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Everything posted by PAX

  1. My dog used to do the same thing, fine on a short recall but had to do the big show off loop in the long recall. My dog loves Kongs, so i started with shorter recalls and as soon as he sat i would throw the kong then gradually built up the distance. You could use anything that your whippet loves........maybe a squeaky toy, food whatever. You just have to work out his favourite thing. I used to own a whippet, they are one of my favourite dogs. good luck Lisa
  2. I was listening to ABC radio in hubbys car and they said worms were helping to fix some intestinal problems in people . i think it was Irretable bowell syndrome and chromes disease. They were testing it on people- getting them to drink worm eggs- yukky i know- not many people were keen to particapate in the trials
  3. Caslero- I feed my Dobies snap frozen pilchards a few times a week with their barf diets and they love them. They can stand straight up on their hind legs for raw pilchards and walk. It is their favourite food, i buy them from a fisherman in ten kilo bags. They swallow them down whole, its just like feeding the seals....
  4. My human daughter had a very bad scar on her knee, she removed all skin form her kneecap and the hospital suggested Vit E cream to reduce scarring after it heeled.
  5. What is the distance? Is it always a plastic bag lure? I think my dogs would love this
  6. This looks like heaps of fun. Can you do you fun run ( for a beginner dog) and if it goes well compete on the same day if you have entered?
  7. Dear whisper, sorry this is an after thought. If you had a human toddler would you put a bowl of m&ms on the floor and expect the toddler not to touch them when it says another eating them? I think this is what you are asking your dog to do. When it is much older and had lots of good training you could teach it not to eat the cats food but not yet.
  8. Dear whisper, I think you are expecting to much. I would have the dog outside while you prepare his dinner and just ask for him to sit as you give him the dinner, he is just a kid remember. If a young large breed puppy shared with a cat, i think this would be very very unusual. He sounds like he is very hungry (is he getting enough) which is how a healthy pup should be at dinner time. I have three large breed dogs and there is no way they would share their meals which is just the way i like it because whatever is in the bowls gets eaten. I seperate them at meal time, it takes them less then three minutes to eat then i collect the bowls and let them out.........too easy and i know exactly what has been consumed. Good luck
  9. sorry just remembered, i also would give her those greenies chew bones.
  10. Hi there, I was looking after a 2 year old female pug for a while and she also had great trouble with chicken wings. I got her thigh chicken thigh bones ( some are small ) and she had no trouble at all. At first it took her a while to eat one but she quickly mastered it. I started her on the small thigh bones but after one week she could handle any size. I hope this helps.
  11. My male dog was castrated at nine months of age and he scent marks and cocks his leg and is still the dog of the yard. He always tries to protect his girls.....he didnt turn gay either.......that was a joke...haha. If a bitch had a tubal ligation she would still come into season which is what people dont want so why would you bother.
  12. Hi LYD, the lump there isn't the scrotum is it? When most dogs are castrated the scrotum is still there. It tends to shrink quite a lot when empty.......lol. I only bother saying this because i have had people ask what it is on my desesed boy. On a hairy little fellow you probably just havn't noticed.
  13. Hi Leenie, hope this helps 1. I feed raw fruit and vegies (lots of green leafy ones ) put through the processor Raw fish (i buy snap frozen pilchards) offel, chicken a bit of lamb and a few additives yoghurt and eggs always try to get organic everything 2.I usually feed twice a day because my dogs a very active but if they are looking a bit heavy once a day. 3.I usually feed Two chicken wings in the morning and at night they get approx 1 cup of their fruit vegie mix, two or three pilchards and two chicken backs. At least once a week they will get a recreational bone that takes them a while to eat instead of their usual meal and once a week or so they might get Lamb flaps from woolworths or something similar. Twice a week they might get liver, heart , kidneys and tripe with their vegie mix. On the days they get offall obviously they get less chicken. I try to balance it over the week. 4.I have three Dobermanns 2x bitches that are 2 1/2 years old a 1x 16month old dog 5.Organic chicken shop, butcher green grocer and supermarket. I only by human quality food. 6. i started on BARF, well the dogs did almost a year ago after i was having a lot of skin problems with the young male. 7.the advantages are it must taste better the dogs look better and don't poo nearly as much and it doesnt smell much ( sorry a bit graphic) I find it cheaper than the kibble i was using. the only disadvantages are it takes a bit longer a little less convenient when going away with the dogs and all my freinds and family think i'm mad but i am so thats ok. Oh, and answering people when they ask what you feed your dog which they often do because they are always so shiny 8.I couldnt even begin to explain the changes i have seen in my dog . It has been amazing. It is in the gleam in his coat, before BARF he was going bald and stunk. I hope thats helpful..........cheers
  14. Thankyou for your reply. I love your tricks so please keep it up, its my favourite thing on the forum. My dog is a 16 month old big Dobermann named Ruben. I cant wait to start teaching him other things but thought i will wait untill he has this retreive perfect. Also my friend has a delta dog that i tell her your tricks which give lots of people great delight, so thankyou.
  15. You need to order the book from www.barfworld. A did the rapid change method with no problems at all
  16. I changed my dogs to BARF 10 months ago. One of the reasons was our girl had a lot of ear infections. My dogs have never looked better, its the best thing i have done for the dogs. :p
  17. Dear toilet Duck, I have not been able to teach my dog to hold the dumbell however he does retreive. When i read your article on clicking traing the retreive i gave it a go. My dog (he is so clever :p ) is now at the itsy bitsy genuine retreive. I am so happy it just made my day, so thankyou so much. My question is; when should i start introducing the sit with the dumbell in his mouth. I thought i would wait until he understands the hold the article. What do you think?
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