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there's a difference between saying, "dont you think my dog is cute." and "my dog is cuter than yours because i bought him from a top breeder and you bought a dirty mix breed from the newspaper." I don't think I've read that in this thread. Am I a purebred dog snob? You betcha, I am. I have purebred dogs because I like a particular type of dog. I like wheaten and kerry blue terriers. Do I think they're the best dogs on the planet? You betcha, I do. Am I going to say so? You betcha, I am. I didn't buy them but their breeders are indeed tops. Will I say so at every opportunity? You betcha, I will. Why should you condemn me for having purebreds and not a mixed breed? Yes, it works both ways and you're doing it right now. sorry sunshine, i'm not, because then i would be condemning myself. i understand this was a forum set up to discuss pure breeds, i didnt when i signed up, and this was the first thread that made me feel uncomfortable about the situation. i thought this was a big dog loving community but apparently some have a higher status than others. don't worry guys, i'll stay out of your precious pure breed threads, i'll stick to conversing with those old enough to understand that we are all created equally, i think they teach that in kindergarden these days?
adjust your aperture until the dog is crisp, if you have it set to auto focus it won't always work out the way you want it
it is labeled as a purebreed forum but there is a whole section dedicated to rehoming orphaned dogs, most of which would not be pure bred. and about 95% of the topics aren't specific at pure breeds so if it's not being moderated i wouldn't think the general population would have a problem with it?
i didnt bag breeders, i pointed out the arrogance in the original post. we're meant to be teaching tolerance and acceptance within the human race to our children but how are we meant to do that when we can't even do it with our dogs? it's intimidating to come onto a forum and be confronted by people boasting about their dogs because they came from the top breeder in the country, it's like going to a dinner party and having someone boast about their child going to the most expensive private school and going on about how much better it is than the one you could afford to send your child to. anyway, i didnt come here to argue, i came to talk about dogs, in all shapes and sizes. I think you'll find that dog people will boast about their dogs whether they're purebreds or not. Do you not boast about yours? there's a difference between saying, "dont you think my dog is cute." and "my dog is cuter than yours because i bought him from a top breeder and you bought a dirty mix breed from the newspaper."
That's the same tired and boring argument that some new members bring to the forum in their efforts to bring down purebred dogs and their breeders. You missed this question in my post so shall put it in again for you I am proud of my purebreds dogs. Thanks to Souff for what should have been a light hearted thread to promote the beauty and benefits of purebred dogs its elitist because having a pure breed doesn't make you any better than someone who has a cross breed, and if you're saying, "well my pure breeds were walking down the street and everyone commented on how nice they looked" why not just say, "i was walking my dogs down the street and people commented on how nice they looked"? why the need to add in that they're pure breeds? the only reason you put it there is so you can show off and feel wiser than someone who has got their dog elsewhere. i could have got my dogs papers when i got him, but i didnt because i didnt care, i didnt need to prove that he hasn't been "tainted" by another breed. the rest of this forum is really interesting, but threads like this remind me of high school.
i didnt bag breeders, i pointed out the arrogance in the original post. we're meant to be teaching tolerance and acceptance within the human race to our children but how are we meant to do that when we can't even do it with our dogs? it's intimidating to come onto a forum and be confronted by people boasting about their dogs because they came from the top breeder in the country, it's like going to a dinner party and having someone boast about their child going to the most expensive private school and going on about how much better it is than the one you could afford to send your child to. anyway, i didnt come here to argue, i came to talk about dogs, in all shapes and sizes. If you are intimidated by this forum where people can PROUDLY boast about their dogs coming from a top breeder, wait until you really get into DOL and read & participate in some other threads you will be heading for the exit door very quickly This a purebred forum to discuss and promote purebred dogs, not the human race and teaching tolerance and acceptance . Good luck in finding a forum that does that, I am sure it would be most entertaining and rather explosive Anyway now to get this thread back on topic i'm a little confused, you don't believe in teaching tolerance and acceptance to future generations? you'd prefer segregation from those whom are different than you? i understand that there are health benefits of getting your dog from a breeder, but i still think that the way you guys are going about promoting it are offensive to those who haven't. this is off topic from the original topic but that's the nature of the internet.
so i was walking my american staffy the other day and some people came up and asked if they could pat him to which i said "of course". the kids didnt care that he was pure bred, they were too busy enjoying the kisses from my boy and laughing at his big grin.
How is being proud of one's purebred dog "elitist"? If people find the attitude of those who are proud of their chosen breed and the dogs they breed "elitist" and off putting, I can only suggest they choose another avenue to find their pet. Especially if they are not fussed (or don't understand) re the benefits of the dog being purebred. technically every breed of domesticated dog was a crossbreed at some point in their history, how many generations does it take for a crossbreed to become a pure bred? just interested to know..
i didnt bag breeders, i pointed out the arrogance in the original post. we're meant to be teaching tolerance and acceptance within the human race to our children but how are we meant to do that when we can't even do it with our dogs? it's intimidating to come onto a forum and be confronted by people boasting about their dogs because they came from the top breeder in the country, it's like going to a dinner party and having someone boast about their child going to the most expensive private school and going on about how much better it is than the one you could afford to send your child to. anyway, i didnt come here to argue, i came to talk about dogs, in all shapes and sizes.
Why don't you take a good look at the title of this thread and then what this forum is all about - PUREBRED DOGS - also read the forum rules as well here Forum Rules. You may then understand why this forum will ALWAYS promote PUREBREEDS as recognised by the ANKC. Many dolers have crossbreeds which are well loved and cared for with many being terrific dogs, and they are allowed to join this forum and participate in the discussions, but the fact remains this is a PUREBREED forum for promotion of PUREBREEDS with rules governing what is allowed to be promoted and discussed, pure and simple. x2 kyliestar, please make sure you are on the right forum for your interests if this were a forum for humans it would be seen as racist my apologies, i didn't think dog lovers would feel the need to segregate themselves from the "unpure" crossbreed owners. i do own a pure breed, thanks for bringing to my attention the difference between my dog and those dirty mudbloods, i wont be making THAT mistake in the future.
Hey Guys, Have any of you had experience with the Hipstamatic app for iphone? it's rekindled my love for photography again but without the expense of a DSLR and spending hours on photoshop. theres also something special about photos taken on your phone, they seem to have personality, or is that just me that thinks that? :D If you have, or if you've had experience with other smart phone photography apps, i thought this would be a nice place to share our photos :D
adorable! i love rotti's
here you go, here's one of him jumping and completely missing the ball :D
oh and yes he isnt always laying down, usually when i've got the camera he sits up and sniffs it :D he was laying in the first one because i was cooking dinner and he was doing his best cute face to try and get the scraps :D
i have many funny photos of his sleeping positions.. this one was taken the day after i had my birthday party, he was completely worn out from all the attention and staying up past his bedtime :D