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Everything posted by chran

  1. Am I the only one that like using a bit of plastic & hand ? Bending means more flexibility for your joins. A lot of people grow old & creaky because they don't use their joins enough. Now if only there's a contraption to hang my poop bags during walks ;) (my council, in it's infinite wisdom, only have 1 bin on the furthest end of the park).
  2. Supercoat sensitive is the best amongst supermarket range. Other Supercoats have "byproducts", the sensitive one doesn't. I myself use it when we run out of fresh or Nutro.
  3. Am I the only one thinking that the better the names are, the less often they're used? At this rate, it's better to name ugly names and have pretty nicknames
  4. erin (OP) saw how he got hurt so the severity can be assessed. Vet is the only option otherwise.
  5. Ice doesn't hurt - first couple of days then swap to hot compress (from third day). Sounds like he's resting the leg (not putting weight on it) - this is a good thing. I wouldn't be too worried if he's in good spirits - maybe just a soft tissue damage.
  6. No wonder non-dog people think we're crazy !
  7. Since Albus is adopted, we used to play guess-his-old-name... until one fateful night I used "Goofy" and he came over for a pat :D Now he just look at us and tilt his head We don't have odd nicknames (yet?), just shortened version of his name or puppup or puppy.
  8. This falls into the environment category. He's somewhat conditioned not to be food driven & to avoid getting into his crate. The more stubborn the dog, the more potential of intelligence it has - it's the smart ones that push boundaries
  9. This is in the BBC's Secret Life of Dogs - amazing stuff there Again this particular dog shows the ability to think abstract - shown a picture of an object & can fetch the real object even though the picture isn't to scale. I also think that a dog's problem solving skills are affected by drive which makes it even harder to measure. Compared to a dog that just tries to earn a treat, a dog that's hungry would show more creativity trying to get food from treat ball containing his breakfast that's stuck under a cabinet.
  10. The whole smart breed thing is just a myth. A dog's intelligence factor is genetic first, environment second. It's very hard to scientifically measure as dogs are master observers and often skew the results as the test is repeated. Personally, what I'd call an intelligent dog is a dog that thinks abstract ie. if there's a dog on TV the real dog looks & sniffs behind the TV
  11. It's more of a potential as resource guarder, and is just the personality of the dog. Just like some dogs are friendly and others more reserved toward strangers. There's nothing wrong with it, except when the world's coming to an end and food's hard to find, she'll outsurvive Bubby who prolly let Bitty steal his food.
  12. It may not be food aggression - could be resource in general (toys, blankys), dominance or Bitty being a harder dog.
  13. Cool I like Tess' eyes & her tongue looks too big for that mouth The Bitsa test looks like a scam to me - it's well packaged but too generic for me :/
  14. Albus does this too. He looks like he's on drugs when he's basking (see my avatar) He never stay for too long or when it's too hot though so there's definitely a comfort zone there.
  15. He's 8 years old and was a stray so he may have had plenty back then.
  16. You got me there - I have soft spot for 1 floppy ear You're too far away to do that ;) You can babysit if you're in Melbourne or we visit Tassie
  17. Yes, and unfortunately (for us) he knows it He gets free pats from strangers on walks & vet visits. He's definitely a terrier x, border terrier is a good guess, not sure about SBT - probably explain his bigger size & voracious appetite (eats more than my OH ).
  18. Is there a test that can figure out the x origins? I'm curious what mine is - so far got "a terrier of some sort", "cairn terrier", "a bit of westie in him". OH likes to think that he's a purebreed Cairn. I don't think so because he's too big for a Cairn (11kg).
  19. Mine have passed this stage. And is now at this stage. I believe it's a necessary step in rehab. Properly executed of course.
  20. Exactly - most people needs to be educated that the preferred traits are the least likely to come out. It's like expecting blonde & black-haired couples to always have blonde children!
  21. I have an aggressive small dog. I'm training him out of it. Ironically when he gets aggressive & corrected, I'm the one that gets "the look" as if I'm abusing my dog (complete with the disapproving "Oh, tsk tsk" ). I get this look from big dog owners more unfortunately. Also met a GSD owner that keeps throwing ball pass us when I was training my dog. Mine's on lead, his wasn't. My dog reacted after about 3x (he likes fetch). I gave him the dirtiest look I could and he moved to another spot. How can people be so stupid
  22. How do you train recall in obedience? It's exactly the same with longer leash. Vary the training locations - a dog that behaves in your yard can be a different dog on the beach - that's just how dogs are
  23. They need sunscreen to maintain the nose natural colour - some dogs develop darker noses regardless (in the genes). What you want to avoid is patchy pink specks which is doggy version of blisters. Make sure the sunscreen is harmless and reapply often as they like to lick it off
  24. That's horrible beenie! Hope she recovers fully & fast. Scary how it could happen in urban area.
  25. Thanks for the link mita. I for one would use it for good cause :rolleyes: I'm steering a friend away from DD - got one already and wants another one of different type because they like the look of it. At least they can't call me breed snob since mine is a mutt (adopted).
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