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  1. Hello, Just wondering if anyone can give me some tips on how to deal with my dog's separation issues when she is left behind without the other dog? Background: 2 dogs: 1 lab, 1 lab x kelpie (the problem dog). When I try to walk the lab on his own, the kelpie x will bark and bark when we leave the house. I have tried distracting the kelpie x when I leave by throwing 1/2 a cup of pellets onto the back lawn so she doesn't realise she's being left behind (and I threw her ball for her for about 10 minutes before we left). It appeared to work (stood a few houses down for 5 minutes to see if she would start barking, and she didn't) but by the time we got back from the walk (30 minutes) I could hear her barking. I snuck around the side of the house and she was just sitting on her bed barking. Any suggestions?? (Walking them together is NOT an option) This hasn't been a problem before, but that's because my partner is normally home when I walk them, now I'm on mat leave I want to walk them in the day time. TIA
  2. Hello, First post here. I desperately need a private dog trainer. I am at the end of my tether when it comes to walking my two dogs. They are normally lovely, well behaved (a little excitable!) dogs but when the leads come out it's on - pulling, tug-o-war, jumping, pulling each others leads. I try my best to train them not to, but my husband just lets them run off lead (we back onto dog park) until they tire -- I need a trainer as much for him as the dogs as he can't see the issue with their behaviour! It came to a climax today when I lost the plot and spent our "walk" this morning crying at the back fence. I need to fix this - I want to enjoy my dogs and enjoy walking them, it has become a chore and I dread it. Thanks.
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