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Everything posted by melinda10786

  1. Our family bullmastiff puppy was 7.5kg at 8 weeks of age. Enjoy your new puppy :) Bullmastiffs are big cuddlers, Hunter still tries to climb into my lap if I sit on the ground, and he's now 55kgs.
  2. I voted outside, but when we go out they have the run of the backyard, plus the garage under the house (doggy door) which has their beds, box of toys with a spare water bowl, the other bowls are in different spots in the yard, so Ivy doesn't dig in all of them! If we go out at night, they are allowed in the house, via doggy door access but doors and baby gates are in place so they only get access to the kitchen and lounge room. They tend to go and sleep in the garage anyways when this happens.
  3. Yes, the vet clinic I go to, requires all puppies and dogs to be on a lead at all times regardless of age. I just didn't put mine on the floor til they were 12 weeks.
  4. I have two cockers, which we feed two meals. They get fed one chicken neck before I go to work at about 6.30-7, and have their evening meal around 5.30-6 which is normally a mix of Black Hawk, some kind of meat (mince, turkey neck, tuna, sardines) and a vegie mix. We go to bed around 9ish and they are taken outside for a toilet break, and we're up at 5. Ours also have outside access at night time should they need to toilet in the middle of the night. We've never used a spray to deter them from toileting in the house, if an accident happens, they were taken straight outside and when they toileted outside, praised like crazy. It is a long time from 8.30 to 7.30, I wouldn't expect my two to hold for that long. Monte might (he's 19 mths), but Ivy certainly couldn't. PS - I would love to see a photo :)
  5. Ensure the puppy is OK with being left alone for periods of time, start teaching basic manners, learn to shut doors/baby gate off rooms that you don't want the puppy to have access to. If you don't want it chewed, make sure its out of reach of the puppy (my OH learnt this the hard way with his week old brand new mobile phone being chewed because it was within reach).
  6. I second the grated vegies, I use it as a filler for my male cocker spaniel for his meals. I do a vegie mix of carrots, pumpkin, zucchini and apple in the food processer, and it gets added to his meals each night. When we notice the weight increasing, his dry food and other meat when given is halved and up the vegies. We also add it to my girl's meals but not as much as Monte's. If they act starving and try to snatch food, feed separately.
  7. I think BJ has overtaken your devine fawn boy as my favourite.. That may be because I love Frodo's antic photos with his flower pot though.. Very very cute!
  8. My goodness, they are just so cute! Friends of mine have two Frenchies, and just when I thought Frenchies couldn't get any cuter, your photos appear! I love the fawn boy, but I have to admit the brindle pup that still has his/her ears down is just so cute! Thank you very much for sharing your photos :D
  9. Mine love stuffies - we just buy cheap ones from the op shop, sometimes the dollar stores have some on sale, and the Cuz toys are a huge hit (the normal ones and the Cuz tails). The other toys they love are the empty nester toys and squeaker mats.
  10. Monte practising his male model hair flip:
  11. No I didn't order any other treats knowing that it would be near impossible for them to clear through (I think there is mention on the CR website, that treats will not come through overseas customs). As mentioned the treat balls are in a hard plastic casing which is sealed.. I didn't refills, just the balls themselves which already come with a treat insert.
  12. Gussys Mum, I ordered the treat balls and mine came through fine, they come in a sealed plastic casing. Yours will love the knotties toy - mine love theirs
  13. My local council provide discounts for dogs who pass obedience courses, and you can provide their certificate. I'm not sure what the discount is though, its not mentioned on the renewal forms, you just send the certificate in and council work it out.
  14. It depends, mine have taken about 2 weeks to arrive from the time they are shipped.
  15. My order from the 23rd arrived yesterday (the one shipped on the 29th arrived the day before), it was an early Christmas treat for the dogs last night getting to watch me open the box, play with the toys and sort them.. Then place them back into the box and under the Christmas tree :D I did give them two toys to play with though, I wasn't too mean.
  16. When I ordered my crate from Vebo on a Thursday arvo, I had the crate by Monday..
  17. My second Clean Run order arrived!! However I'd like to know where my first order is... The second one was super quick, shipped on 29th and arrived yesterday... So here's hoping the one shipped on 23rd arrives soon!
  18. Oh my goodness Frenchie babies Congratulations to you FM, Frodo and Charmy! The fawn puppy is my favourite. They look cute, lying on their backs with chubby bellies Look forward to seeing more photos as they get older.
  19. Umm I think it depends, we put old shirts with our scent on it in the crate/bed along with a wheat heat pack and that seemed to help them settle at night time. You won't need to use it for long once they settle.
  20. My last order took two and a half weeks from shipping date to arrive (prior to the free shipping), so I'm not holding my breath... Everyone saying that they had already received their orders just got my hopes up :p I'm happy to wait, the free shipping was worth it alone! :D The dogs already have Christmas presents, these would just be additional ones, plus some toys for my brother's new puppy.
  21. There's hope! I think mine was shipped on 23 November though, so maybe next week sometime. My second one was shipped yesterday :p
  22. For those who have received your orders, when did you place the order?
  23. That is such a beautiful and fitting tribute.
  24. Mine are getting everlasting treat balls, long line leads and new fancy collars and a stack of toys.. They have more presents than we do!! I did a big order on Monday from Clean Run and received notification this morning, its already been shipped. Debating whether to place my second one now or just wait a bit. I had ordered everlasting treat balls when they were on free shipping last month from CleanRun, and they arrived intact on Monday. I would hesitate to buy treats from Clean Run though just to be on the safe side, but the balls came through (they had an insert included in the pack), and there's no indication that customs opened the parcel.
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