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Posts posted by pesh

  1. Thx everyone for taking the time to give great advice. Fantastic photos. Everyone you can see the little differences you prefer.

    kja, the shots with the dogs sitting, have you just used the flash on the camera, or added extra light?

    Pers, the one with the tree, wow just gorgeous.

  2. I agree Tic, something I'm constantly trying to rectify the problem. I know what's causing it, me. :laugh:

    As for program, I just use my computer and have no idea how to fix the problem as I am computer illiterate. :mad:

    I have Windows 7, but when I go to crop (though paint) it won't let me use it. Any suggestions?????????

    Thanks for taking the time, and it's really appreciated. :)

  3. Once you know exactly all the gizmo's you're buying with it and cost and guarrentees, Dept of Fair Trading might give you an idea on the extended warranty verses and your actual warranty.

    I was told even though a warranty may say 12 months, you could be entittled to an automatic extended warranty because of the cost and that the ability should hold up.

    That is why businesses like Harvey Norman offer these warranty extension because you're actually entittled to it, but they make money because people don't know their rights.

    I can organise tim tams.......... :laugh:

  4. Yep I do print out my favourites. :)

    I do realise computer thing-a-me-jigs do change over the years, but just thinking of the now factor.

    I do like those books, we had one made for Mother Dearest, she loves it. Great presents if anyone is thinking of Christmas.

    No one just store on usb sticks?

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