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Posts posted by pesh

  1. Actually it's sad. People think we as breeders continually breed and they truely don't have any idea. It's the puppy mill mentallity. They see these stories on the news of all these puppies available from puppy mills, so we all fit into that slot.

  2. So what's happened?

    Our dogs are crated at night, but they are fed and given bones in there, so it's good place to stay - something to keep in mind. But I have DOGS not one, they do need company. Even if you have a crate in the house where it can hear you might help. But if you do bring it in stick to your guns in the decission of where it sleeps in the house. Place it there once and that's where it stays with no visits.

    Sorry but if it was my husband a short sharp jab to the ribs each time the dog wimpered will change his mind quickly. It's his decission the dog sleeps outside, and I gather he agreed to get the dog, so let him share the joys of the dog being outside. :laugh:

  3. How old is Stevie? Is she desexed?

    My girl has had two occasions where she stopped eating. First time was a month before she came into season. Second time (which is probably more likely to be the case with you) she just decided that she was sick and tired of what she was being fed, so I changed her kibble and all of a sudden she was wolfing it down again. I think some dogs get sick and tired of having the same thing over and over again, and the fact that she happily accepts treats and other bits of food (same as my girl did the second time) really makes me think she's probably just sick of the kibble like Halo was.

    Yea, Kyojin has just suddenly decided he doesn't like his kibble anymore in the last week or two. Which sucks coz I have about 20kg of it left! So I'm trying to add some tasty things to it so that he can finish up this lot before I think about trying him on something else.

    Try mixing it in with the brand you know he likes. Or use a broth or an egg and coat the biscuit, might trick the poochie boy.

  4. She maybe bored with that diet.

    Our dogs meals consist of the following. Not all this in one meal, just varied to keep them interested.

    Good quality dry food

    Homebrand Tuna, sardines in oil for winter, springwater in summer. Too much oil can make them itchy, especially summer.



    Raw meat (human consumption only)


    Greek yoghurt


    Eggs (sometimes semi boiled with shell on, or raw cracked in bowl)

    There's most probably more, but can't think of it now.

    I noticed you said you're giving you pup the crust of your toast. Please don't, wheat is not good for your dog and may crate a smelly and sometimes sores on your dog.

    Hope this helps.



  5. Start off going out with her when it toilet time.

    Stay with her and when she does go, lots of praise and in a higher pitch voice, saying good wee wee, good wee wee(or your chosen words).

    Do this over and over.

    Then make the distance between you and her further each time, but praise each time she goes to the loo.

    Eventually you'll be inside and telling her, go do wee wee from in the house.

    She'll even go in the rain as she's getting the praise she craves.

    Good luck


  6. I'm one that would say, NO. The dogs your visiting may be vaccinated, but how about the dog over fence or the ground that may have the virus's that hasn't shown as the dogs there are vaccinated.

    It's a risk you're going to have to weigh up.

    I know it's hard, as your pup is lovely and you want to show it off, but think of the big picture.

    Good luck


  7. I was just googling dog washes, having a look see at what they have and it appeared in there somewhere.

    Should have kept a link to it, sorry.

    If I find it again shall put it up.

    Puppy farmer is what I was thinking, as there was no mention of showing or anything really positive.

    I really don't want this to turn into a hate, hate thread, was more interested in the chances of it being a true registered breeder and if this was a done thing.

  8. I think it takes six months to take effect so during your break it may have lost its effectiveness and needs to build up again.

    Should start working immediately.

    I've washed dogs that are plagued with them and within the first treatment you see a huge difference if the instructions are followed correctly.

    While we're on the subject, this year like last will be horrid for the little buggars. We've had perfect conditions for them here on the NSW Central Coast. So looks like I'll have a busy summer, only wish dog owners would act when they ask for flea treatment advice.

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