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Everything posted by Inevitablue

  1. Sadly, it is internationally unregulated, but I just had a thought while mulling it over. One tiny scoop of, say Glyde, joint powder contains enough chondroitin amoungst the ground chitin shells (glucosamine), green lipped mussels (farmed) and semolina filler then a joint of beef, lamb etc must provide adequate levels of glucoaminoglycans. Hmmmm so instead of just getting bones for the dogs, but asking the butcher for two leg bones still attached that could be quiet beneficial. Any butchers on DOL??? what happens to the connective tissue? does it get thrown out, or put into sausages ?
  2. I will still get a bag of puppy formula, but when she gets to adult formula I will beg Sherel to change to cow cartilage! The popularity of shark cartilage initally came from the thought that it prevented cancer. As a source of glucoaminoglycans cow cartilage is just as good, if not superior (mammalian derived). Never costed the two, but logically I'd guess the cow product would be cheaper too. It's a selling point of Glyde over the other joint powders. Looking forward to trying the BH puppy. I cant change the world, but as an avid scuba diver I like doing my bit.
  3. hehe... I'd be lost debating this with Colin! but I am surprised (to be honest) that he prefers it over the non barbituates
  4. No laughing allowed, and I'm not posting it in the training section for scrutiny This is Tess at 13 wo. Can you tell I have overdone the 'drops' no where near as tidy as we can do it, but the pressure of being on camera
  5. The hypertension Thio causes compromising the kidneys, the horrible headache many dogs seem to have after it, the whole depression of the cardiocascular system. I do agree that the vet has to be comfortable with whatever they are using, but I still think most dog owners would prefer to pay the little bit more for the extra safety margin. None of us are on DOL using Commodore 64's, times have evolved to a better product, just like anesthesia. Oh..and I was still a littlie when Commodore 64's were in use....
  6. Agree that they are more expensive, but on average it only adds maybe $6 - $10 to the overall bill. None of the following is directed at you S & T just a frustration I have. Seems really ironic that vets show concern about pre GA bloods (and charge the client) but then proceed to induct the GA with Thio. Great in its day, but I shake my head at vets who still use Thio over Propofol and Alfaxan. If vets asked the majority of dog owners would they like half-a-century old technology or the safest technology available for a few extra dollars I know what most would pick. The most common reasons for using Thio is that it's cheap and it keeps the dog down longer (great, body is struggling to metabolise it). Im still at the $440 the OP was quoted
  7. and then charge you the extra few dollars for Alfaxan over Thio. That all seems soooo expensive an extra $440 for pre GA bloods and fluids. How old is your dog?
  8. See they reported that the dog and owner had been confronted with a knife and threatened last week.
  9. Making no excuses but would be interesting to see what a brain autopsy might show up. To attack that many people seems to indicate it was in some kind of frenzy.
  10. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/822864...-four-in-sydney
  11. I believe the breed clubs should be more visible to the general public. I have found it so easy to get in touch with breeders. A decade ago when I wanted a stafford pup I rang the Stafford Breed Club, asked who had puppies coming up for sale and was given several numbers. I had no experience with buying pedigree dogs but to me it seemed like a shortcut to go straight to the breed club. No email, just a couple of phone calls. More of the general public need to be steered towards clubs, that way it makes life easier for the buyer, as in they will only be contacting breeders with available puppies. Plus the breed club can direct general 'will x breed suit me' to a website to answer all those questions.
  12. Damn!! those Samoyds are hard to beat for cuteness ACD's are adorable as puppies (completely impartial I know )
  13. Hopefully our pets dont have an accurate sense time My boy once hid under my bed when he knew I was leaving for work, in protest I think of being turfed outside. I couldnt see him and probably just assumed I had already put him out. He hadnt had his morning pee or poo yet either I came home 10 hours later to open my bedroom door to the most HORRENDOUS smell of trapped, accumulated farts, and one very relived dog. I think he pee'd and poo'd all at once when he finally made it outside. He never hid under the bed ever again!
  14. There are some witty ones around, they always make me laugh somehow. Here are some ones I just found, has anyone else seen funny ones around I took out potentially offensive words
  15. Any excuse to keep talking about my puppy! She is 13 weeks now. So far she has been to herding and to 2 show training classes. Im so proud, she picks up everything so quickly and is just so adaptable and shows no anxiety where ever I take her. She has learnt High 5's, shake hands, drop, sit, speak on command, and the latest is leave. So funny, she cant bear to look at the treat while I say 'leave', so she turns her back to it. Watching the reality of what 'OK' meant was sooooo cute.. (really mum, can I?!) But, right now she is limping along on 3 legs! got home from work to find a little bit of blood on one of her hind leg nails, right near the bed and a tiny nick in the pad. Will get it x ray'd at work tomorrow, it doesnt feel serious, but she is being a princess about it. God forbid mum tries to cushion it with a bandage!!! She was playing with a full size deerhound last night... so damn cute. The deerhound laid down to be at her height and ended up wearing a ACD toupe
  16. Oops! I grabbed the wrong thread . But I read through the other one (all 48 odd pages!) and couldnt find any reference
  17. Im really keen to try BH. Just asking a question here, so other can see the answer if they are interested. Is the chondroitin sourced from shark cartilage? Supplements like Sashas Blend use shark cartilage and the product Glyde uses bovine cartilage, so I'm interested in the source BH uses. The source of the chondroitin is as important to me as buying free range eggs. Thanks
  18. Are you sure that the human version is marketed at Pentosan Polysulfate? The chemical name for Cartrophen is Pentosan Polysulfate (also marketed by Nature vet as Pentosan and by Parnell Labs as Zydax) The oral version is not carried on the sulfur molecule, but a calcium molecule. The problem is that the calcium molecule doesnt easily transverse the stomach wall. Pentosan for arthritis was an Australian discovery, at Royal North Shore Hospital. The trial didnt work as expected but elderly human participants reported that they no longer had joint pain. The use of Pentosan Polysulfate in the animal form has not passed clinical trials in humans due to bleeding issues. Correct me if Im behind the times, but I sales repped for Parnell a few years back, so that gave me a good insight into the history/ story behind PPS. The bright hope for arthritis is in the form of regenerative medicine. Check out the wonderful things this Melbourne based company is doing - www.mesoblast.com Im in the veterinary regenerative medicine field now and it is so exciting, and not just for osteoarthritis.
  19. perth girl I really hope you get a lovely ACD pup, they are so much fun. Just be more proactive!! so you can get one sooner rather than later
  20. I don't believe it is harsh. If the only attempts to contact breeders over the past 8 months has been via email then to me that indicates the OP is not being proactive enough. There are dodgy breeders, there are time wasting buyers I get that, but we are not talking about rare breed. There have been suggestions to contact Connie Redhead in SA, and if you look at her puppy listing on DOL currently she specifically says to call. If the OP wants to make a thread saying 'no wonder people go to BYB's' but had done nothing more than send email enquiries then its an unfair call on breeders. The breeder said to call her in the email response!!! and the OP still hasn't done that.
  21. Im gathering perth girl that you havent actually picked up the phone and rung any breeders...... Why are you so aversive to calling breeders? If you really wanted an ACD, in 8 months of really trying you would have had no problems getting a nice puppy. Also, because of where you live, it might mean you travelling interstate to view parents etc. That is life! Perhaps some people are more suited to the lazy way of buying puppies...
  22. perth girl, in the past 8 months can I ask how many breeders you have contacted by phone and not email? Completely understand that you want to pick your puppy and meet the parents, but because pedigree ACDs are not common in WA then you will have to factor in going interstate to do that. I mentioned before that I cant understand why you didnt just pick up the phone when the breeder said to contact them. Are people elitist because they are not ringing you?? Oh and thumbs up for ACD Rescue... thats where I got my last girl from (and the deafness was fully disclosed and she was on the private listings page) http://www.australiancattledogrescue.com/
  23. I had no dramas with getting my puppy. My initial email explained my experience with the breed, what I wanted the dog for, why I liked her dogs and when would she have a litter available. The reply back was quite short like the one you recieved, but I took it that my email must have been worth a reply! I then rang her as the email suggested and all went smoothly. There are lots of ACD breeders in NSW so you wont have a problem with sourcing a puppy. If you want to see some of the info the breeders want from you, look at these people http://www.tagetarl.com/Application.html I agree with the final statement on that page. My breeder doesnt have another litter planned until Nov/Dec, but she has some puppies currently that she is looking after for someone else. They would be coming up to ~ 6/7 weeks old now. If you email her she will respond, but it will be a simple email like you just received. Her kennel is listed on DOL - Willowpark Kennels. Research the kennels, some are just all about the conformation and not the temperment. There are some that pump out puppies likes there's no tomorrow. Perth Girl, if you were selling something and everyone just wanted to correspond via email it would drive you mad. Pick up the phone and get the answers you want immediately. If I ever breed I will be an absolute Nazi making sure my puppies are going to the right homes, ACD's need the right owners. Good luck, and start puppy proofing your house now! they are mini cyclones but so much fun
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