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Everything posted by MyMia

  1. Wow, thanks for the super quick replies I know i probably overreacting, but i just wanna give her the best life possible. I want to teach her the right things straight off. I will e-mail a few local clubs and see what they say. Its funny cause i was looking at clicker training before i realized she was deaf, cause i love the whole 'positive reinforcement' aspect of it. Im hoping i will find something similar for her instead.
  2. Hello everyone Long time reader, first time posting Not sure where to post this, so mods feel free to move this somewhere else. I have just gotten a puppy who is deaf. She is just a beautiful girl and i love her, but didnt know she was deaf when i got her. So am now a little overwhelmed about what to do. I was hoping that there might be some people on here who have some experience with training deaf puppies? Or know anyone/ or anywhere in SA that i could go and talk to about training? Will most trainers at dog clubs know how to train me to help her? Would she even be accepted to train at dog clubs? She is a mix breed, so i just mean the local clubs that do training, not the pure breed clubs. I hope that people can understand what i wrote, lol. I just have so many questions and am not sure where to go.
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