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Everything posted by kt750

  1. woooow...... just half a day i got 5 pages of responses.. took a fair bit of time to digest them all.... Thanks all for the quick reply and massive "discussion" on the charges... i just want to know the norm for vet, and sounds like there's no norm and depending on the practice.... I'll rock up my to local vet soon and see what they said.... As most of you identified, different vet has different ways of charging which I totally agreed. Well, we had experience on a suspected virus on a dog, got different opinion from two different vets, that's one of the main reason that triggered to ask the question the "norm" for charging consultation fees for two dogs... I'll keep you posted soon once my two dogs are due for a vaccination.... is just so coincidence that the two dogs next vaccination due 4 days apart.... thanks all once again for the overwhelming reply.... if only we know about dolforums when we have our current dog, we would have much more expertise to deal with dogs related issues... Happy New year all in advance! kt
  2. Hi all, Recently, we got a golden retriever puppy (9 weeks) in addition to our current 7 yrs old golden retriever to our family. And now that we got two dogs in the household, we've a quick question to ask if you bring 2 dogs to a vet consultation at the same time, do they charge one-time consultation fees (regardless of how many dogs) or do they tagged a fees for each dog? we're just curious what's the norm for vet charges for consultation fees on two dogs, and if anyone of you have any experience? cheers kt
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