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Everything posted by baker

  1. thanks MelStar. yes we are looking forward to helping you.
  2. well thanks for looking at my website. is it so strange for people to relocate interstate. seems that this is shocking to many.
  3. well it is nice to see that my kennel has a great deal of discussion & interest. YES. i am a registered breeder, & just because you may not have heard of my kennel does not mean that i do not exist or that my kennel does not breed beautiful puppies. we have sold our puppies to other breeders & to families who enjoy showing their pups but our main concern here at "RegalBorne Cavaliers" is that we feel the new homes & owners are going to love their new puppy first & that they will love it no matter what the show results or breeding capabilities may be. as we all know every dog is different & every new family is different. whilst i aim to breed quality dogs & also to be true to the breed I still would prefer my pups to go to a loving home rather than any puppy mill or even a rigid breeding home if its quality of life was to be just there to breed. our dogs are beautiful & they deserve to enjoy a wonderful life. if they show along the way great, if they breed along the way great. but isn't it always much better to know that our pups have loving homes that the pups can thrive in & spend a wonderful lifetime enjoying. i agree that it can become a very nasty place to be starting out in. whenever you try to find a new puppy there can be ridiculous terms & conditions placed upon unexp-ecting owners. I do not feel that i need to control any body else's decision to what they choose to do with their puppy after they have bought it & taken it home. But i also would not Main register a pup that was not suitable for a MAIN register.. thankfully if you check out the owners & you have been true to the breeding standards & if you maintain healthy breeding stock, the rest is relatively easy. it shows when litter after litter the pups are all growing really well into their markings. when other breeders & judges comment on how lovely & how well marked your dogs are. we have no need to feel obligated to hold down other families with strict contracts & harsh & unneccessary rules & restrictions. there is a free decision to breed, yet it is very hard for anyone to break into the area if all breeders close ranks & become rather nasty to everyone & if they try to monopolise the entire puppies life what enjoyment is that to the new family. it is no wonder there are so many un wanted pets out there & why there are so many abandoned animals & why there has become a black market in the first place. who gives these breeders the right to stop other people from breeding?? each to there own, i know that we are doing a fabulous job & we love our dogs & they are healthy, beautiful & a part of our family. we love them like our children & we would prefer to raise beautiful well rounded puppies that will bring joy into the owners lives rather than a constant contractual headache of what the dog's limitations are to be for life. so don't throw daggers at me for my opinion. i am allowed to have one. just as you are. I am also allowed to breed quality pups & be able to encourage others to breed if they feel they can do it properly. there should not be an unspoken rule that if you buy a dog from a different breeder that you will not get a chance if you tried to show it. that is not fair to anyone at all. that is also why people prefer not to waste their time with these clicky shows who are so controlled by the old breeders that no new person has a chance of success unless you pay with your life savings & vow to be dictated to with your every move in the show ring & with your dog for the rest of your show career. why does it all have to be so mean & cruel?? no wonder why no one wants to join these groups they are so opinionated & feel they are the law unto themselves. i am happy to be able to help loving families who are genuinely looking to give a precious puppy a loving & caring home. it is very rewarding to see just how well a puppy is doing as he grows & settles with his family. this is far more valuable than any show or contract. thank you all for spending so much time discussing my babies,, we are very happy you are interested in our breed. but please people before you start to throw out your opinions as answers to new owners, please find out your facts first. we are not American, But we are an Australian website. we are registered & we have been with both NSW & QLD. yes we have lovely dogs & yes we will sell them to a loving family. we do know what we are doing. we are secure enough to know that we can help others whilst still maintaining the breed standards. we are not here to be a problem for anyone or to restrict any owner. there are more than enough of us breeders out there to go around. so why is there all the need to be so vicious to the new owners trying to get a start??? it would be great to see it all be fair like it is supposed to be. thank you so very much Melstar, as you have been able to see who we are by asking us directly. it was lovely to see your support. thank you. anyone else looking for puppies we have a litter in the oven at the moment & we are more than happy to discuss with new owners anytime.
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