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  1. That is so cool, white face and black ears! I love it. What breed is she?
  2. Ha Ha! they look so out there when their ears are doing that! Haze's were so changeable. I took a series of photos, in 15 min she had at least 4 different ear positions! Dice's just went up gradually, but hers were every which way but loose!
  3. Can we see some new photos of Dusty? He must have grown some, what a lovely boy :-) (I could of course be a little biased, being a koolie convert!)
  4. Hey Raineth, I just saw on another thread that your harlequin Dane has lovely blue eyes, so does Dice, but you can't see them in the photos I just posted. I wanted a dog with brown eyes, but I got used to them, and now it wouldn't be Dice without his stunning baby blues!
  5. We do agility for fun and entertainment. :-) Once in a while we even win something ;-) At lake Taupo, on this year's big road trip to the NDTA Ashley Dice Haze And a cute one of Dice
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