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Everything posted by cmkelpie

  1. Poor guy sounds like he got such a fright Unfortunately most people will experience this with a dog at some point. I would not be taking him anywhere near an off leash dog park for quite a while. For a dog that is already timid a huge amount of damage can be done! Do you have friends with dogs that are good with him? It would be a good idea for him to be around familiar friendly dogs till he gets some confidence back :D
  2. Where abouts in NSW are you? There is herding training weekends at EP and on Sat morning at Hawkesbury if they have opened their books to new member again. We have been going out to Hawkesbury for the last 5mths or so. Have not tried EP yet though, have been meaning to. Is there a website I can go to for EP regarding the training wkend? Tried to find it thorough the dogs NSW website but no luck. Thanks for your help Training at EP starts again in March. The first Sat of the month is run by ths NSW herding association and you need to be a member. Membership is $25 per year and training is free. all other Sats are run by DogsNSW sporting committee and you need to be a member of DogsNSW and training costs $5. Training times are 9-3 wheather permitting. Sundays are run by the Australian Stockdog zClud and you need to be a member $28 per year plus I think $5 joining fee. Training costs $3 and hours are the same as Sat. There is a Yahoo group for training announcements, trial dates etc for EP http://au.groups.yahoo.com/group/herdingEP/ Thanks for that, I will check it out
  3. Where abouts in NSW are you? There is herding training weekends at EP and on Sat morning at Hawkesbury if they have opened their books to new member again. We have been going out to Hawkesbury for the last 5mths or so. Have not tried EP yet though, have been meaning to. Is there a website I can go to for EP regarding the training wkend? Tried to find it thorough the dogs NSW website but no luck. Thanks for your help
  4. I am new to the whole herding thing but my 9mth old kelpie loves it Where do you find out about herding clinics?
  5. When I was younger my border collie would 'protect' me all of the time. If I was ever playing outside with friends or family etc and screamed she would fly between me and the other person and just stand there. She never growled or tried to bite, but would always position herself between me and the other person. She is old and arthritic now but I am sure if the need ever arose she would try to again
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