Beagle Mum
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Hi, Well finally we have moved into our new place. The dogs have a huge yard and love it. The property has a below ground swimming pool and is fully fenced. I have checked that they can't get through the fence. But just as a precaution I want to be extra safe. My boy beagle knows (only when I am in the pool area and he is following me) how to get in the pool via the steps. The only thing is he swims from the steps to the edge and then trys to clamber out and struggles, I have been turning him around trying to show him how to swim back to the steps as he can then get out himself. As a precaution is there anything I can put in the pool or at the side of the pool so he can get out himself. The steps are built in the pool and the same colour so I don't know if he can actually see them. As mentioned the pool is fully fenced but it is just as an extra precaution. Advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Hi Guys, My male beagle always has had very short nails. They have never grown long or needed to be trimmed - they just seemed to stay the same stumpy length. Yesterday when we came in from an hour walk I noticed his middle nail on his front paw was VERY STUMPY and it was bleeding a little. I checked all his other nails and all were ok except one other (front paw again) which looked like it had a little red dot on the end, it was not bleeding but it looked like a spot of blood. I am living with my parents at present so have been walking the dogs for an hour each morning as they are coming to work with me during the day so it settles them and keeps them happy!! The walk I go on is through the bush, along paths and across grass. He let me check his paws and did not try to pull away (if he was in pain he would not let me get anywhere near them). It has not seemed to bother him, he licked it once or twice (only the one that was bleeding)but has not bothered him otherwise. He has not gone back to licking it. This morning I did not take him for a walk as I did not want to make his paw bleed again and thought I should let it heal 1st. Any ideas on how long it will take to heal and what is the best way for it to heal - I did think of putting a baby sock on his paw to see if that helped (not sure he would keep it on). He is almost 5 and this is the first time I have encountered this with him so it seems a bit odd as it has never happened before. I also checked the paw and inbetween his toes for a cut or something but the blood was def from the nail. Any ideas would be great - Thanks!! :D
UPDATE GUYS.... Thank you so much for all your help, advice and well wishes. I HAVE MY FUR BABIES BACK!!! I understand what everyone has said from both sides of the fence and as I had said from the onset I believed that both dogs should stay together, however I was prepared if I thought it was in the dogs best interest and the boy was suffering to let my ex take him. I managed to collect the dogs on Boxing Day. The dogs had been cared for (he just damaged and destroyed and took some of my other possessions which I had yet to collect). I must admit I was a little nervous as to how the dogs would settle and I am actually quite surprised because from the way they have been acting I know they did miss me ALOT while i was not there. They are eating normal, and no signs of 'looking' or fretting for my ex. I was expecting the boy to be going to the front door and having a cry, but as harsh as it sounds, he is more concerned about where I am. I get the feeling that he is trying to tell me I am his Mum and he is glad he is with me (I know it sounds silly, but it has been a very stressful time) It is early days so I will still monitor the situation as I do only want what is best for the dogs, but so far, so good. As for the ex, well he has phoned once to see how they were and told me he would give me back my stuff if I gave him the boy (sorry, but I can replace household items). He has not been in contact since. I have been completely honest with him when he phoned and gave him an honest update. I think he was hoping that the boy had been crying and fretting for him but this has honestly not been the case and he appears to have lost a little interest. We are at my folks for approx 2 weeks then hopefully my new house will be ready - will keep you updated on the next move to let you know how they are going. Again....Thankyou for all your help & thoughts
Thank you guys for all your helpful information and advice. Just to give you an update, I am collecting the dogs on Boxing Day. Hopefully this goes ok. Although he has been awkward during this break up I know he would never hurt the dogs. I have sat and thought long and hard about the whole situation and I am only trying to do what is best for my dogs. I strongly believe that they should not be separated from each other. I have tried to reason with him and even suggested that he could have 'visits' with the dogs so they can still see him. I also considered his comments of when I said I would not split them up he replied ' they will get over it, they are just dogs', however to me they are not just dogs, they are like my furry little children. As he seems to think that the boy will be 'depressed' without him and miserable within a few weeks I have told him that if that was the case I would obvioulsy have to reassess the situation. It is only natural that the boy is showing him a fair amount of attention as he is aware I am not there, I am not trying to be hurtful or selfish and at the end of it all I know he is close to the boy but it is not about me or him, it is about them. It makes it more stressful as he accepts I am taking the dogs but then he does a bit of a back flip. Will keep you updated.
Thanks Guys, Will keep you posted on details!
Thanks guys. I know I am doing the right thing - will hopefully have them back soon. Was supposed to be in new rental by now - application for me and dogs all approved, but previous tenants decided to damage the place on their way out so waiting for repairs to be completed. But on big beagle proof fenced block - they will love it. Parents beagle proofing their yard for temp arrangement and boss gave the ok for me to bring them to work with me if need be! The worst thing is, I am not trying to be selfish as he thinks. If I honestly thought the boy would be better with him I would as much as it would kill me let him take him, but I know that he needs to be with his sister - it is not fair to split them up. His mentality 'they would get over it'.
My name on all paperwork - council registration, microchip, vet history. His argument - just because I went and put it all in my name when we got him does not mean I love him more or he loves me more. He never once said he wanted the paperwork in his name and at the time he didn't object at all.
Hi There, Just wondering if anyone could give me some helpful advice on what is the best way to handle my unfortunate situation. I am in the process of going through an awkward relationship breakup. Prior to meeting my now ex partner I had my beagle girl. When we started living together his brother also moved into rental accomodation with us and along came his dog. Fast forward 2 years and the brother departed taking his dog with him. As I felt my beagle was now used to a constant doggy pal I asked my partner if we could get her a friend. As usual it was all left up to myself so along came the 2nd beagle - I took him from a family when he was 6 months as they didn't want him anymore. That was almost 4.5 years ago. I have always considered both dogs MINE - I feed them, I paid for them, they are chipped in my name and he has NEVER taken them to the vets. I have always taken them to the vets when required and paid the bill. There is no dispute over the beagle girl - I had her before he even came along and he knows he would never get her. However he is trying to claim the boy. I must admit he does love both dogs and he really bonded with the boy and is trying to say it is really 'his' boy. During the initial stages of the relationship failing I contemplated allowing him to take the boy, but in my heart I knew I couldn't do it so did not say anything or even mention it. I also feel that as they are like brother and sister it would be unfair to either of them to split them up - more so the boy as he was a bit traumatised when he first came to live with us - I feel it may unsettle him. For the past 4 weeks as he decided to throw me out I have been staying with my parents as I source alternate accommodation. His theory was that if I was going to take the dogs then he wanted a few weeks with them. I agreed to this. Now the time is nearing for me to collect the dogs and he is still kicking up a fuss over the boy. I did tell him that I would not object to him having the dogs over for visits but he was less than impressed. I have visited the dogs and they look sad - looking at me wanting to know when I am going to get them He is looking after them and feeding them etc. but I have noticed when I have been there the 2 of them are even sticking together even more, licking each others faces and cuddling. Do I have any legal rights and is there any advice anyone can give me, These 2 beagles are like my children and it has killed me being apart from them for so long already.