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Posts posted by pesh

  1. One large crate will fix that. If your not around and he's not outside, crate him. Hopefully he'll forget all about the walls as he'll have chew bars/bones in the crate and they'll keep him happy.

    Good luck..................... :)

  2. We're the same, some fussy buggars in the yard.

    The fussy one gets the same as the others, but I do add a little cat tin food. Works a treat, gives it a little flavour, or another one I use to give my cat was brewers yeast. Once again, just gives it a little flavour, it can be purchased at Woolies, Coles etc.................

    Good luck......... :D

  3. Depends on the dog. I have a bitch who is much better having two meals a day, the others are on one meal.

    Remember what you give in the morning must not be considered a treat, it's a 1/2 meal at night if feeding twice a day.

    You'll figure it out, and then the dog will have a growth spurt and you'll have to go through it all again. ;)

    Good luck.................... :D

  4. :) Good on you for trying to help. Yes, your right, it could turn and show fear agression. Slowly introduce it to a new things. Sit in the front yard with a long lead, let it smell things, as the confidence builds, walk a couple houses down.

    If you have a GOOD training class it can help. Simple things like, sitting way from the training and telling the dog what a good dog it is, when it is being good. It's going to be rough (depending on the dog) but each week bring it in closer to the class. This can also be done at dog parks, preferrable at this stage and on leach walking track.

    At home, obedience train, with constant praise and LITTLE treat bits. Last thing you need is a dog that doesn't understand sit and stay when your trying to socialise.

    If you have a friend with a dog that has that "I don't care" attitude, great. Use it. Put both dogs on long leads in a neutral area, maybe a park and let the relax dog do what he does naturally, sniff and doesn't give a hoot about the pup. Soon the pup will relax, and learn from this dog.

    Could go on and on, but might be worth a look what others have said in past threads.

    Remember it's could be a long journey, but one worth while.

    Same here, wish I was closer.

    Good luck........................ :laugh:

  5. I'm sorry if someone has already mentioned this, but..................from what I remember puppies bladders aren't completely developed until around the age of 6 months.

    Our staffy was the same, just a little slow but she got there with a little maturity.

    Good luck........... :thumbsup:

  6. You poor thing, I really feel for you, but would go for the second opinion if you haven't already.

    I'm not going to tell you what to do, but will add this.

    I had a lovely lovely bitch going on 17 or so years ago. She wouldn't have hurt a fly and intelligence plus. I truely loved this gal, and still miss her today.

    She started having trouble up and down our back 3 steps and hated her tail/spine area being touch from the age of 18months-2years or so and it worsened within a short time. We went through with the medication, until she got to the point of nothing worked.

    We made the hard decission, and glad we did. She gave us so so much, at least we could give her relief even though it was a hard one. I love the memories I have about that gal, and glad we let her go with the dignity she deserved.

    You have to make the decission and know when enough is enough, and not just for yourself.

    Take care............................

  7. We have been innandated with cidadas, and I love it.

    BUT, one of my puppies has a fettish for them, she will continuously eat them.

    We let her out first thing in the morning, you can't get her back in unless you physically bring her in. She's out there scrounging about looking for that tasty tidbit.

    She's now found they are also good to tease her brother with, as he's not quite as cluey as she is. Right now she's being chased by the boy, because she has one in her mouth and she's making the cedada make that noise, just to stir.

    So, does anyone know what is too many cidadas in your meal is? :rofl:

  8. I'm with Sunny, he wants his space.

    I would encourage this, he decided he needs rest to digest the food, so let him.

    After we feed (especially the GSD's), we keep them quiet for a good hour or so, don't need bloat.

    If he's happy with you any other time of the day, good. If he's not then you may have to address that problem, but if it's just after a meal, he's fine.

    Have fun.....................

  9. Yep, canine cough is lurking everywhere at present, so vaccinate with at least a C5.

    As stated, many strains, but only some covered by the vaccination.

    But, well worth the while. Next time your at the vets ask how much if a dog came in with a bad strain of the canine cough and what the poor beast has to go through?

  10. I think you'll find Bonnie and Coprice are made by the same company?

    If your low in funds it's not to bad to add to the premium mix, to stretch it out. But wouldn't use it on its' own.

    Makes my lot poo heaps. Like the saying goes, "What you put in one end, will eventually come out the other." Boy does it come out the other. :rainbowbridge:

    Just put this on another thread - Royal Canin is my favourite. They should be paying me for this. :cry: Yeah sure.

  11. Sounds like one spoilt puppy. :rainbowbridge:

    Seperation anxiety is what she's having problems with and making a fuss over her when you or anyone else leaves is a big no, no.

    To break the cycle, leave the house without a great deal of fuss for around 2 minutes (ignore the cries and whimpering, I know it's hard, but for a happy household this must be done), walk back in and just ignore her. The pup cannot receive attention or even be looked at when you first walk in, pats and attention need to be earnt, and remember she is lower in rank so must wait her turn. Around ten minutes of you and who ever else is in the household walking around the house, then have the pup sit or do some kind of command with Sam, then give her praise and pats she has just earnt. Makes sure Sam follows through with the instruction given.

    Keep doing this every hour or so, but extend the time by a minute or so. She will then come to terms with being left alone, and that in time you will return.

    Might be worth having a look for some basic doggy training books. Or join an obedience club with an instructor who knows what there talking about. Remember your going to have this pup for many years, and nows the time to get it right.

    Hope this helps, and makes sense.


  12. Don't have to head straight into walking the pup, maybe sit out the frontyard so all the noises can sink in, then move closer to the curb, bit by bit.

    With our GSD's, we are lucky and have lake at the end of the street with a walkway. I sit down there with treats and blankets that has their smell. I just let the pup sit there and keep reasuring them. It doesn't take long and there wanting to run about and I let them on an extended lead, bit by bit that's all it takes.

    Same as the training took time, so does introduction to the world.

    Good luck..........................

  13. We do the same, freeze icecream containers with treats in it. Funny to watch them scoot along the decking. :rofl: Not so funny when OH puts it in the freezer and it spills because he didn't balance it. :laugh:

    Also put frozen blocks in their water and watch them bob for treats.........keeps them cool.

  14. Also throw in a deep gutteral growl, Mum also does this with the pushing down............

    Things to remember:

    Don't let the dog tell you when it wants a pat. A pat is a reward for doing something it has been told to do.

    Just because he rolls on his back doesn't mean he needs a pat, he's telling you "Well I'm here, pat me". That's called passive dominence.

    You eat first, never the dog. If you have to feed him first, pretend you are eatig out of his bowl so he thinks he's getting the scraps of the meat. Remember you are the dominate dog, and he's getting what you don't want.

    You should make him sit when your entering a doorway, then invite him in. Dominate dog always enters a area first.

    See if you can get obedience books on the dog pack and how they work, and that will help.

    Good luck...............................

  15. It would be easier for us to say, "What haven't they chewed, shred, tore, rubbed in the dirt etc etc".

    My first GSD Tierce, was unbelievable she wouldn't touch a thing on the clothes line unless it was a doona (At least 4), sleeping bag (2), pillows (too many to remember) you know all the things with stuffing in them. She torn our doona to pieces one day, I was around 6 months prego's with our first boy, so everything was a bigger drama than it actually was. OH had to come home, I was devistated.

    She also chewed a 10foot + palm tree, while did a 4 hour shift.

    Would jump the fence and steal the neighbours kids toys. No, never when they were around. She wasn't nasty at all, just give you those big eye's when you'd walk out the back as if to say, "I know, I've been naughty AGAIN."

    She still has warm loving spot in my heart, even though she could be a naughty naughty gal.

    Rest in peace Tierce and thanks for the memories.................................. :rofl:

  16. Just as everyone has said, he's bored. Maybe puppy minding, or have someone walk him during the day, you have to find something. Tethering the dog for an hour or two is fine, they'll rest and sleep that long, but 7 days a week is too much for anyone.

    You can buy large pens, place a tarp under it so not to soil the flooring. Give bones, kongs, safe toys whilst your not home.

    Good luck...............................

  17. Harminee

    I gather the dogs are in the car together? Is this why you want a crate? Sorry. couldn't quite understand the shopping bit, having a thickhead day.................... :rofl:

    Slowly reintroduce the dogs, don't false them onto each other. Just let them see each other, and if one is boistrous settle them down so not to throw the more submissive one. A way is, if one is an out going pup/dog, wait till it's calm/ slightly tired (not when it is really in need of sleep, it will only make it cranky being sniffed by another dog when all it wants is sleep) and reintroduce it to the smaller/sensitive dog.

    Don't allow one on the lounge, as this is a dominate position and the other will be more determined to get that other dog down to his level. It has to be even playing field, so one doesn't have an advantage over the other.

    Another less stressful way is to walk your dogs together, they then both associate walking together as a nice time.

    Repitition, that what it all about.

    I would have your dog attend dog training, as this is great way of introducing all different breeds to your dog, and the best way to have learn to socialize. It also teaches you, and you will learn to relax, then the dog will as it is most probably feeding off you being stressed. In its' head, Mum is stressed so there must be something wrong.

    Hope I've made sense??????????????

    Good luck..........

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