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Everything posted by BonJosie

  1. No, that was an absolute A$$HOLE who treats an animal like a "thing" - every dog has it's own personality, not human - canine - and deserves it's own name. Or maybe he was just a fan of Mad Max...
  2. I think that's it for today's severe storm warning issued by the Bureau of Meteorology, but the Cyclone Bianca warning is still on for tomorrow. It was Pudding's first thundery rain with us, so I took her outside and did some training with her. At first she was a bit tentative of the thunder, but after a minute she was like "Hmmm.... well, you appear to be acting normal, so I'll just go with it". I knew it would be almost as loud inside with our tin roof, and I do not want her turning into a scaredy dog who won't pee outside when it's raining! Got a bit of a soggy doggy now though!
  3. Thanks koala. PS: Hoover's ears! Argh! So cute!
  4. Ah crap, sorry all, didn't see this thread when I started my new one under General Discussion. The thing with my partner and I is we're considering doing it arse backwards. We (well, I) want to get a rescue dog, so I'm thinking it may be a couple of years old (I always feel that puppies are so popular, so I wouldn't mind re-homing an adult dog). So we're wondering when would be an appropriate time to think about bringing an older dog to live with us and our puppy. Or is that just freaking crazy talk?
  5. This thread made me sob, so it is perhaps not surprising that I would probably make the worst vet nurse in the entire world! The idea of having to put all those pound dogs to sleep. Oh my god. It takes a really special person to care enough to be able to go into the profession, yet stoic enough to be able to handle the heartbreak.
  6. Hello My partner and I have a 15 week old beagle puppy (we've had her for seven weeks). It has always been our intention to get her a playmate (a rescue dog, so we're not sure of breed yet), but we're unsure of when would be the right time to introduce a new dog into the family. We want her to have a friend as soon as possible, but of course we will wait however long we need to for her to feel comfortable with a new family member! What does everyone think? Is there a minimum amount of time we should wait, or is it more about her behaviour? Thanks!
  7. It's the power of the beer jacket, RubyStar! Warmest item of clothing I ever owned!
  8. Gorgeous, heart warming photos of gorgeous, heart warming subjects!
  9. Wow, that's a long drive for a vet! I booked Pudding's appointment for her vaccinations today, and the receptionist seemed nice, so I'll give them a go. I want to be really sure we make the right decision about where to get her speyed though, because even though lots of little four legged ladies go through it, that's a pretty big deal.
  10. I lived at home with my parents until about six months ago (late bloomer here!), so have always had dogs around, whereas my OH hasn't had a dog since he was a teenager and he has been DYING for one because he really loves them. We bought a house together with a yard and we finally found ourselves able to get a dog a few months ago. There was pretty much an implicit agreement that it was going to be his dog because 1) It was going to be a beagle. He loves, loves, loves beagles while I have an affinity for big doggies. 2) Because he wanted a beagle pup, it wasn't going to be a rescue dog, and I really want a rescue dog. 3) He's been waiting for a dog for so long. Needless to say, we brought little Pudding home, and she developed an immediate affection for me over him! I felt so bad! In those first few days I was very cuddly, sooky, getting down on the floor with her and all that, so I think that's what did it. She was also raised by women (and had seven sisters), so maybe that made a difference. It's getting better with time, but I maintain that as long as I have to pick up her poos off the back lawn she bloody well should love me more!
  11. Oh gosh, I just got home and am looking at the forum on my phone instead of on my work computer, and now I can see your signatures with all of your dogs! Holy crap, it's a cuteness overload! Lots of big dogs and multi dog families. A symptom (and benefit) of our West Australian love of space maybe?
  12. Haha, I will add some more photos I promise! I need to get a photobucket account so I can host them remotely. Nice to know there's another dog out there called Pudding! They can be embarrassed about their name together! She does have melty, irresistable eyes, but we have to harden ourselves to them lest she end up looking too much like a pudding, as SparkyTansy mentioned! We got her from Sligrachan Beagles in Upper Swan. It's very funny. I have always lived in a family with dogs growing up, but this is my first dog of my own, and it's crazy how much they just make you all soft. I am so filled with empathy and worry and gooey, smoochy love for her. Damn you, puppy!
  13. Whoops! My bad! Here she is (if it works...). Her name is Pudding, and yes, our friends and family are very disappointed in us for giving her such a silly name!
  14. Aw, bless. Doesn't sound like mine is going through a fear stage then, unless she's particularly courageous! I had a look on Amazon and will purchase a couple of those toys. My partner and I did some new training with her last night, and she really seems to enjoy that (I like to think it's for reasons other than food rewards) and picks things up very quickly. I might try doing some "tracking" with her this evening!
  15. Hi all I know you're all deep in conversation about the rather tropical weather we're having, but I thought I would butt in and say hello! I am the proud new mother of a lovely little beagle pup and a forum newbie. I look forward to getting to know you all (and your dogs) a little better over the coming months! Josie
  16. Alfie, I am sorry I have no advice, but I just wanted to wish you the best. This must be such an incredibly frustrating situation for you, and I can only commend you for having the heart to care for this dog where so many other people would have given up. I hope you find the right solution for him.
  17. Thanks guys. I wasn't reading anything in particular, I've just seen quite a lot around about the fear stages. Some of the material makes it sound pretty dramatic so I admit, I could be a little bit paranoid about scarring her for life if I'm not conscious of it! I think you both might be right. That combination of boredom and hot weather. Nekhbet, those toys look amazing! I am a little concerned they would be too advanced for her though? She has a Kong she is entirely uninterested in unless all the food falls out within five seconds! It is funny. I read so much when we were preparing to bring a puppy into our home, about training them to rest at night, to be comfortable on their own, to love their crates, to go to the toilet outside, to sit, stay, drop, stop biting etc. Nowhere did I read about how to teach your puppy to play with you. I guess I should have known (she had only played with other puppies previously), but it seems harder to teach than any of the other stuff!
  18. Hi all I have an 11 week old beagle puppy, who has been with us since eight weeks and she seems a little more anxious and whingey than usual. By whingey and anxious I mean she's whining and trotting around sniffing a lot when she's not hungry, doesn't need to go to the toilet and doesn't seem interested in playing. She is also less engaged in play than she has been (ie she will lose interest very quickly or will forgo biting the toy we are holding in favour of our clothing). I had suspected she may be going through a fear stage and I wonder if this behaviour could be a sign of that (she has also been jumpier than usual, though not excessively fearful)? Thanks all Josie
  19. Hi Lobostar We have just bought a new puppy, and will be taking her to Morley Vetcentre in the next couple of weeks. I will let you know how it goes if you like. Your Pet's Vet in Inglewood was another one we were considering and will try out if we don't get a good vibe from Morley. Anyone got any feedback on the after hours vet in Osborne Park?
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