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Everything posted by Inevitablue

  1. SG congratulations on Ren's win Here are some photos from Tess' first show, she was the youngest dog entered and won Baby Puppy in Show
  2. I had a deaf cattle dog girl. She was really easy to have around and learnt many hand signals. Competed in agility and the deafness was never an issue. All the agility photos I have of her every one she is always maintaining eye contact with me. She ran off lead at the dog park with other dogs with no issues. My other dog had to learn to communicate with more displays rather than vocal. She was always piggy with food and would hassle him for his bone. At first he would have a grumble at her and she would keep approaching. After a few weeks I noticed that he wouldnt bother growling at her but would go straight to a toothy smile instead. I do believe I had it easy though as he minded her a lot. Would nudge her instead of vocalizing, and off lead she had myself and him to get cues from. The best thing I ever did was take her to a quiet area and teach her to constantly 'check in' with me, so when off lead she would check to see where I was often.
  3. Hi guys, How do I go about entering a herding instinct test? Instructor said i could enter her at 6 months old.
  4. Start with a low value treat, even just a bit of their dry food. Put it near them and when they go to take it, just give a little tap on their nose and say 'leave'. As soon as they recoil away from it reward them with a really yummy treat that your holding in your other hand. Keep repeating and making it more difficult. You should only need to do the nose taps a few times, they pick it up quickly.
  5. My friend had 2 lovely reds, one year at Sydney Royal one bitch won the Open Agility and the other, younger bitch won the Open Jumping. They were definite reds, the wheatens I have seen really are the colour of straw. I was told it was a double recessive red gene that gave the colour and hence the weak temperament- could that be correct?
  6. Stupid question but was I meant to get a card or something to start adding up points? Or does that get sent to DogsNSW? Silly me hadn't joined the breed society so I couldn't take the perpetual trophy home I was so happy her breeder came out to see her. She doesn't show herself but I always knew she had nice dogs but most go to pet homes on limited papers as her lines have a reputation for excellent temps. She was so stoked and I have convinced her to start bringing some of her dogs out.
  7. A bit OT but what's the go with Wheaten BCs? Have met a few and they all seem very scatty. Noticed PP selling them for $1200.
  8. Yep, Rossmore Vet Hospital. Very reasonable with their MRI prices. In SW Sydney
  9. Tess won the Baby Puppy in Show at the ACD Specialty. I will upload a photo when I get home She was so naughty before we went in, crocodile rolls on the end of the lead and all but switched on and just sparkled for the judge. I'm a proud mum right now!
  10. Pavesi Blue Gambler with Turella Blue Shylock reserve
  11. Yay, she won baby puppy bitch at the ACD Specialty Squeaker was in my pocket, but didn't come out. Was nice to hear the judge say into his dictaphone that she was very balanced, full of substance and excellent expression. Waiting around for baby puppy in show now.
  12. Makes me wish I had have studied law, far out we need some judges willing to give out decent penalties. I don't care how old they are, haven't the courts learnt anything from the horrors of the Anita Cobby, Janine Balding etc cases.
  13. Ahhh but just what is the percentage of the population that can train a stallion, and maintain and manage one? Not alot, so same applies with dogs. In general the average pet dog owner is going to find a desexed male easier to manage. Also, not being male myself I wonder just how much an undesexed male dog thinks about sex? Poor things.... Sex on the brain and it's 14 years between drinks... If he ever even got a first taste either!
  14. That was really beautiful to watch. Thanks for posting. I can imagine people would freak out seeing the dogs, but Im sure the locals would be used to them. I did cringe a little with the horse rider. God help me if that was one of my TB's! but a distraction is a distraction, including a low flying helicopter that saw me dumped in a heartbeat pony! Is he competitive in the sledding world?
  15. Just a little update, decided on the McLeods Daughters look! Dress moleskins, heeled RM's, and a lovely soft pink pinstripe long sleeved shirt. I feel like a real city slicker with the akubra so I'm still undecided about that. Went with the soft pink shirt as it is a baby puppy bitch class. Ooohhhh so excited!
  16. Luci suggested teaching her a word which she associates with a toy about to be thrown, but that wont be established and proofed before sunday. Its a great idea though and I will be working on it. lol....'reckon I could spray the judges hands with Aerogard prior to mouth examination??? (joking)
  17. Thanks guys. Have been using bait at show training, but she pricks her ears and really stands to attention (muscles flexed in preparation for toy to be thrown) for a squeak. Its a tiny little squeak that I want to use after her individual workout, and if I have enough space around me, maybe when she is stacked. I certainly wont go to town with it because otherwise I will have my own dog bouncing around like a cat on a hot tin roof. It is only a baby puppy class but we need all the help we can get! especially when in the past week she has decided her gums are too sore to show anyone but Luci her teeth
  18. I have pulled the squeaker out of an old toy, can I hold that in my hand and use discretely in the ring?
  19. I should clarify, I meant using wire instead of tape as the conductor, not weaving it through the existing fence
  20. Once he is happily eating dry food too then you might find him more interested in training treats. I always tell mine it's boring salad sandwiches (dry food) for free and anything else of higher value then they have to do a bit of work for, which might only be 'sit' before they got a bone. I always tended to leave the dry food down for an hour each night, but when a piggy dog came into the family she created the 'eat now' routine. The theory is that a pack of carnivores learn to eat when food is caught, or they go hungry. So after you have dragged that killed bag of dry food home then he should be excited and eager to eat when it is offered. Hehe... Imagine a lion cub saying 'pfft, I don't want antelope, go get me zebra or I'm not going to eat!'
  21. Make sure it's low enough so she is still touching the ground when she contacts the wire, so the current earths. When you want to check that it's working, use a long stalk of grass.....absorbs some of the energy I would go with the wire option, so it's more aesthetically appealing and once you see she is well and truly wary of the fence then you can remove the current. Plus wire is cheap and if she is clever then you could do two or three strands for piece of mind. Check out your local produce store for plastic star pickets. http://www.gallagher.com.au/portable-fence...?mktprodid=1108
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