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Everything posted by melinda10786

  1. If your breeder has offered and is nearby I'd take them up on the offer :D Monte's breeder offered to show us, as well and she also sent us a few links off other breeders who show you how to do each part. Its well worth learning to do yourself.
  2. Tess was so lucky to have you and your family. So many dogs aren't shown the same love and compassion that you had given her, and I'm sure she was very grateful for a chance at a happy lifetime with your family. Thank you for what you provided her with. Such a beautiful dog, RIP beautiful girl.
  3. There is a cocker spaniel rescue in NSW, and I think Irishclan Kennels also assist with resuce? They might be able to point you in the right direction to sort out where the cocker can go. As others mentioned, they also need to notify the breeder, as the breeder may agree to take him back and re-home him that way.
  4. I always talk to mine, its seems silly, but meh! I always ask if they've been good for OH in the afternoon and how their days have been. Ivy is a real talker and will talk to me and OH and is constantly nattering at Monte (which he doesn't get..). Monte has just started talking to me particularly when I don't hurry up and finish getting ready quick enough in the morning for his breakfast.. I love when he talks it cracks me up.
  5. Dogs QLD are very good in answering enquires about registrations. I had emailed them re my pup's papers and had a response in 24 hours. You just need to provide them with the breeder's prefix and date of birth of the litter and they will check for you. They also got in touch with the breeder on my behalf (I hadn't had any luck in getting an answer) to remind them to organise the transfer
  6. What is the toy? Empty Nesters (http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=1936&ParentCat=504) Estimated Price? $5 (from Clean Run - I stocked up on free shipping and got three) up to about $15 Where did you buy it? Clean Run, available on most online pet stores How tough was it and how long did it last? Still going, minus a few chewed bits, but otherwise pretty good condition. The first one I bought it still going How much time does your dog spend playing with it? My two love it, Monte cuddles up with it and Ivy swings it at him so they can play tug with it. They're pretty hard on them, but its really held up! And no stuffing which is even better. They have managed to rip out one of the squeakers, but otherwise not too much damage. It gets dragged out every few days for playtime :)
  7. Toy: Dachshund Small: Cocker Spaniel Medium: Samoyed Large: German Shepherd Giant: Bullmastiff or Bernese Mountain Dog
  8. I have a little waist bag that has a clip, which I put the nappy bags in along with my keys and anything else I might need (money for the paper if its the weekend). It doubles as a treat bag for training, as it has a separate pocket for treats that I can wipe out. Its not very big, about 10 cms wide. I had someone make it for me.
  9. I use nappy bags - my last lot was 400 bags for $5.. Bargain!
  10. I used to stop what I was doing and completely ignore my boy when he behaved like that and he was doing it at the same age as Cooper. He soon learnt that he was not going to get any reward for that behaviour. If he got too excited during play time, he was placed in a time out to calm down, and if he did the same thing afterwards, he was placed back in time out (this was in our bathroom behind a baby gate). Once he remained calm, we praised him like it was going out of fashion, and rewarded so he knew that was the more acceptable behaviour. He eventually learnt to keep calm and as he got older too the habits disappeared.
  11. I love the one of Sid lying in the grass.. Friends of mine have two Frenchies and they are certainly characters and have such wonderful facial expressions. I have yet to meet their new addition but if she's anything like Elroy she will definately be a dog with spunk!
  12. I currently have two cocker spaniels, and they have truly stolen my heart, and will always have one. I have also owned bullmastiffs and would dearly love another one one day.. Or for my brother to get one, so we keep the family tradition going of always having one in the family. There are lots of breeds I love the look of, but just don't fit with my OH and I. We both love different breeds for different reasons, it was hard enough narrowing it down to getting a cocker! I do love though: - Lappies - Akitas - Samoyeds - French Bulldogs - Bernese Mountain Dogs (these are my dream dogs) - Belgian Shepherds - Whippets
  13. Mine used to do it because the neighbours dogs howled at sierens.. They have moved out and it was interesting watching them run for the back door for the first week after they moved out to join the neighbours two in howling. Thankfully, they don't do it anymore. Not once did they start the howling, they just joined in.
  14. I think it depends on the vet - from my personal experience, the vet I have waited for Monte to start coughing again and also checked his usual vitals etc. We got given anti-biotics for him as well. He was then in lock down from other dogs for 14 days to make sure he didn't pass it on. Hope Eric gets better soon!
  15. Naw, happy birthday Barkly :) Still looking as handsome as ever.
  16. I think the stack and store option is very cute :) But the snuggle one is adorable too!
  17. The crate games are fanastastic and have helped me with my boy immensely. However, for an alternate sleeping arrangement, would you be able to place the pup in your bathroom/laundry and have a baby gate up, so he can still see out, if you don't want to get another crate? Still have his soft crate in there with him leaving it open (the one he now destroyed - assuming its still reasonably intact) and some toys for him to play with. I really found the best way of making sure they slept was wearing them out big time, taking out for a final bathroom break and straight to bed. When they wake up early, outside for a bathroom break and back to bed. When he's quiet, lots of praise and reward.
  18. Definately contact cocker rescue, they will be able to help you. Details for contacts in QLD http://www.cockerspanielclub.com/index.php?body=our_committee
  19. Mine have free access to the yard, plus there is a doggy door into our garage (which is the entire lower story of the house). When we're at home, they have access inside. Due to barking issues at night time, we've had to lock them in at night of late (we have new neighbours who come home at weird hours).
  20. You need to be consistent. When we got Ivy, she was put in her crate at night time which is next to our bed, and we took her out every few hours during the night to toilet. No play time, it was outside to toilet, back inside into the crate. You may find adding a hot water bottle, or heat pack buried under the blankets may also help. If he is really not interested in going back to sleep, a kong toy with some peanut butter/honey smeared on the inside helps. We also found keeping both of them awake right up to bedtime helps, because they are so tired from not getting a nap. A little play time or training before bed, then outside to toilet and straight into bed. We don't use the crates anymore, but it is certainly helpful in toilet training and giving them an area to sleep in that is just their own. It took us about a week and a bit to get Ivy settled in, Monte took about a week, once we established a routine and stuck to it. In terms of toys to keep him entertained, mine get a variety from - stuffed toys, plastic bottles with some dry food in the bottom so they rattle, balls, treat balls, Kongs. They also love some tugs I made myself from old sheets, my two play tug with each other. Any photos by chance? (I have two cockers, love the springers :)..)
  21. to Charlie! And there's nothing wrong with being spoilt :)
  22. Ataquin - if you go onto the Canine Control website there is a contact section. I contacted them when I didn't receive Ivy's papers and found them incredibly helpful. They should be able to tell you if its something you can correct or if its something the breeder needs to do. They can also contact the breeder on your behalf if need be.
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