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Everything posted by PAX

  1. About time we saw a new photo, you're being greedy SK.
  2. I heard about this on the radio, apparently charged with the death of 25 horses. So very sad, such ignorance.
  3. This is one of the top winning dogs in Australia and also an awesome, easy dog to be around....doubt he has had many, if af any corrections, just well trained by a great handler.
  4. I should keep sitting on my fingers but can't For me, i love my dogs, i hope they love me just as much. I want to give them every chance to learn 'what is right' but that is my idea not theirs..I know they never want to piss me off by choice, i also never want to hurt them. I hope i'm smarter than my dogs and i figure out ways to get what I want by giving them what they want, its worked well so far.My very driven dog is one of the most obedient dogs you could ever meet, he's never been corrected by me other than the denial of his wanted reward.For me, i can sleep easy knowing my dogs are polite, great with the situations they have to cope with and also win me the odd trophy all in a happy, fun way. I believe K methods are out of favour because we have learnt better ways to manage behavoiur. My Father used to belt us with his belt, we didnt get belted often but had bruises when he did, often it was the wrong kid getting belted. I have never smacked my kids, and so far they are pretty awesome, far better than half of my siblings. My dogs are my enjoyment, hobby and pleasure, i dont use harsh training methods that make me feel bad at the end of the day.I'm pretty sure anyone that meets my dogs think they are pretty great too. It's funny how reward/motivational based trainers get bagged out when most of us started off as correction trainers.
  5. Yes. Why? Maybe they like slow, unmotivated, old, American heelwork rounds, actually see plenty just like it at some dog clubs:p
  6. I want my dog to have fun, If it missed a jump, I must have handled it wrong or not trained it right......of course. I feel bad answering as agility is not my thing but it is all behaviour training. Sorry if this is no help.
  7. Totally agree, make it highly rewarding. This is something one of your WA gals told me ages ago.
  8. Have heard great reviews from when he was in QLD not so long ago. I was going to the QLD seminar but not sure if i can makie it as I have broken my leg.
  9. I thought he looked great for a baby, I think he was running out of reward petrol at the figure of 8's, I would be bringing out the big gun rewards in, during and after the figure of 8's. Dog bless him in the SFE, ' oh Mum, you're back'. Very nice.
  10. Correct, work the clock face around the entry, get rid of luring ASAP. make sure you work entries with the dog on the right as much or more than the left, so it makes no difference to dog where you are. Sure Vickie will add to this soon, she's trialling this weekend.:D
  11. Coffs Harbour, North Coast regionals @ CH, Port Macquarie, Grafton.
  12. SK, chopped up checken nicks are good too. AFAIK thère is no active sport dog club in Sydney ATM
  13. BTW, I have always left my dog in the house and nothing gets damaged or destroyed, play happens outside not inside, black and white rules, and he is sweet with kids. ETA, not at Elkas age but by eight to ten months they should know house rules under a careful eye:)
  14. Glad I don't live near you, I could steal her.......start training her, she wants jobs. Do you want ideas for training? Have you got her taking treats and charged a clicker? Training will build reward value.
  15. errrrrr..... I haven't taught her a lot yet. I was planning on following the Michael Ellis stuff and building up a nice level of engagement before sweating the small stuff. Turns out that focussing on me is not her strong point so far lol, way too much going on in the world. I am lucky enough to be puppy sitting a Mal puppy for a few weeks over Xmas :D , I will be doing heaps of stuff with it, I can't wait, they are such little sponges for learning and games.
  16. Lots of walks from and back to the new house.
  17. So what have you taught Elka and where is the video?
  18. I've fed raw for years and also follow this rule. I do not feed weight bearing bones from any animal, even chicken drumsticks....no leg bones. Glad the EB is ok.
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