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Everything posted by PAX

  1. I have not read that one but I have read her other book and lots of her training notes and been to her seminar. I'm pretty sure she would not tolerate barking but Buzz was a dog she had lots of trouble with and a dog that she thanks for teaching her the most about training.
  2. Some pups and dogs are better off lead for socialising than on lead but I know my pup would of just bolted in fear. After last night I am confident it is all behind us.
  3. Here is my two cents.....lol. I have a pup who was very shy, she does not like strange dogs or stange people. I have continued to socialise her but not made an issue of her meeting new dogs or people, I have just worked on her obedience & training with me. If I tell her to sit she has to sit, I make the decisions not her and I beleive by being a confident handler you make your dog confident. I try not to let her be in a situation where she would want to pull back or away even if that means you work slightly away from the others for a while. My pup is now seven months old and I took her to training last night (it has just restarted after the xmas break) and I was so impressed by her confidence and her happy playful manner at the training grounds. Also Dobes love to play so I suggest getting her addicted to tug toys, it is a great game to use with training as the best reward and also when you need to distract them from something else. Castle Hill Club has a very good name and I know they have some very good trainers that I'm sure could help you.
  4. PAX

    Perfect Pup...

    Pegging panty hose on the line with some doggy poop in the feet works better than the water method. I agree with Ci, just supervise the washing and the pup will grow out of it.
  5. What about some good tug toys? They could wrestle with them and play tug with each other instead of tugging on each other.
  6. If you search the forum for 'Pro Heart' you will see lots of info about this topic.
  7. It takes about two weeks after castrating for them to settle down but like the others have said a lot of desexed males will still show interest in the girls when they are in season.
  8. Forgot ot say that I also had my puppy vet checked twice to be sure there was no medical reason for the frequent little pees.
  9. Warley, I had the exact same thing and I could of written your post. To make things worse I had two same age pups, one was perfect and the other the dirtiest pup I have ever had I am happy to say that now Miss Pee Anywhere is 7 months old and hasn't had an accident for six to eight weeks........touch wood. Although when she is outside and needs to wee she will pee on the pavers rather than walk a couple of metres to the grass. Keep doing what your doing and keep puppy off carpeted areas, buy a good mop and don't worry he will get it.
  10. Maybe if you said what area you were in some one could be of more help.
  11. I run a large breed dog that is not that fast so I haven't worried too much about running contacts. My new pup is very fast and I will try two on two off which so far she seems to understand. I see a lot of dogs at trials miss the contacts or freeze on the contacts and lose heaps of time, which I think means they are either over trained or misunderstand. I will stick to the 'two on two off' and the OK relaese until or if it fails.
  12. Morgan I guess it's what ever works for you. I have never had a dog with cancer EVER, epilepsy, diabetes or anything else so it works for us. My husband is a vet. We believe vaccinating pregnamt bitches gives the pups the highest immunity, but that is our opinion and what works for us.
  13. I switched three years ago after my dog developed severe skin problems at dog puberty, and I didn't want to be in for a life of drugs and treatments. When I switched, within a couple of months his skin was under control and drug free. If eating fresh is best for us why would it not be the same for our dogs. The more I researched it the more I thought dogs should not eat cereal which is often the main ingredient in commercial dog foods. I was always fanatic about doing all the BARF vegies and offal but after reading some great posts by STEVE (thanks Steve) and her comments relating it back to how we humans eat, I have been much more relaxed and the dogs look just as good. I often get asked what I feed my dogs becuase they look so good.
  14. I do not vaccinate any of our pups before 8 weeks of age. I have never given annual Vaccinations, they get vaccinated one year from their last puppy shot and that's it.. Having said that my dogs never go into boarding kennels (they did once). This is something we have done and believed for years. We also vaccinate all pregnant bitches at six weeks gestation with CPV.
  15. Great photos but I still think they are disgusting. Toby is very brave, I would die if one landed on me.
  16. Thanks Tim'sMum, I am not a fan of them either.
  17. Mine carry them around but don't eat them. Does anyone know why there are so many cicardas this year? It is deafening at my place, and I don't remember them being this bad before. They have never flown/crashed into the windows like they are doing this year.
  18. I would like an alternative to jumping. A lot of the larger dogs can't trial at higher levels because they are not able to jump the required height.
  19. I picked my current pup for the sports I like, agility and obedience and the lifestyle of our family. I have a Koolie but now I have the herding bug too. Most of all I wanted a dog that was easy to live with, sound and friendly to all. I think I got that but ask me in two more years.
  20. PAX

    Weeing On Clothes

    Can I borrow your pup to teach my kids to pick up their clothes?
  21. Atlas......that dog is nightmare. He must cost you a fortune in vet bills. Hope all is well.
  22. I have had lots of puppies and never had a problem TT until now. I have two pups, similar breeding and same breed they are 5 and half months. One has been tt since almost the day he arrived and the girl is terrible. She is getting better lately but I'm sure it is more good timing on my part then her actually knowing were to go. I realy believe that some just get it quickly and some don't. I think she has a minature bladder because she does the smallest wees. I have even had her urine checked twice for infections. It's like that saying, 'It wont happen overnight, but it will happen'. Thankgod my house is all tiled.
  23. Dam, I just wrote a great reply and then read how old this topic is. You girls are evil.
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