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Everything posted by gwp4me

  1. Two years ago I had a 10 week old GWP flown with Jetpets from Melbourne to Canberra. The breeder dropped the pup off at Melbourne Airport, I picked up the pup at Canberra Airport. The pup arrived very happy, still in his crate, offering me his paw, cost $100.00.
  2. Struppie still has not completed his course of antibiotics, he is not in pain, and appears quite normal. We will go on till chemo does not work anymore, what a thought to get up with in the morning, crazy. Thanks very much for your good wishes. :)
  3. As I mentioned earlier, my vet wanted Struppie on daily Macrolone tablets and second weekly chemo (Vincristine), but after missing one week of chemo, the lymphnodes at back of hindlegs, have enlarged again. So at yesterday's chemo session, the bloodtest also showed that there is an infection, as white bloodcells are down. Now Struppie is on antibiotics, and weekly chemo. You cannot win, on the positive side, it will be a weekly roasted takeaway chicken again for dinner, after arriving home from treatment.
  4. A lovely story and a happy ending. :D I had disappointing experiences while trying to adopt two puppies, one with Gumtree, the other with a large dog rescue org in northern NSW, resulting in the latter blocking me off their Facebook page. Never had a problem in the last 30 years buying GWP's from registered breeders, just thought I wanted a change. Good grief!!
  5. Great therapy, another pet for you, and good companion for Lucy. I would do just the same.
  6. All the best with Boof's operation. How lucky, he has you to fight so hard for him.
  7. He sure has got beautiful eyes and markings. I am not in a big rush to get a puppy, yet, I just got this idea when I saw Dallas and the "other" pup on Gumtree. My old mum and and I are into this plot together. :D
  8. Yes tdierikx, your puppy looks very similar to Dallas, and is very pretty as well. What size will he grow into if I may ask? I am out of breath and up in the air at the moment, with all those strange happenings while trying to adopt a rescue pup. Will keep your pup in mind. After travelling to Wollongong and back, including picking up and dropping off my mum in town, after a 8 hr roundtrip, I twice tried to snooze off at traffic lights, that's why a 12 hr trip with my pet seems somewhat scary. :)
  9. Very fishy indeed. Would you believe this, I just noticed that today Dog Rescue Newcastle have deleted the two posts of mine, on their Facebook page, where I was asking wether the Dallas puppy I was interested in, is adopted or sold and money paid, or if I can put a deposit on him. This is of interest to me, as the foster carer still says he is sold, and DRN think he is still available, anyhow he is still marketed as available, and they are not interested to answer to the public. That dog was once advertised on Gumtree, and then displayed as sold three weeks ago. They also blocked me out, so I cannot message them or write on their Facebook page. How cool is that?
  10. I might be sick, but I am still gorgeous: our Struppie.
  11. I will offer to pay for the fuel, if I get to the bottom of this, and start to reapply. It's just me, if I find something I like, I try to get it and will treasure/keep it forever. Never given an animal back, always try to work with it. My last GWP puppy, I found advertised on Dolforum, I bought him unseen, had him sent up from Melbourne, by Jetpet, I would fight for him. Same for the last TB horse I bought from NSW TRT, through Facebook, absolutely perfect. So if I want it, I keep it, but how would they know what home I offer? I also speak with an accent, which does not help, as my daughter pointed out. :laugh:
  12. They are willing to sent this dog interstate, would the adopter then have to fly in with her pet dog for the Meet and Greet? Anyhow, that would have to be worked out. So okay, since about four weeks I am chewing on my chosen rescue dog, story goes like this: Introduced myself/my pets to rescue org, (pm on facebook) was advised that dog is still available, after that I sent email, asking to please put dog on hold, was advised dog still available, but I had to pay deposit to put on hold, but please ring carer. I rang carer straight away, who said (too late) someone is looking at the dog, then a few days later rang carer, who said dog is being picked up..., few days later, rang carer, who said dog found a new home, and unlikely to come back on the market, as family has bonded with him. I asked to be notified if pet should be returned to rescue org., no go. In the meantime, I watched daily, this dog was never taken off the market, is still listed as being for sale, at 1) petrescue - where the page was updated only two days ago, 2) on their own webpage, 3) at their facebook page, where they did not answer the 2x questions, about wether this pet was adopted. New to this game, tricky one!
  13. Hi all, again I need your advise: what distance would you be required to travel, by car with your pet dog, for a Meet and Greet, with your chosen rescue dog and his foster carer?? Would 600km each way = 1200km roundtrip be seen as normal, or does the carer usually meet you at a place closer to you?? Excuse my pidgin English again, please. :)
  14. Nice for Lucy to be able to enjoy the company of another dog, quality time is all that counts. :)
  15. Thank you so much for all your help, in trying to find suitable pet transport for me. When the crunch came to finalise the details, I was advised the dog was given to an aunty in Victoria, to live on her cattle farm. Very cool, I suppose gumtree style. It was this ad on top of the page, with giveaway cattle puppy: http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/taringa/dogs-puppies/cattle-dog-x-kelpie-giveaway-/1012727450#
  16. shepherds, it's only trial and error, we are doing rescue at the moment. There are a lot of different protocols around, we only use a single drug now - Vincristine - as it has shrunk the lumps a bit. The vet is happy with the result, and suggested chemo every fortnight, for a short while anyhow. Struppie got his 3 year vaccination today, very optimistic, we can't do chemo for that long. Struppie atm is fast asleep, after eating his 1/2 roast chicken for dinner. :)
  17. Thanks tdierikx, wrote details down, I earlier contacted Dogmovers and was given dates/times. Emailed person (only answering service when phoning) trying to rehome puppy (reason given because of moving house), will see if we get a response, or if suits. :)
  18. My update on Struppie: his lymphnodes have gone down a bit in size, but they are still noticable, and a worry, of course. We are still having chemo weekly, I think we better not stop completely, or cancer will spread, rather do it fortnighly? Now it is 8 months since start of treatment. Struppie is fairly happy and would love to go hunting by himself, too many temptations here in the middle of the bush. While he is boisterous, he is still alive. :)
  19. Hopefully Boof's lump is nothing to worry about, and you can put your worries aside. :)
  20. Nice to hear Emma is doing so well for you, time is very precious. Thanks for the update. :)
  21. Thanks smooch and zeebie, for your reply, I have the offer of a free 6 months old Kelpie X puppy, my offer of payment refused, still negotiating with the owner when she can drop off puppy at Brisbane, no idea yet. I have to see what transport options there are and at what date, as puppy has to be moved in the next 8 days. Still up in the air, will try to clarify things tomorrow. Hoping for a good outcome. I can pick up puppy from Canberra :)
  22. Hi, would someone please be so kind, and let me know about my best option to get transport for a puppy from Brisbane to Canberra or Bateman's Bay. Names of any pet transport companies, you know of, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!! :)
  23. Here is a young lady on a mission, she wrote a children's book and is trying to educate our future generation about love, compassion and resposibility for our beloved friend, the dog. Wishing her lots of success in her endeavour, hope she succeeds. Best of all, she works at the same workplace as I do. :) http://www.trck.me/149255/
  24. There is always hope. I had a desexed female GWP with several lumps on her abdomen. The vet did a biopsy and informed some were only fatty lumps, some cancerous. So I waited for her to get worse, it never happened, she lived for a great 16 years. Wishing Oscar well.
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