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Everything posted by pirate

  1. I live in Tasmania and l want to be able to walk and play with my dogs.
  2. Here is the link to the proposed new dog control act. The government is bringing in new legislation for the control of dogs. We have a group that are starting to fight the changes. http://www.dpac.tas.gov.au/divisions/local_government/dog_control
  3. A council is asking for changes to the dog control act so that they can ban dogs on footpaths parks etc. http://www.theadvocate.com.au/story/1856172/council-considers-total-ban-on-dogs/?cs=87
  4. That is a bit of worry as l shall be up there next week camping. Dog will not be left out of sight.
  5. Mine were on it and were doing alright for a while then he started to lose weight he was on nearly 4 cups. Have shifted him to XP3020 and he is putting weight on.
  6. This article may be useful http://www.suzanneclothier.com/the-articles/handling-lead-aggression
  7. Found this article on head collars. http://www.suzanneclothier.com/the-articles/problem-head-halters The other problem is that the style of halter doesn't suit all dogs head I have yet to find one that will fit my pointer without it riding up his nose and under his eyes.
  8. I'm up for the SG doing the first 3 days working and auditing on the Thursday and heading home south Friday so l can catch the boat Monday night. Really looking forward to it. Staying at Marburg in a tent. Was hoping to bring the van but the boat put paid to that. We don't have heart worm in Tassie l normally vaccinate if we are away for a long period of time will just use heart worm medication. I am building a big pile of stuff to go in the car. It is so much easier with the van. Its been near 30 odd years since l lived in Brisbane. We normally bypass when we visit family.
  9. I coming to Qld and staying near Ipswich. haven't lived in Qld for about 25 yrs what the Ticks Fleas and Mossies like around there. Only there for a week. Coming from Tassie freezing down here looks like it is hot up there
  10. Pirate gets $20.00 a week pocket money which covers his entry fees, insurance and oddments.
  11. The hairy ones are powderpuffs. Smart little dog, very agile almost cat like in behaviour. We adopted one, she got on well with the pointers and the cat. She adopted the cat when it was a kitten and they would play chasey in the middle of the night up and over the bed each taking turns to chase each other. Slept either under the blankets or beneath the cat.
  12. We did really well tracking this year running 3 dogs, 1 pointer Pirate(aka) Ch Fugelere Baron du Bois RN got his Tracking Ch title. 2 Cardigan Corgis Diamond(aka) Ch Vashka Snap Lake Rn also got her Tracking Ch title and Bohn(aka) Ch Vashka Wedding Day Blues got his TDX title at the Gundog tracking trial in Tasmania.
  13. Think that Australian standard for glass doors calls for laminated you can also get tinted glass this is the standards for glass. http://www.agga.org.au/members/australian-standards
  14. I bought a vax floor washing machine, we have slate and it is really does a good job of washing the floors and it also sucks up puddles. Have had a steam cleaner and didn't like it. http://www.vax.com.au/products/specialty-cleaners/showProduct/37
  15. The chores they have to do are: Supervise the back door, make sure that visitors are not bring contraband in. Give cuddles, tell on the cat when she is on the bench. Do the dishes. Exercise the humans, Find the socks.
  16. My dogs have a bank account and they each get $20.00 a week that cover their insurance and entries for shows etc. Sometimes the account needs topping up depending on what they are doing.
  17. This would be a surprise if this turned up on the doorstep. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2336369/Spanish-town-fights-dog-poo-parcelling-POSTING-owner.html
  18. http://www.campsaustraliawide.com/ We use this book when we are travelling it lists free campsites and caravan parks under $24. We will be updating our book before we leave on our next trip.
  19. http://www.campsaustraliawide.com/ We use this book when we are travelling it lists free campsites and caravan parks under $24. We will be updating our book before we leave on our next trip.
  20. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2330896/Cats-beat-dogs-hands--drinking-scientists-prove-using-super-high-speed-cameras.html This explains why we end up with a big puddle of water on the floor when Pirate has a drink.
  21. Looking for ideas on setting up a training logbook. What should it include.
  22. I am looking for suggestions on a training log book. What would you put in it.
  23. Went into pet barn yesterday looking for a collar and lead for the corgi so she could have a nice collar for trailing in and they didn't have much settled on a pink one.. Try buying a collar for a pointer wanted one about 1 inch wide but all the collars are so long they would go round his neck at least twice.
  24. While l was out this morning Pirate picked up and took both 1kg exercise dumbbells and took them to bed.
  25. Decided to wash the dogs bed and Pirate had a stash of cheese stick, Easter egg wrapper, cat food, a teddy bear that l didn't now was missing, $2.00 coin not sure what he was saving for. The usual toys. Have been look for some embroidery threads but they weren't in the bed. Forgot bits of stuffing that he plucked from his pillow.
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