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  1. admitted his wife asked Ms Hawkes to leave the dog, which had an assistance dog jacket, outside and said he had not known it was illegal to bar the dog from the premises, look at the confict in rules- this impinges on the person with the working dog in the enjoyment of her rights but no penalty except the negatives of exposure in this forum, to the Restaurant owner, but a driver going down a hill in a car 4Km over speed limit- but without causing any danger or even embarrasment according to the traffic cop can't be given a warning but must be given a on the spot for $200+ Have we as society's members let our rule makers loose sight of what is important on a human level!
  2. Well depends on if you want a poseur dog as a thing to make yourself look better, or are prepared to give him a chance to be "Man's best friend and faithful companion", its not looks but behaviour that counts!
  3. This low life thug is out, was seen going to and from his subsidised housing commision appartment approx 6 days after he was put inside-- one time accordingto hearsay under the influence of something. I suppose the coppers are saying" yeah well its only Trevor Bond and as SA Govt tax collectors we have our quota of trivial traffic tickets to write to bring in $ to support polli trips OS."
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