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Everything posted by pn10

  1. Long time lurker first time poster. I've watched this thread and the posts for a while and although the majority are caring, helpful and thought out responses there are a few posts that are just poor form and from people who obviously don't bother to read all posts before unloading both barrels on someone. Try to read the threads before going off on people. The OP made it clear that they specifically asked for hip scores and test results before getting the puppy. Yes they may have been a bit naiive to trust a breeder's word when they stated what the scores were, and believed the breeder's excuses for delays in sending the paperwork through, but apart from that they did all their homework. But don't let the facts get in the way of a good rant. Regarding homework do you think it's fine for a breeder to lie about the hip scores of a dog in order to make a sale? I definitely think that's completely unacceptable. And going forwards with your analogy of "IF YOU HAD BOUGHT A PUPPY FROM ME...." If I bought a puppy from you and you deliberately lied to me about the hip scores of the dam when they were above the breed average then I would be pretty angry. It seems to me that the OP is trying to do what it right for him/her and young family as well as for the puppy, and has come on this forum to try to get some advice from experienced dog lovers to help his/her decision making process. They are not asking others to make the decision for them. If you want to make a bunch of assumptions and have a go at them go ahead. Not very helpful but I hope it makes you feel like a big person to have a go at someone who asks for some advice. Frankly the reason I joined this form was because it seemed to have people who were caring, but I guess there will always be exceptions!
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