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Everything posted by woodys

  1. Just booked a cocker pup to fly from Albury to Brisbane for $122 that is with dogtainers
  2. Hi i will be using dogtainers next week to send a pup to Brisbane from Albury and the cost is between $135 and $150
  3. I will be there with my little boy .hope he behaves him self
  4. sorry to here about your little one tibbiemax 71 hope the rest are doing fine
  5. Just an update .Mum and baby's are doing fine 12 days old now and growing well (trying to upload photo's but not having any luck)
  6. Just an update .Mum and baby's are doing fine 12 days old now and growing well
  7. Just an update mum and baby's are doing well 12 days old now and growing
  8. yes got mine yesterday. hope the weather is better on the weekend
  9. Hi iam getting a new trailer . Can any one tell me what is the best bedding to use. I whas thinking about to use the vetbeds
  10. i got a price from dogtainers yesterday to fly a cocker pup to brisbane from albury cost $135 that is for 4kg and $6 for every kg after that.They have to fit in a pp20 crate wich is included in the price
  11. the gold one could even turn out to be chocolate have to wait and see
  12. hi mini poodle sorry to hear about your pups ,my girl had hers last night and i keep checking on them to see if there ok. my first litter
  13. 5 girls and 2 boys 6 april 3 blue roan 2 orange roan 1 black and 1 gold
  14. i think i am going to be in for a long night
  15. hi trish .i dont no if it whas mornig sickness but coco dit it when she whas about 2 weeks pregnant a cfew times
  16. my girl was from a litter of 6 so to be on the safe side i orderd 8 if i need some more i will buy some
  17. hi got my advance puppy packs this week orderd about 3 weeks ago, so i have them in plenty of time as my litter is due next week. in the pack is a bleu advance bag a 1 .1/5 kg bag of puppy food
  18. hi i am wondering now the nights are getting colder do i need a heating pad for my girl she is due to have her pups next week.she be having the pups inside in the spare bedroom.with to morning sun coming in there
  19. dos the puppy comes with it to (lol)
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