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Everything posted by PAX

  1. Obendience = Yoga for dogs Sorry Sparty i couldn't help myself, I make a million typos myself.
  2. Thats what i have done. I took a photo of the dogs with all the ribbons won for that particular title and framed it with the title certificate. The ribbons are just packed in a shoe box and sometimes my kids play with them.
  3. Hi Mon, I would not play throw the kong with Ruben and other dogs together because it is to high value to Ruben and there could be fights. I would use something less value to Ruben like a tennis ball. Ruben will also run past the ball /kong then come back unless its still moving, If its still moving he will get it on the run. Maybe its like Haven said that it is easier to see when moving. Lisa
  4. wasn't she told to "use your body language" this is what i think would of made the pup run away. Something i wouldn't want my puppy to learn.
  5. Im with Tollers on this one. Erny i agree with your alternative method but not in defending what KItty was told by the club. IMO It is to easy to have bad timimg and scare the pup, where as what you suggested in your last paragraphs is much kinder and would still work without frightening the pup. My two cents
  6. Lablover, Just wanted to say that i don't think your posts on mouthing are boring. My dog was mouthing the dumbell badly and Steve told me what had helped you. I know its not quite as important for me, but i was very concerned and don't want to throw away points. Nothing else was working to fix the problem but now it seems fixed. I have not tried the egg test yet but am working up to it. Keep posting. Lisa
  7. We had a rough collie and when we moved from Sydney to the NSW north coast i decided to clip her. I would clip her two to three times a year I didn't find it harmed her coat in any way but she was not a show dog so it didn't matter. Gemma would stand there and seemed to enjoy being clipped. She would run around with the zoomies at the end. Our collie was also very hard to groom her back end and the hair is so thick there. Grooming every where else was fine.
  8. Hi Wagsalot, Don't be so hard on your self. You get my thumbs up for making the effort to train your dog. If your dog was perfect you would not be going to training and the trainers know that. At least if he is naughty at training your getting your moneys worth. It wont happen overnight but it will happen......(stolen from an add) Thanks for the update
  9. Yogurt is supposed to help bad breath and it would help the runs
  10. I was going to post about the two food game as well but it would be a lonnnnnng post Lisa
  11. I think that if it is strictly dog only Futon that would be OK How is your hand? Be really carefull of him when he is asleep, and if he is acting bossy turf him outside until he has an attitude adjustment. We had lots of rain last night and it woke me up, that is when i looked on DOL and saw your post. I couldn't get back to sleep worrying about you so i hope your OK. Lisa
  12. I think it would be a good idea to get a vet to check him and make sure there is no underlying reason for this behaviour. I would not let him or the other dog sit or sleep anywhere that you sit, sleep. I would get them both on the floor on their own beds to help let them know their place in the pecking order. Don't feel mean, they are lucky to be allowed to come inside so just set some new rules. Some dogs do get snappy when they are asleep "let sleeping dogs lye" but if this keeps up it will spoil your relationship with your dog. I am sorry that you are sad and hope it all works out for you.
  13. I have used it once just before all the bad info became public. The dogs didn't have any problems but i would not use it again just incase. Our head instructor and Obedience club had her dog done and one month later it become ill with some rare motor neuron (sp?) type disease, maybe a coincidence but it made me wonder.
  14. I started the day i got him (8weeks) and started puppy preschool straight away. When that finished we started at the club, i think 4 months is the age they allow.
  15. Vonforrell Dobes are listed on Doberman Pacifica. There is a contact name and phone number for them in VIC. The dogs details are not kept very current. Lisa
  16. Wash your dog with Malaseb Shampoo, its the best shampoo for dandruff on dark/black dogs
  17. You need a Border Collie to get that.. Sorry, but that was just too good an opening to resist..... :p I could be rude but "If you can't say something nice don't say anything"
  18. Am, what you wrote to regain your dogs focus is spot on IMO Mel, I often have people bring their young dogs up towards mine at training. The last time i went a man was approaching my dog with his pup and i started to back up. He said "can they play" i said "shes not that freindly". My dog is a three year old Dobe his is a 5 month old BCx pup. Then he continues to approach and says "can we just try"..............ARGHhhh. I think whos dog is going to come off worse, not mine but i'm the one being careful. Some people are just thick.
  19. Yes you are forgiven I dislike agressive dogs but i do not expect my dogs to like and play with every other dog they meet. Do i expect them to behave and ignore them? Of course i do but this has happened with careful training of handler and dog. cheers Lisa
  20. Erny, I am basically agreeing with you. Mel said that there is an area where people can let there dogs off lead for a run and play but sometimes other people let their dogs in there. I said the best thing to do to prevent this would be to stay at the gate. I dont abuse people because i have developed self control just like i suggested the dog should with proper training. With the agression i too said be careful with the correction so why you highlighted every point i made???
  21. Melisski, Hi there, I would not worry to much your dog sounds normal to me. My dog does the same thing, he was desexed at 9 months and it has'nt made any difference. It doesn't bother me i just think of it like i don't like all people and thats ok. I found with training (as Erny said) he relys on me for approval and i can read his body language and know when he is worried or threatened. As he is better trained and older he will learn more self control. I would suggest you be careful how you correct him when he is acting dominant because i have met dogs (ask Myszka) that do not show any signs of aggression and just go into full attack of other dogs because they have been over corrected. I would never correct a growl (towards another dog) because they are practically telling you they are not happy and giving you a chance to regain their attention and focus. At your dog training club i would suggest that you NEVER let anyone handle your dog. What the instructor did sounds stupid and very dangerous. If your dog is running in the pen with others sounds like you will just have to stay at the gate until your dog and his friends are finished playing. Lisa
  22. Thanks Mon, I love him but he aint no show dog..............lol I love how is so focused on me and how much drive he has, he is a big looney
  23. Yes Am, Make sure when you start the perch work every time they step on the perch and you reward you must step away from the perch so they can step on again when you return. When its time to start pivoting, use your body and legs to step around towards him with gentle crowding. Just one step at a time and pivot around the perch, one or two steps left then right. You feet are not on the perch just going around the outside. You are clicking for his back legs tracking side ways. They quickly want to be front on to you so move around. He should be very focused and offer the behaviour quick to get the treat. Dont bump him with your legs. My dogs think this is great game.
  24. Yes me and my dog..............I hope i dont look fat...........lol
  25. Did you ever think about how many cigarette companies sponsered huge sporting events until cigarette advertising was banned. Does that mean cigarettes are good for us?? We all know the answer. The whole argument you posted is floored and if you dont understand why i feel it is not worth taking the time to point it out to you.
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