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Everything posted by gwp4me

  1. We bought two pups, so there wasn't a lonely dog at home, when we drove into town. My husband already had their names picked. I still sometimes call Adi "Strolchie", because he is so much like him, which gives me comfort. Bart would be quite a nice name for a boy. :)
  2. Cazstaff, I am so sorry for your loss No one would expect that to happen, shows the respect they have for animals. I would spread the word around, same you would do for a vet who takes your money, and then lies to you.
  3. Struppie is on 20mg Macrolone a day as well, looks a bit blown up, a little bit incontinent sometimes, snores, acts as if Adi was a girl, both don't kow that there are girls out there. :)
  4. Well, Struppie was always and still is, the happy "puppy', never growled at another dog, very harmless for an entire. He is the born hunter, always wants to run away and follow the bluffers, ducks and roo trails. The dog's names are German names for German dogs, meaning: shaggy and vagabond/hobo. :D
  5. Thanks, shepherds, at the moment Struppie seems more lively and happy. Here a photo of him wearing a red jumper, showing off for the camera, when life was still good, next to his brother Strolchie (from same litter, dec. two years ago).
  6. Thanks Horsegal98 and Bindo, Struppies Lymph Nodes have decreased a bit in size, he is nearly boisterous at the moment, went for a swim yesterday, a walk this moring, giving me hope that I can buy more time for him. Bindo, lovely photo of Lucy, still around and loved so much. :)
  7. Anne, best wishes for your Boof, hope he lives a long life.
  8. shepherds, that's exactly what I am doing to myself, too, also, I am checking the size of the lumps every day, and then feel defeated. Sorry, to hear your pet is also unwell. Waking up, or coming home to a dog that is still lively, hungry and tail wagging, brings some happiness to me. Thanks kayla1 and k9angel for your support.
  9. natalieandcid, thanks for your positive thoughts, we sure need them. DerRottweiler, Struppie seems to sleep more now, but then again he was very lively and excited, when I came home from work tonight, could not wait for his feed of broccoli and braised chicken. After the 4th week of rescue chemo (this time with a dose of Vincristine), and the lymph nodes not shrinking, the vet and I have decided to give weekly chemo from now on. Maybe, this will stop the cancer from running away on us. The situation is becoming more hopeless. :
  10. He has to love his anti - cancer diet, cooked white meat and vegetables, had a few frankfurts thrown in today. :)
  11. Lucy looking very girly in this outfit. :) Merry Christmas to you, too, and many returns for Lucy!
  12. DerRottweiler, he now had three doses of Vinblastine, with daily Macrolone tablets, the lymph nodes neither increased nor decreased. I asked my vet wether the cancer is spreading, she thinks it just stays put atm. I think she is a member of Vin.com, and gets her advice from them. She probably will save Doxyrubicin as a last resort, as it is nasty stuff. Struppie is still very lively, without chemo he would now be dead. He is booked in again for this Thursday, afterwards probably only every second week. My plan is to keep going, as long he is free of pain. Thanks for asking about Struppie.
  13. Thanks for your good wishes. Struppie is still quite happy, just seems to have aged about four years.
  14. Happy Birthday Emma, you made it!! Wishing many, many returns.
  15. Well, to my horror, two doses of IV Vinblastin were not able to reduce the size of Struppie's swollen lymph nodes. Actually, now the ones under his jaw have come up again. So next Wednesday, we will try to hit them with the dreaded Doxyrubicin, and hope to see results.
  16. Hi Bindo, you would not know anything went wrong with Lucy, by looking at the photos. Hope she will be with you for many years to come. True, one would never consider chemo, till bad luck strikes.
  17. Chicken, so sorry you lost your beloved pet. Same happened to me when Struppie's brother Strolchie died, we both suffered. For months, Struppie lay on the ground like a doormat, looking up the track where they had taken off, listening, waiting for Strolchie's return. Best thing I ever did, was to find us a new puppy, whom Struppie, the male dog, then reared like a mother. Have you thought of getting a new instant mate for Abby (and yourself), so many deserving dogs, waiting to be loved, at pounds or Rescue Organisations at present?????
  18. Yes, fantastic, good looking, strong, soft collars from k9pro, bought one for Struppie, will get a rounded one soon. Dog goes for a swim with it on, never looks the worse for it. :D
  19. Lucy is a lucky girl, looking great in the photo.
  20. Windy day in the bush, up, up and away go Adi's ears. :D
  21. Thanks Bindo, hope your Lucy will live a full life and give you lots of pleasure. I am still hoping for Struppie's few lumps to go down after second IV Vinblastine, but they have not increased in size. We go for a daily walk, have to be careful not to overheat Struppie while on Macrolone tablets, which have blown him up. Otherwise he is still very happy, it seems, wants to give lots of kissies, chase calves away, points birds. Every day is a bonus.
  22. Great report, brought tears to my eyes. Lovely for the owners, who don't have to surrender their dogs to an unknown fate. Hoping this program will expand and save a lot of dog's lives. Beaut looking cattle/X breed dog, too. Thanks for sharing!!
  23. Thanks for all the good wishes, Struppie very much needs them. Lumps did not go down nor did any new lumps appear. My vet says the starting dose of Vinblastine is low (might be the reason why enlarged nodes have not gone down) and will have to be build up over time, more of it next Tuesday. Ready for a long battle, as long as Struppie is feeling well and not in pain, I will keep going. Can't get my mind off this at all.
  24. PHEW, glad you said "right time". :laugh: Imagine if they made it compulsory.
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