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Everything posted by Keira&Phoenix

  1. Keira is a 3 year old Xbreed (Bullmastiff, dane, ridgeback) I have had her since she was 8 weeks old, we didn't attend puppy school (I know my mistake). At 10 months she had a luxatting patella and had surgery. At 18 months we did Obedience classes with her. She has had on and off problems since she was 18 months old with her leg hurting every now and again. She was diagnosed with Hip Displaxia and I have been doing hydrotherapy with her to manage it. While ever she was healthy I made a point of walking her regularly, going to dog parks and hitting the beach. She has always had mild leash aggression issues (ie: getting a bit upset, barking when a dog would come running up to her whilst she was on leash) but was always fine off leash no problems. Recently her reactivity to dogs has become what I would call extreme. She will react to dogs barking behind fences, dogs walking towards us on the other side of the road, dogs walking on the footpath when we are in a car etc, to the point where I cannot take her into a dog park because she carries on so much before we get to the park and the longer I stay away the harder it gets for me to gain the confident to go in and the worse her reactivity gets. To give you an idea of her reaction she will start lunging forwards and making a weird gravelly, growling sound whilst sort of barking also, it sounds very guttural but I have noticed when I am patient and wait out the initial reaction it will usual calm down a bit and she will continue to pull on the lead but will whine and sort of cry. I have also on occasion been able to get her to continue walking with just the crying and whining. I have also noticed she only tends to react when the dogs are coming towards us, looking at us, barking at us etc, if the dog is walking in the same direction or not paying us attention she doesn't seem to notice. She has NEVER attacked another dog, she was always the dog heading in the other direction if there were issues at a park. She lived with my brothers labrador for a few months and we had no dramas, she currently lives with my sisters dog no dramas and my 6 mo pup Phoenix with no issues. Although when we first moved into the house with my sisters dog (Gidget), Gidget did on 1 - 2 occasions have a go at Keira but nothing major more a small bite not full blown attack, and they are not really friends they just tolerate each other. It breaks my heart I can't take her to the dog parks and DOL meetings with me because I know she would love them and I miss having her with me, I feel like a terrible mum leaving her at home and taking Phoenix but I just can't because if she doesn't want to behave I can't just leave her in the car or something. I have spoken to my Trainers about her and will be having them out as soon as I possibly can but wanted to know if anyone had any advise on how to manage this and possibly make it a little better? Has anyone had the same issues and had success rehabilitating, is so what were your methods? Any advice I am keen to hear it. Thanks. Sorry this is a novel
  2. Fabulous shots. Looked like an awesome day. So jealous of you Melbournites having somewhere like that to go!
  3. Maybe you can speak to your vet about getting anti seizure drugs, it must be painful and scary for her to go through those seizures, it might be best to try and stop them and get an MRI done to confirm a diagnosis.
  4. Hi Lillypilly, No experience with this myself but I am so sorry for your and your poor puppy to be going through this. Can the vet do a thorough check over do some test to see if its a tumour etc?? Maybe seek a 2nd opinion, it never hurts to have 2 different point of views.
  5. Its up to everyone, if your not keen for Colmslie its all good, will be good for down the track maybe towards the end of the year. River seemed ok and I would say any pollutants would be well out to see now but everyone has to be comfortable with it so allllll gooood. SD - Where is the one at Wakerley you are talking about? ETA - Just read about one at Elanora Park, Wynnum apparently its the size of a footy field, so would be similar to Kroll last week maybe a tad smaller. Might be worth me checking out this weekend....? ETAA - OK I know Northsiders are not necessarily keen on a drive to the GC but there is a place that looks PAWFECCCT for us it is fenced, agility epuipment and a lake for the Doglets to swim in ;). Its Pizzey Park, Marmaid Waters, I am attaching piccies below. Maybe we can make a day of it...? Get there around lunch, have a BBQ or picnic type thing and stay for a few hours. Just an idea anyways ;) here is a council map thingy showing the area http://www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/attachment...rcise_pizzy.pdf There is also another one called Dog Island @ Elanora http://www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/attachment...se-eddykorn.pdf And piccies
  6. Yeah I agree with Dandy probably won't make it to playgroup if you come to Woofstock, but would be a different experience for Scarlett, there is always next weeks play group ;) I didn't need to decide because Phi can't go to play group anyways. Yeah its on Amy st, there is a bit of parking around the area but I am not sure exactly, will just have to see when we get there. Keira&Phoenix (with Tess) Minxy + OH (with Kyojin) & Friends (with BC) GoldenGirl85 (with Lexi) Dandybrush (with Raz) + sister (with dog) Maybes Boronia (with Penny, Mac & Daisy) Scarlett (with Scarlett)
  7. Poor family. Must have been terrifying for them to have those dogs run up and just start attacking. Irresponsible owner. Hope the owner gets charged! On another note I hope that these dogs have been properly identified and that they truly were a "pitbull" and Stafford X otherwise its just another low blow for breeds which are already struggling.
  8. Keira&Phoenix (with Tess) - Golden Girl I have booked Phoenix in for her de-sexing now so I can definitely take Tess Minxy + OH (with Kyojin) & Friends (with BC) GoldenGirl85 (with Lexi) Dandybrush (with Raz) + sister (with dog)
  9. Nah Golden the bit which is dog friendly is in the Gordon Park/Lutwyche area so pretty close to the city but again this is completely unfenced.
  10. Hey Dandy, its like a beach so it gets gradually deeper but I am sure there is a drop off after a while but enough room for the dogs to wander in and wet their legs and bellies at least and frollick around in the shallow area (see 2nd last photo there is a little kid sitting in the water so that gives you an idea of how deep it is approx) Raby Bay Foreshore at Cleveland for the month of March and April dogs must be on leash at all times (http://www.redland.qld.gov.au/RecreationFacilities/Parks/Pages/MonthsTimesDogMayBeOff.aspx) May and June they can be off leash at all times, so we can probably look into going there at the next Southside meet (May)while we still have warmish weather. Also this is not fenced at all, there is another one G J Walter Park right near the beach in Cleveland which apparently has water access and partial fencing no time limits (I haven't been to this one personally though so am unsure what its like, I have been to Raby Bay) ETA - Just checked out a map of the GJ Walter Park and its patially fenced but doesn't protect the dogs from running towards the main road so I am not real confident with that and I don't think Minxy or Golden Girl are either oh well.
  11. Yep morningside Dandy. Its the Brisbane River.
  12. Yeah I was doing some research and read about it but couldn't find any pics so thought I would have a look see and take pics for everyone else. It was pretty chilled out there relaxing. If everyone's keen for Colmslie thats cool. Otherwise if no I can keep looking.
  13. OK so I went out and scouted 3 places today - Bulimba Riverside Park - Was very busy park in a built up area, nice enough park, well maintained, but the dog park was really small. White Hill Reserve, Camp Hill - Biggish dog park, about a 5th the size of Kroll from last week but VERY VERY busy, had to be at least 40 - 50 dogs there. Relatively ok, no overly aggressive dogs or dominant dogs but way to busy for what we are looking for. Good if you want to socialise your dog though as there were heaps of different breeds. Colmslie Rec Reserve, Morningside - Best one by far. There is the dog park which is regular sized with some agility equipment etc the usual, nothing special really, wasn't overly busy but right next to it is a small inlet beach which you can have your dog at so good to take the dogs for a dip after running around ;), its not huge but again wasn't too busy only 1 family and 1 other dog, there were a few people pulling out boats, jet skis etc but they would all have been gone by 3:30 pm. I took some pictures see below.... I will have a look at more next weekend too. Does anyone have anywhere they would like to suggest?? Somewhere they ave been before and liked?
  14. Ok so lets say we meet at the main entry at 10:30 am...? That sounds like a good time to me, not to early ;) SO can anyone who intends on meeting us post on here, I will make a list and that way we know who to wait for and look out for on the day. OK so far we are expecting at the meet point - Keira&Phoenix (with ??unsure) Minxy + OH (with Kyojin) & Friends (with BC)
  15. This way she'll be good to go for next meet You can have Tess, she wont like being left home alone, but it will be too much for me to handle two dogs in that sort of environment...Tess is a really easy dog lol Haha ok its settled I am Tessa's adoptive mum for the day Yay! Tess will be glad she gets to come! thanks! I will confirm this with you tomorrow. Just have to make sure I can book Phoenix in to be desexed when I want then I will know for sure.
  16. I am going to go for a drive today and check out a few parks around the time that we meet and will get back to everyone with a few suggestions
  17. How about we just say that anyone who wants to meet up and walk around together meets at the front entry at a specific time? Does everyone want to get there early or would you prefer to be there 10/11 ish?? Let me know and we can set a time to meet at the gates. Then we will get a list together of who we are expecting to meet
  18. This is correct although many people on DoL can give you the specifics. Regarding colour if you head over the the health part of the forums you will find a very sad thread about a lady who bought a "rare" blue stafford pup who unfortunately experienced massive issues. There are a lot of experts DOLers can fill you in on why blue is not necessarily a good colour. ETA: sorry the thread was in puppy problems heres the link - http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=213239 This sad story is a good lesson for anyone looking into buying Staffords. Good luck with your search you will find lots of good advice on DOL. Also search the forums for Amstaff vs Stafford threads lots of info in them regarding their differences etc.
  19. This way she'll be good to go for next meet :p You can have Tess, she wont like being left home alone, but it will be too much for me to handle two dogs in that sort of environment...Tess is a really easy dog lol Haha ok its settled I am Tessa's adoptive mum for the day ;)
  20. I'm not sure I will be bringing a doggy now I might get Phoenix de-sexed while I have the time in between classes. But if someone wants to bring a second doggy along I am happy to be their "handler" for the day :D
  21. People ask me if Scarlett's a Pit Bull. When I say she's a Bull Terrer they often think they're the same breed. Aaah no moron, they are not the same breed I got that alot when I had BT's. I remember walking my bitch at the local markets and a lady grabbed her child by the arm and ripped him through the air yelling loudly 'get away from the pitbull'. As if I'd take a HA dog out in such a public place and as if she could be mistaken for anything other than a BT with that distinctly shaped head! :D I think it was a common misunderstanding for a while. When I was a kid I thought BT's were actually pit bulls too and then I grew up and realised they were not that it was just a common misconception that had made the rounds. Just proves though how much people do not know about breeds, as they look absolutely nothing alike. Hence the general public, police and media should never make comments about the breed of a dog after an "attack" because its unlikely they will get it right. Sorry but just to point out this last sentence sounds like you are saying that all pitbulls are HA/DA when they are not. And I am not trying to be rude or start an argument, I am just a tad defensive of them ;) If they are trained right and socialized they are no different to your BT or anyone else's dog. Sorry if I misinterpreted your comment though.
  22. Looks a bit like my first dog from years ago. She was a huski x boxer. Has the same face, tail, markings and colouring.
  23. Where did you get the shade cloth from and how much was it per metre or per however many metres ie $5 per metre or $50 per 50 metres....?
  24. Dont have any recommendations but just wanted to say good work. You obviously said the right thing. Heres to hoping she is patient enough to go through the process. Also wanted to bump the topic so hopefully someone can help you out.
  25. I would hazard a guess the OP meant the vet asked for upfront payment of the initial treatment ie: antivenom and one or two days care.
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