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Everything posted by Keira&Phoenix

  1. Nawww too cute. Congrats Tapua they are beautiful!
  2. Thanks Shitzu and Baifra Just spoke to my vet she said so long as she isn't excessively panting, drooling and her gums are a good light pink colour she is fine and to keep a close eye on her. She also said as it was dry it is less of a risk. She seems fine is trying to con food out of me as per usual!
  3. Just caught Phi my 7 mo pup eating a dead toad. I was watching her but thought she was munching on grass but turns out she wasn't. I washed her mouth out (sideways and with her head down so all the water ran out of her mouth) but should I be worried? It looked half gone but it could have already had something eat part of it. I will keep a close eye on her but it was only 5 mins ago, she seems fine so far. Are they poisenous after they are dead?
  4. Yeah but the roads are public roads so as such you should be allowed to have them. I looked it up and saw that Wa, Vic and Nsw it is fine to drive through. Might call and ask. Seems dumb because lots of public roads to certain places (not national park) are through Nat Park.
  5. Me and Phi are looking forward to it too!! Haha poor Raz deprived of play all for the sake of Phi
  6. Really?? Are you not allowed to drive through a national park with the dog in the car? I thought so long as they stayed in the car and didn't get out to toilet etc it was ok? You would think so considering a) they are in a car which is your property and b) they are not stepping on national park land What if your doing a cross country trip and you have to drive through National Park? I would like to know the rules for this because I would eventually like to do a trip up Cape York (camping) and would want to take my dogs too.
  7. I do it at home, I don't think I do it away from home. I do refer to them as my babies also.
  8. From past experience unfortunately they don't. The general public have a funny idea on what constitutes acceptable canine behaviour and with the number of dogs that attend these events it's not possible for RSPCA staff to be on top of every dog that displays poor behaviour. Besides which - I've seen dogs attack others, fights break out etc and RSPCA officials not say or do anything about it. I would only take VERY stable dogs to these kinds of events. Sorry to put a damper on it but better to be prepared IMO! Thanks for the info. Which ones have you seen this at? This is why I think it is better to go as a group as opposed to as an individual that way we can look after each other and keep an eye out for anything we don't feel comfortable with and stay away from dogs that display the wrong behaviour.
  9. No problems, I believe I can add people to the team as we go Same as above :p LOL Yeah, you would hope that the RSPCA people would be keeping any eye out and asking anyone whose dog is not behaving to please leave (as politely as possible) but like I said "hope" doesn't mean they actually are. I guess at least as a group we can all keep an eye out and watch out for any dogs that might be displaying the wrong body language. I hope you and Scarlett can make it. It's early enough that we would still be able to go to play group as well.
  10. I too can imagine the screaming of the poor puppy. My girl hurt her leg by bashing it on the side of the bed the other day and she cried and cried and cried and it was horrible I can only imagine what that poor puppies screams must have been like after having something so horrific done to it. Hope it is now living a peaceful and happy life with its new family. Despicable human being, I hope he serves his full sentence.
  11. Every dog is different and it depends on a lot of factors just like with people. Diet would come into it. My girl who is X Breed Bullmastiff only stopped growing at around 2 - 2.5 years but was at full height by 12 months. She mostly got longer and thicker over the 18 months afterwards. As previously stated these sorts of questions should be addressed with your breeder as they will be much more knowledgeable on the subject and will be able to help you out with finding a suitable mate for your boy. Please don't BYB there are too many puppies and dogs in pounds due to BYBing. Check out the "In the News" section of the forums and read the story entitled "A dog named Sam" it is the very reason dogs shouldn't just be bred for the sake of it. You also need to make sure you do all the necessary health checks because you don't want to produce a litter of pups who have health issues. Trust me things like Hip Displaxia are not fun for the owner or the dog and they certainly are not cheap, and that is just one of many possible problems.
  12. LOL I like this one the only problem is I think poor Raz might be offended being a guy and all. maybe we could call it DOL's Guys and Dolls
  13. There is no real limit I think the last pre-rego is May 12th. Like 3 days before. I just want to register as early as possible so we can start some fundraising. Did you find out if your sister was going to come? Come on Brisbanites/Gold Coasters/Ipswichers/Loganers!!! Be a part of our team and help us raise money! Did anyone have names suggestions?
  14. Really? Try telling that to Husky owners :-). People who don't like dogs (for whatever reason) have the right to walk down a street and not encounter an off leash dog. I would love to see dogs being more a part of the family, but I draw the line at letting them roam everywhere off leash! I have a dog that was used as a breeding bitch at a puppy farm. She doesn't like off lead dogs approaching her. I don't want to live in a society where I can't take her for a walk down the street without a "oh, he's friendly" off leash dog approaching her. This is where dog owners can be their own worst enemy. Instead of asking for something with a little restraint, we want our dogs to go everywhere. All the time. Off leash. And then we wonder why people balk. ETA: I don't want our roads paved in shit like Paris either. Give me Finland any day! They don't "run around everywhere" because they are off leash. They usually walk calmly 2-5 metres in front of their owner, and stop when asked and return to the owner when asked to. They are really not offensive at all despite being off leash, no more than any trained dog on a long leash would be. And they ignore strangers, they are not allowed to run up to strangers, that would not be accepted at all, because like you said it could be someone who doesn't like or is scared of dogs, or a young child etc etc. If another dog was approaching they would call the dog to them and it would walk in heel position until it was determined whether meeting the other dog was ok or not. Dogs do not run wild over there just because they are off leash. That is the whole point, they CAN be off leash because they behave the way they should. Your opinion is influenced by the Aussie dogs you have met. Where I am from dogs are not allowed inside cafes. They are allowed outside cafes as long as they are quiet and calm, and on trains/buses, and of course you have to clean up after them. Even if they poo on the pavement, it doesn't matter, because it gets picked up. People generally don't pick up dog poo around here, I see dog poo regularly whenever I leave the house, that never happened when I was living in Europe, another thing I noticed when I moved here. Thank you, your worded that better than I did or could have!
  15. Really? Try telling that to Husky owners :-). People who don't like dogs (for whatever reason) have the right to walk down a street and not encounter an off leash dog. I would love to see dogs being more a part of the family, but I draw the line at letting them roam everywhere off leash! I have a dog that was used as a breeding bitch at a puppy farm. She doesn't like off lead dogs approaching her. I don't want to live in a society where I can't take her for a walk down the street without a "oh, he's friendly" off leash dog approaching her. This is where dog owners can be their own worst enemy. Instead of asking for something with a little restraint, we want our dogs to go everywhere. All the time. Off leash. And then we wonder why people balk. ETA: I don't want our roads paved in shit like Paris either. Give me Finland any day! Hi Megan, Absolutely you shouldn't walk down the road and be approached by an off lead dog but if you read the quote in my post the poster (and Trojka in the last post) mentioned that the dogs don't approach the people they walk with their owners past, it's all in the training and socialisation that they receive. Owners put in the effort over there so they can take the dog everywhere. I don't necessarily think they should be able to go everywhere but there are more restrictions being applied every year, soon we won't be able to leave our back yards with them. Although that's about the same for everything in Australia really, more and more restrictions.
  16. How is it harsh? I was agreeing with another poster. I object to being told Australians are bogans while the French are refined just because they let their dogs shit all over the pavement. That's insulting! I'm really bloody cranky about it. Because I think that Jakemon's intention was not to insult Australian's and it has been taken out of context and made insulting, he just used terms that have been bandied about for years. Jakemon never said they were more refined because they allow dogs to shit all over the pavement. He just said more refined (and he never said it was a good thing). We are Australian there is nothing to be ashamed of, No I don't think we as a society are as refined as the French but I also think that the French's refinement also makes them come off as stuck up and rude sometime (no offence to any French people I have met some very lovely French nationals and I said "come of as" not they are stuck up, just to clarify ) so I wouldn't want to be like them anyways. We are a laid back culture (when it comes to everything but dogs) and that makes us who we are and the reason many foreigners love our country so much. Some people call our laid backness boganess oh well. So you really wouldn't want to be able to take your dog on the train, to sit at a cafe with you or to any beach or park you wanted?
  17. I think the point Jakemon was making is not that we don't have facilites for dogs but why are we so restricted and getting more and more restricted then say places like Europe where your dog can be anywhere anytime (ie, trains, cafes) where our dogs are banned in those places. I think the fact that you can walk your dog off leash everywhere contributes to the well behaved dogs. Because you can take them (as they are not banned) you do and because of that the dogs are better socialised and learn to ignore people they are walking past, they learn to sit quietly in cafes etc so on and so forth. But here we cannot do that with our dogs so they don't get that socialisation. And because dogs are such a big part of the culture over there training is better, the dogs are more accepted into the families, its a roll on effect. No. I find your thread really insulting as well. That is a bit harsh really.
  18. Yes Bitty but had the owners treated the mange as soon as it appeared rather than allowing the dog to get into such a state it would not have cost so much, so they just couldn't be bothered or could not afford the initial treatment hoped it would clear up and when it didn't dumped the dog. There are NO excuses for this. My dog got Demodex when it was 4 months old, I treated it immediately it cost me around $800 over a 10 week period. If I had left her this is what she would have looked like but I didn't and yes it cost $800 but spread out over the time it was affordable and the treatment worked.
  19. Not so sure about that - when I was nursing we had multiple birds. rodents, wildlife come back to life after inj to heart and vet declaring them gone and more than enough of the green dream was supposedly adminstered. Can't explain everything. Thank god it was never a dog or cat - don't think I could have dealt with that, but then all dogs and cats were put in the freezer until they were picked up to be cremated - the birds etc weren't. OMG so some of the dogs and cats could have woken up, then gone on to freeze to death :D They probably would not wake up as their system would shut down from being so cold before they had a chance to wake up and freeze to death.
  20. OMG that is horrendous. Those pictures of her at her worst make me sick to my stomach what sick, twisted, horrible people could do that to such a sweet little thing. She looks so much like my pupper Phoenix (see my sig, obviously their coat colours are different) that its all the more heart breaking because I can almost imagine its her. I just can't get those images out of my head. I don't think she is BT x Greyhound, I would lean more towards an Amstaff X or a Stafford X (she is honestly that similar to my girl, that is definitely a Stafford head!) So glad they nursed her back to health and she will soon find a forever home!
  21. Me too. How moving. Not much else I can say.
  22. That's horrendous. Its all about the $$$'s. As already mentioned, thanks for posting and let us know what the response is.
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