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Everything posted by Keira&Phoenix

  1. Hi Everything Shiny, Just looking through some of your old topics and I notice that you had one about Diesel possibly having cancer due to an irregularity in his blood test, I realise that you afterwards got several clear blood results back but seems like a large coincidence that he had a test come back with irregularities that pointed to cancer around the same time he started to get a little bit aggressive....maybe there is something that is not showing up on the blood tests currently... Whatever you decide to do it will be in the best interested of Diesel and your family (skin and fur) Good luck
  2. Thanks to the OP for this thread and I am very sorry for your friends loss RIP poor pupper. I was unaware that antivenom was so expensive and if my dogs had been bitten I would have just rushed to the vets not expecting to be asked to pay upfront and certainly not expecting such a massive amount for the antivenom. I will certainly make sure from now on I have credit available just in case of this situation. Luckily we don't see to many poisonous snakes in my area mostly constrictors. I don't think the general population of dog owners are really aware of this fact and maybe vets should have signage up in their clinics about the costs so people become aware and hopefully take measures to ensure they have the money in case of that sort of situation. Some sort of education regarding the cost of anitvenom for snake bites etc really should happen so people don't get caught unawares, it may save some dogs lives and some vets money.
  3. I don't have sound so I can't hear my voice lol but I am sure I will hate it (I always do) thanks for not including the videos where you got us in them lol. It was a good afternoon and yeah love that spot, lots of room to wander around without running into lots of other people but still lots of dogs in the main area for playing with. It was good to meet both of you and yeah fingers crossed for 4 at the next one Now we just need to find somewhere as good as that in the southside area!
  4. Hey Guys, Just wondering what sort of cost is involved with building these runs?? MEH yours is fantastic I love it. Dog Geek yours doesnt look like it was hard to put together etc? What did it cost you?
  5. I can't think of one instance in which someone has made up a random breed for my dogs. Usually people just ask me
  6. Actually this is untrue - most research to date suggests that purebred dingoes are common in remote and less populated areas such as WA, NT, SA. In NSW, Vic and QLD however there are large amounts of hybrids and fewer purebred animals. This does not mean that there are no purebred animals. Again - in WA I would actually expect them to be pure. They are desexed in alot of zoo's because they don't want to breed them (alot of zoo's are phasing them out as they don't draw big crowds). Additionally alot of the sanctuaries cannot afford to breed extensively or even more than 1 litter a year as there are not enough homes (private or sanctuaries or zoos). This is why alot are desexed not because there are such large numbers. I think this is very sad - the Dingo is Australia's top level and arguably native terrestiral carnivore - the removal of the dingo would lead to drastic and probably catastrophic changes in the ecosystems of Australia. It is true they probably did play a role in the extinction of the Thylacine on the mainland - however it could have been humans as well and the Thylacine numbers were in decline before the dingo was thought to have arrived- there is simply no way to tell. However them being here 5000 years or more and now residing as the top-level carnivore suggests to me that they should be PROTECTED and treated as a native. They have been here a hell of alot longer than Europeans or any of the introduced species such as foxes, rabbits, cane toads etc. Of course everyone has their own opinion concerning this - but the scientific research stands that the dingo is VERY important to the native ecology of Australian in present day. Similar to how the dingo is being wiped out - in its true form - today. Culling, baiting etc does NOTHING to keep dingo populations in check as most farmers believe them to - in actual fact it leads to increased stock predation, increased population sizes (as pack structure is gone thereby all females are breeding not just the Alpha's). In fact the best way of reducing stock predation is to make better fences, use lifestock protectors like Alpacs/llamas or Maramma Sheep dogs and leave dingo pack stucture alone. - they will self-regulate their population sizes and only the Alpha animals will breed. Preserving dingo pack structure also greatly decreases the chance of hybrids. It's obviously not that widely accepted - they may have had a role in the devils decline on the mainland but as I have read the Thylacine was already in decline. Additionally you/we cannot rule out the actions of humans - it's unlikely to have been just dingoes. They are treated as a scapegoat for almost everything - yet most of the allegations blamed on dingoes are untrue. I agree that it's sad that the thought of 'real' dingoes surviving in captivity is the reason why it's okay to not protect them. Dingoes may be classed as a subspecies but so are most wild wolves or wild/pariah dogs - most of which are PROTECTED in their native habitats. Genetic dilution is a HUGE problem for many wild animals for which there is a domesticated form i.e. wild cats and domestic cats, wolves and domestic dogs, coyotes and domestic dogs, buffalo and cattle... The dingo will not continue to exist if genetic dilution is occuring - it is no longer a dingo. It is by definition no longer a dingo. A dingo is the native wild dog of Australia not a domesticated dog. It has been wild for atleast 5000 years and likely was feral long before that (perhaps some were tamed but its also likely they were brought to Australia as a food source by travelers not as a pet or companion). They have unique biology, behaviors and even structural differences. Hybrids are not the same as dingoes - they are often larger, breed 2 times a year rather than 1, are believed to predate on stock more than dingoes (probably because they either don't have the wild instincts or have not been taught how to hunt properly). Dingoes can be preserved in the wild - nearly 90% of wild canines in remote areas are dingoes rather than hybrids. Additionally places like Fraser Island should be preserved with their wild dingoes intact. It frustrates me that people think its okay to shoot a wild animal/carnivore for killing prey (stock) - if the animal was a tiger or lion or wolf one would think that the carnivore would be forgiven - but actually most of the times wild carnivores are shot because they kill livestock no matter their importance/rarity. Even rare endangered leopards are shot for daring to kill life stock. It is absolutely ridiculous. The carnivores were present before us humans with our life stock and farming practices. Now i'm not saying that I have no sympathy for farmers who have to deal with carnivores killing their stock - obviously its horrible and very damaging financially - but sometimes we have to step back and look at the whole picture or find ways of dealing with the issue rather than simply reaching for our guns. In response to the OP - I would contact the WA dingo society and see what they say. However they may not have the funds to do anything - alot of these sanctuaries/groups are only scraping by. Thank you MalteseLuna this was a very informative post and a lot of what I feel and what I would have liked to say is in here but you have worded it much better than I ever would have. Very few ancient wild dogs still survive we need to protect these animals. It is sad we feel it is ok to eradicate them when it will have a huge impact on Australia and not to mention they deserve to live as much as any domestic dog or tigers, lions etc. Or that is ok to kill the ones in the wild because we have dingoes in captivity. We are living on what was their land we should respect that.
  7. Corvus - even though they were introduced they were introduced THOUSANDS of years ago and they are a wild dog and although there are similar species around the World Dingoes are unique to Australia and once wiped out there will be no more. They are some of the only remaining wild dogs that are very closely related to the wolf and as such should be protected. And it matters not that there are some in captivity they are WILD dogs and the longer they are in captivity the less they will become like dingoes and more like dogs. Also I think its ridiculous to blame the Thylacine extinction on Dingoes that was all HUMANS we went out and poached them to death and that is our own fault and problem, if they were left alone I no doubt think there would still be a population left. Its not like we haven't done it in the past to other species all over the world, humans destroy nature and we have lost many unique animals because of it. Don't report them to the Govt, they are not hurting anyone they are eating grasshoppers which are pests anyways.
  8. If it is the company I think it is (im pretty sure) they are a franchise and you should contact the head office and complain about this specific franchisee. I think they would be mortified to realise one of their franchisees was treating minders like this. Report to them first might save you the hassell of going to a solicitor.
  9. Dont recommend a vet behaviouralist never heard anything good about them. Both Danielle and Grant are exp with agression.
  10. I would recommend either Danielle at Urban Dog Training or Grant Trebone (the paw man) both have a lot of experience with behavioural training and a host of behavioural issues. Hope your friends can solve it and keep both dogs.
  11. Definitely Rowan at Animal Options. Worth the drive from the Northside.
  12. Sooooo so far we have for tomorrow - Keira&Phoenix bringing Phoenix Dandybrush bringing Raz Goldengirl bringing Lexi and maybe Tessa Anyone else coming?
  13. Ok thanks! Ill have to go for a hike in out backyard to see if i can see any. Phi is already on antihistimines and anyibiotics which is why i thought it was weird it has come up again
  14. So for the second time Phoenix has broken out in a very red, swollen rash type thing in her arm pit. It happened about 5 weeks ago and cleared up with some cream. She is currently on antihistimines and antibiotics for an alergic reaction she had on her stomach which came out as little red spots almost like chicken pox, but this has still come up. Here are some pics Sorry pictures were taken on my phone. Any ideas on what could cause this? A plant? An insect bite? Thanks
  15. Then there are those that are seized or surrendered directly to a Breed Rescue and fostered. Never steping foot, err sorry paw into a Shelter or Pound. What's the figure on those? This is a VERY good point Liz. Many dogs go to breed specific rescues, what about the dogs that people don't want to "surrender" the unlucky ones who are murdered by their "loving owners" or the ones who are given back to the breeders.
  16. Hi Five to Sally. Good work. Unofficial police doggy!
  17. Dobesrock - Read Keltoi's other posts she is a "breeder" and has actually asked about "non genetic" problems in the breeders forums.
  18. I think as long as the crate has already been established as a safe, quiet place it is ok. But yeah, if you just throw them in there every time they are naughty with no toys/treats etc then they will have a negative association with it. Once my puppy was crate trained and knew that the crate was a "quiet place" I would put her in there for a time out when she needed to calm down. Hi Kirst, As Aussie said. Which is why I asked if they are crate training . A laundry or small toilet room works just as well, or OP could buy a puppy play pen and set that up and use it in a similar manner.
  19. You definitely need to implement a time out for them. Separating them but leaving the Lab to have full run of the yard doesn't really teach him anything. Are you crate training? If so best thing to do when you feel it is getting too ruff is to grab the instigator, say "too bad" and place it in the crate or if you don't have a crate a very small room (ie: toilet room) and leave them there for 1 - 2 minutes alone as a time out. Only let it out if the pup is being quiet and not barking/crying etc. And then maybe keep them separated for another 10 - 15 minutes as calm down time. This method is called reward removal and the pup will quickly learn not to be too ruff. Polite play is something all dogs should learn, if all dogs played politely dog parks would be fantastic. Another good thing to do during play time is have leashes attached to something outside away from each other and every now and then when excitement levels get to high attach 1 pup to each leash and get them to sit, give them treats and let them calm down a bit before allowing them to play again. Or if you have two people one person each grab a pup hold them between the legs get them to sit and then once calm allow them to play again.
  20. Ohhhhh Catherine she is gorgeous.......*sigh* im in love what an absolute sweety. Poor thing, what a horrible thing to do to such a gorgeous girl. Wish I could adopt her, I am sure she will have many fanciers!
  21. If they are in a remote location though it is also quite possible that they are pure or close to pure dingoes and in that case they should be preserved, we can't say there are many pure dingoes anymore and that is very sad.
  22. Kiesha we all accept that owners are the problem not the dog or the size of the dog. You will find several responses in this thread that talk about that also. Its more that when small dogs attack/charge/bark/harass etc their owners use their size as an excuse or think its "cute" because their dog is small hence the title of the topic. With big dog owners the excuse is usual "oh he/she is friendly" or "he/she just wants to play" etc (there is also topics on this as well ) ETA - Grammer/Spelling
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