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Posts posted by pesh

  1. Morning All

    Just been asked this, and don't know a lot about whippets so thought I'd turn to Dol'ers.

    So could a whippet live happily in a unit?

    It would be walked daily.

    Plus would be down the beach daily.



    ps....needed to add: Is there a breed you would recommend for a working person who lives in a unit.

  2. I'm sitting here crying, he is a beautiful friend, companion. I always wanted to take him home.

    Oh Melissa I'm so so sorry.

    It's lovely what you've wrote in you OP.

    Take care the best you can, and give lots of cuddle to rest of the furkids.

    Sharon xxxx :hug:

  3. Sorry as a groomer there is no way I'd do it.

    The coat protects the skin and helps prevent dehydration.

    Even if the dog does pick up a tick and it's shaved doesn't mean you will see it. They can become internal, in ears, between toes etc etc etc. It's just a job you're going to have to do everyday.

    Advantix every fortnight is the way I'd be heading. Permoxin diluted in a spray bottle helps also. Give the dog a spray when you're heading out walking, and it can help stop any hop on's.

  4. I'm not going to judge you, obviously we don't have all the info and I don't know you.

    It sounds like parvo, although it could be one of many illnesses.

    If it is parvo, yes everything is infected. Did you think of an autopsy? It would give you the answers you need.

    A friend went through the same thing and knew nothing of parvo being the first dog they'd ever had. They did all the right things and lost the puppy. To cut a long story short they bought an older dog who was totally vaccinated, which saved the risk of parvo.

  5. No not all are the same. I have my own small business and I pride myself in the wash I give.

    Depending on the size of the dog it generally takes 25-40 mins for the wash and semi blow dry.

    My suggestion is to go for a small business who wants your business, stay and watch what they do.

    Many times I'm asked to clip nails when they're impossible to do, they either don't need doing or the dog refuses. If a dog really refuses I am not going risk being bitten or hurt, and then have to take the owner on to cover my medical costs, loss of wages etc etc etc. I then suggest walking the dog on a hard surface to naturally wear them down.

    Plus the poor dog could be hurt or in the struggle the nail moves in the clippers and it's cut short and bleeds.

    Not wanting to have to book to far ahead is a problem in itself. The only ones who you don't have regular bookings are the ones you want to stay away from.

    As for the $25, that's pretty good. Take into consideration, petrol, insurances, ware and tare of equipment, shampoos & conditioners, wages, tax etc etc etc.

    But will agree if it was 10mins in the tub, that is way to fast to complete a good job.


  6. Hi

    You were given a very special time because of your wonderful big, generous heart.

    Not too many kennels would do what you did, and look what you received, nothing but love in return. And much deserved at that.

    Be thinking of you today.

    Take care


  7. Hi All

    Our little buddy passed last night.

    We went to the RSPCA when Master 18 wa just under 2. We had a look round and found no suitable pups or dogs. Went back in the waiting room and here is this man that stood over 6 foot 3 and built like a brick dunny house.

    He's standing there with this little foxy, and this man had tears in his eyes and I asked if he was OK. He replied with, "they can't guarrantee me he'll find a home."

    We had the kids play with Jasper and the man had all the paperwork of his vaccinations, and even copies of his vet visits.

    As you've guessed Jasper came home with us.

    From that day Jasper and Master 18 have been the best of buds.

    The amount of laughs and love this one little guy has bought into our home, I could never repay him.

    Your going to be missed terribly Jabby Jasper, you're a one in a life time dog.

    Love you 44, and forever and a day. xxxx

  8. It is most likely submissive urination... ?

    My suggestions... IGNORE her as much as possible. NO looming over her... no eye contact/baby/excited talk.... no patting unless she is sitting/standing calmly/walking nicely on lead. ..then brief and under the chin ..then immediately ignore again.

    You shouldn't need to touch her much.. ? Doesn't she walk/jump without help?

    and make sure everyone in the house follows the same rules. :D

    This is what I would also say. Would also add, dogs bladders don't fully develope till 6 months. So take what Pers has said and give her a little time, but in the same breath, a vet check wouldn't hurt either.

    Good luck...............


  9. I have been on their back to get preventic collars and to check their dogs everyday, unfortunately all too late.

    So many clients are surprized the tick preventor in the spot-ons only lasts two weeks, not the month as the advertising doesn't state this, but states four weeks for the fleas so naturally think its four weeks for tick cover also.

    Have said about the permoxin, some take it on, many don't unfortunately.

    I also have to be careful about saying the lime, as it's an off label use your talking about and I could be in quite a bit of trouble telling people to use lime, and they or their pets get sick by not doing it properly. It's a vicous circle.

  10. It's just so frustrating isn't it.....

    We had the same here, the dogs attacking each other behind the fence when dogs would be walked pass. So the owners thought, we'll just let then out. They didn't last long, I think every neightbour rang the ranger.

    What are people thing.......................not much.

  11. Hi All

    This would have already been discussed but have to put in once again.

    I live on the NSW Central Coast and we are in plague proportion with paralasis(sp?) ticks.

    I have a mobile grooming business, with-in the last two weeks I have sent three clients to the vets with their dog having at least one tick I had found while washing. But it's breaking my heart I've just received another phonecall from another client who Husky just passed from tick poisoning.

    Another client last week also lost their dog from ticks, but this dog was found to have 14 ticks. :( Neither from a lack of care. The second had taken himself for a walk being a farm dog, and was missing for no longer than 1 1/2 days, and when he returned it was all just too late for poor Jack.

    I've received phonecalls asking what can people do about them in their yards. One person rang because they had so many they couldn't leave the dogs there (only just bought the house) as the dogs and themselves would be covered within minutes from brown ticks. They contacted the council, wires anyone who might be able to help rid them, but they said they knew nothing and wouldn't assist because it's natural. :)


    Thx in advance


  12. We had a bitch we brought in, lovely bitch to watch moving, but slow her down in the ring, she'd start to pace.

    Tried doing tight figure 8 with her, swimming, and tried retraining the movement. Nothing worked.

    Sometimes it's in the lines.

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