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Everything posted by PAX

  1. L&L, If you saw my dogs playing tug you would change your thoughts on it I'm sure. It is very safe, more so than giving my hungry Dobermann treats.......lol, now that's dangerous. If I can ever get youtube happening I should post a clip of my dogs tugging and how we use it in training.
  2. I second what Helen said. I prefer a soft crate as they are lighter to carry at trials and training but they are expensive for a puppy to wreck so stat with a metal crate. The metal crates are also cooler, just they are a bit heavy to cart with all the other doggy stuff we lug around.
  3. That's fantastic, I would love to have ago one day but I know I would be terrified. Huge Congratulations and even more for having the guts to have a go.
  4. Why don't they just use a normal harness? I don't think they will be taking the dog for long walks with wobblers. I would imagine they just need something to take the dog to the vet, etc.
  5. There's a challenge for you LL, train a chicken to retrieve.
  6. Maybe if it was attached to a piece of metal in my mouth.
  7. If the club you go to is Canine Council affiliated they can not refuse use of a check chain when it's catered for in the rule book and instructors hand book? I too would also not let the dog lean on you, I would move into his space and make him move, how rude....lol. Dogs always learn, whether we teach them or not.
  8. Tonmc, 'those' would be me and I responded to what was written by the OP, glad it's not the case.
  9. Why have a dog if it has to spend 4.5 years in a run and kennel, it would be like jail. I'm sure I would have anxiety.
  10. Yes lovely I have it, want to swap for a while? They do your head in. What have you go to offer?
  11. In my three dogs one is the clear leader. Nobody will walk near her, get toys out of her bed, look at her while she is eating or when she has a toy. She doesn't have to do anything to get their respect, she just has it. I can see it in the way she walks near them, they will always give her space, it is as though she has a force field around her, it is very interesting to watch. She will play with them at times but it is always on her terms, she starts and ends the games. The other two are quite equal although one is above the other with food.
  12. I think a high drive dog means it is always willing to go into drive under any circumstance, anywhere, anytime. Well thats my definition of high drive. A low drive dog will easily be put off by it surrounds or other factors where as dog with high drive is so high in drive he/she wont notice the surrounds, the nervous handler, distractions, whatever.
  13. What a brilliant idea Leo, I'll pay that one. All the gurus have Mondayitis so you're stuck with us, the frivilty girls.
  14. I heard that you're lacking drive so she is probably copying her owner.
  15. If she is going on a rug, remove the rug and do not let her go onto carpet if you can. Dogs prefer to go on carpet so their legs dont get splashed. As she learns to go outside she can earn the right to be trusted on the carpet. If you punish her she will only learn not to toilet around you and hide to go pee.
  16. Jesomil, I agree and would also like to add Dogs do not have 'lock jaw' (unless they have tetanus), it's an old wives tale. :D
  17. I don't think this is something new.
  18. Centitout, I can't post in the Breeders section but I wanted to say how lovely your pups are. I wish I could steal some puppy love. I have never met a Bloodhound in the flesh and would love too. They look in such excellent condition, you have done a great job with so many pups.
  19. Anything your dog wants you can use to your advantage, you just need to teach the dog the rules and how to get what it is he wants.
  20. No! As soon as you go inside you can try again. Remember they really, really want to go, so just getting marched back inside is enough to punish them. Have them sit quietly (one at a time) and start again. You can repeat it for as long and until they get it, or your patience runs out. If it was me I would do it until......... they got it right, but give yourself plenty of time and don't be in a rush for first few times.
  21. I prefer private lessons but it is not possible in the regional area I live in. Often in class situation different people have diferent opinions and that can take away valuable class time. I would rather pay to get the info I need and want and take it on to socialise my dogs in my own time. Great topic.
  22. Luvabull, It's all about training, they need to learn self control. the more you walk them the fitter they will get, it wont change anything unless they are tired. They need to learn manners and self control. Good behaviour gets what they want and that is the lessson they have missed (by your posts).
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