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Everything posted by PAX

  1. Well I am not sure if I watched the same video as you. I really liked how the dogs he trained continually wanted him to interact with them. When he realesed the toy to the dog, the dog just wanted to return for more tugging instead of nicking off with it like a Dobermann. I'm not convinced if it's a training problem or a Dobe problem , I didn't do much different with the Koolies yet they have no desire to do anything other then continue playing with me, so I never need two toys I thought it was very logical and liked his style of training. I did feel that he held a bit of info back but I guess that's so we buy another video.
  2. Do you like Ivans video????Or just his arms?
  3. Great news, I think it's time you sent me an email.
  4. I would try putting him in a crate every time he starts barking and cover the crate with a blanket. If they are bad barkers have the crate next to you so the second (hopefully) he stops barking,even if it's for a few seconds lift the blanket off the crat . I would be vey matter of fact about it, and don't talk to or comfort the dog. Hopefully he will make the 'cause and effect' connection quickly. If he seems to 'get it' you could let him out, but if he barks, back in the covered crate. As it seems you have tried most things and I remember your posts about this noisy fellow, you might not have any other choice than debarking. He is lucky boy to have find such nice owners that are really trying.
  5. Have you had her urine tested, perhaps there is a medical reason as you said her pee puddles are small. I'm sure she isn't doing it to annoy you. Just thought maybe she was punished in her past home as she was a rescue, anyway I'd go back to early puppy training and work through it. Does she know it's ok to wee near you when she is outside? Will she wee when she is on lead so you can praise her?
  6. I don't think dogs ever know its wrong to urinate where we don't want them too. Dogs a so clever at reading body language, she would know you're cross but does not know why so that would make her more nervous. I would limit her free time in the house until she has a stronger bladder, even if that means she is on lead in the house.
  7. Poodlefan must be back soon. Waiting waiting.
  8. It was puupy to UD, so she covered almost everything for competitive obedience and helped people with specific trialling related problems. I got her to show me how to teach a kick back stand which my clever pup has now nailed. Also my pup gets frightened quite easily so she helped me come up with some training plans to help overcome this. Sue went into a lot of detail of the steps she uses to teach scent work and it was so easy and the dogs all loved it. Sue covered the directed retrieve and just about everything else. My pup also won Annes top camp dog award, what a star she is.
  9. I am the crappiest writer though so I would rather not and besides you're already spoilt with your Perth trip and trialling holiday.
  10. I'm sure I did, the poor woman. :D Poodlefan is staying at 'Camp Tailwaggers' until Wednesday before her 14 hour road trip home.
  11. We got back yesterday. It was the best and Camp Tailwaggers is fantastic, I could of easily moved in. The facilities are fantastic and the cabins had everything you and your dogs could possibly need, even a doggy door. Sue is amazing and her training methods are so easy to understand. I wish she lived on the East Coast. It is the second Sue H seminar I have been attended so hopefully more info will stick in my thick head. I got to meet Poodlefan and her three very cute poodles. There were a lot of familiar faces there and some new ones. Annes new puppy is very cute and very confident, I stole lots of puppy cuddles.
  12. I forgot to say I have tried to bribe Lablover into having a lovely Mid North Coast holiday to no avail.
  13. I have been having one on one herding instruction and if there was some one I would want to train with, within a 2 hour radius I would have private Obedience training. As it is I just travel miles for seminars. I have had private agility lessons, and used ot have private Obedience lessons until the person moved. I also had horses and did dressage and always had private lessons. I am jack of all trades and master of none.
  14. My best friend was with her father at the beach with his Labrador. She asked him why doesn't he let Princess off for a run?, and his reply was 'Labradors don't come when you call them'. My quick thinking friend said 'what about guide dogs?'. We still roll around laughing about our mental images of poor blind people with these unruly Labs.
  15. Greytmate, I have known lots of people that raise Greyhound pups in rough hilly paddocks and consistanly produce city winners. They believe it makes the pups more balanced and better developed. Of course these pups are in these paddocks from a very young age so they know the terrain. When they are racing it's a different story. Not meaning to be a samrt a#$ but wanted to share.
  16. Wheres my Rock, Quick thinking on that excuse.
  17. This is not really an excuse but one day in Open my dog and I were doing a drop on recall. When I said drop the dog hit the ground perfectly then went and rolled around on his back having the most lovely time. The judge asked me if my dog would like the judge to get him a Banana chair and a Pina Colada. I wanted to crawl under a rock. Of course he passed all other exercises. I tried to come up with an excuse but couldn't. Not one that didn't involve lots of swear words.
  18. Tom Cat pee is the worst smell I hope it works, it will be a very good test.
  19. Ness, When you move over there, do you want a house mate???
  20. I will have a look Pix, but it might smell to strong to put in an enclosure. Just read all the destructions and it doesn't mention birds or rodents. It does say Used by the RAS Sydney Royal last five years in the dog and cat pavillions and used in vet clinics. Also repels flies mosquitoes and fleas. Sorry no help.
  21. I think she is bringing Diva with her. At the Castle Hill Seminar they had a lovely lady that scribed all lessons notes, then they were typed up and handed out. I took my video camera as well so I could re watch the lesson over and over because I am a bit thick.
  22. My Koolie, her name is Chill is very unsocial. The only dog she actually is not afraid of at training is an Apricot mini poodle and I wonder if it's because it loooks like a sheep. Only kidding, it's because the poodle shows no interest in her so she is relaxed around him. Chill is a real fruit loop. Edited because i can't spell because, or type not sure which one.
  23. Yes I went to her in Sydney last year and she is FANTASTIC. Sue also wore head sets so everyone could hear what she was saying to the handler as she was training. You will love her and I am a bit partial to a glass of wine so hopefully we are next door to each other. I am arriving on Friday and I can't wait.
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