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Animal Lover

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    Completed cert 3 in companion animal services, looking forward to study cert 4 in veterinary nursing.

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  1. My dog is a Lab mix and she normally a little stressed with the firework, different story when they were next door though, she was incrediably panicy.
  2. The laws very slightly per state I think, Canberra ACT at one stage didn't have restriction, not sure if it changed though, but most flights won't accept Pitty type dogs Importing of Animals to australia Animal import information australia as there was problems with someone Am Staffy in QLD, and they thought it looked Pitty so they put in sheter, and the owner had to pay tones of $$$$ to get the dog out!
  3. Not essential I do not think there is sole shelter/pound for aged dogs Animal Aid Vic does take on old dogs-8yrs+ Keysborough Animal Shelter tries to I'm not sure about others though
  4. Maybe contact Delta Dog trainer behaviour specialist? Delta Society Muzzles for all dogs!
  5. I would go to the vet straight away, my dog seemed fine one evening when she was younger, even though she misjudge a jump earlier that day, 2 says later she couldn't walk on it at all, she injured her crucial ligament and had to have surgery.
  6. I feed my dog a variety of preimum brands including; Eukanuba, Iams, Advance, Proplan, Eagle Pack, and Royal Canin, occassionally Science Diet the store brands I feed her are Yoghurt Plus, Purina One, Supercoat, Julius Gold meat rolls(Occassional Treat) I tried Innove Evo but the amount of protein didn't agree with her and turned her into a an aggressive beast, and she normally as sweet as lamb. She has no allergies. She also get scraps of mixed vegetables, and other left over scraps we have and she has mild arthritis, so she get a 1 1/4 teaspoon of Sasha's blend in her food every morning. Unfortuantly as she had one of back teeth pulled and one of her front canines pulled we cannot give her bones as she just now inhales them, causing her to choke.
  7. I came home after being out, to find a message on the answer machine saying we wanted to drop off our dogs to the pound or something(Hmm I don't own a pound) They think my female lab mix is very big for her mix, I been told she Great Dane, Mastiff(She does have a big wide head), Rottweiler-(She about the size of female rottweiler)
  8. I agree. I would love to know where my pet shop dogs come from - for different reasons. I think the biggest thing this would do is at least make the people breeding the dogs responsible for what they breed. The downside I can see is the prospect of vigilante action against people with less than ideal, but still legal, breeding practices. Yeah great Idea, but I still think Impulse buying will happen, and people won't be put off by the name of the place. I happened to have friend that I know works at the pet store, she really believes her petstore doesn't support puppy farms, however her store has a sign up saying we do not support puppy farms- I seen this sign in other petshop that also I know are puppy farms supporters, However my friends store they have cats, dogs, birds, reptiles etc, so actually very obvious that her store does sell puppy/kittens from puppy farms, obviously the signage is there to betray customers and mislead them.apparently they cannot disclose were they came from due to privacy laws down here.
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