspectorRex, I don't know what else to say ;) . I am sending out prayers for you and Maggie tonight . Having lost a 4yo to a ruptured Gall Bladder some years back I can really feel for you on this . Regards, Corine Edited for spelling only.
  21. I would be interested in a Melbourne one, perhaps they can teach me how to clicker train a non-food oriented dog Cheers, Corine
  22. Hi Chezzy, I have some Natures Gift Tender Cuisine (Lamb & Rice formula) from a showbag I got at Pet Expo. These are small individual sachets of semi-moist chunks which can be fed as is or added to something else. I started using these as training treats and he loves them, would scoff the whole packet if I let him. They don't work too well in the park but as soon as I get home woo hoo! I think they just get bored with one taste after a while, they need variety like us. Cheers, Corine
  23. Hi Chezzy, Don't they all? They will if you let them anyway. If Duncan doesn't eat his evening meal I just put it in the fridge and serve again the next night, if he still doesn't eat it I throw it out and try something else. This is probably the wrong thing to do, I should just keep dishing it up till he eats it. Cheers, Corine
  24. Hi Chezzy, Duncan's been getting Supercoat Puppy in his morning breakfast since we got him. We moisten it with warm puppy milk, he also gets a little bread mixed in with this. Just lately he has been leaving the dry behind and eating the other stuff, he may eat the dry later on if we leave it. He is 12mths old so may be a bit old for this puppy brekky but it seems to be the one meal he will eat with relish, he often rejects his evening meal. I've tried cutting back quantity, etc, it doesn't seem to make a difference. I've bought the adult variety now so will let you know if it changes anything. Cheers, Corine
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