Hi All
I am new to this site and not sure if somebody has posted somthing similar previously.
Now here the questions. We are moving to Dili, in East Timor next March and I am looking for a crate. I have done my research and it seems that the only crate which is IATA approved and also more or less accepted by the transport companies like Dogtainers and jetpets is the Vari Kennel. The are super expensive though and I wanted to know if there is anybody selling them cheaper, second hand or has an idea from where I can buy one. I would need a giant size crate.
Also, any other suggestions about the trip to Timor? I know I cant bring the dog back to Australia without a 6 months stay in a rabies free country. So the doggy will fly after Timor on a 6 months holliday to Europe/Switzerland and come back then to Australia
Many thanks