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Everything posted by caffiend42

  1. Calling you a tosser would be rude if it wasn't true, JO. You have NO clue. I have one word for you: INSTINCT. You subscribed to Dog Training 101, didn't you? Can't train a beagle, then don't own one? How about the novel concept of understanding a particular breed's characteristics, strengths and weaknesses and working with them. They are NOT so untrainable or uncontrollable if you know what makes them tick, but clearly that is only what you've heard and not witnessed for yourself. Try asking beagle breeders of 30 years + why they can't breed out certain traits, hence them saying in large letters you can NEVER EVER trust a beagle off lead. In any case, that's just one of the things that makes a beagle a beagle. Quit while you're waaaay behind, JO.
  2. Hey I've finished using mine (for the moment ) - it's all yours, JO JO you didn't read anything past p1, eh? Just my thoughts
  3. Seeing you've got all the answers, JO, please tell me how an owner satisfies a beagle's nose, and how you would go about training it not to follow a scent.
  4. There were many people willing you on little guy. Run free.
  5. Does the pup see what's causing the noise? Had the same situation with Indy twice now the last two times we've been out for a walk. The first time was on the beach on Tuesday, and up close to the dunes was a hippie playing bongo drums. Drove Indy nuts with the noise - he was skittish, had his hackles up and was barking. Yesterday we were walking along the foreshore, and the bloke was playing there. As soon as he saw what was creating the noise he settled down. Keg, on the other hand, ignored it totally both times. I'd say do the noises a number of times in front of him so he realises it's not really a threat. And treat and praise when he doesn't show a reaction. Cuddling when he's scared is only going to reinforce the behaviour. <Caff looking guilty when it comes to fireworks night >
  6. Get some aloe vera gel - that is nice and soothing. Also apple cider vinegar helps - a splash in their water on a permanent basis as it helps the immune system.
  7. It's coming up to full moon TB :p All the nutters come out then!
  8. Hey TB have your pooches got somewhere they can run on concrete/other hard surfaces for a bit? That can wear them down naturally. Might not be enough in your situation though.
  9. I'm sure dogs don't think of it as escaping. They don't see a fence is something that must be breached - if they have the opportunity, desire and means to get out then they may well do so, it's certainly not because they're thinking of ways to get away from their owner. It's definitely not a result of not enough training, or a lack of care on the behalf of the owner. Ask any hound owner, and a damn sight more breeds too no doubt.
  10. Thanks skwo2. Maybe the plant in its natural state (sap) is problematic, but the juice is ok. It's what we gave our little guy (10ml at a time) on breeder's advice to help get over tummy rash. They don't like the taste, but it's good for them. Perhaps the sap is too concentrated, I don't know.
  11. It's sort of like thin custard. The caramel one tastes best, followed by vanilla I haven't had it for years though. Really easy to digest. I think it's made from rennet? So maybe the next best thing is cheese? Or yoghurt? (Not that yoghurt has rennet...)
  12. At a junk yard Maybe a chemist? Jeez you'd think the plain ones would be with the flavoured. I always loved the plain stuff when I was sick and mummy made it for me
  13. Skwo2 - can I ask where you got that info from? As I understand it 100% certified aloe vera juice is actually very good for improving the immune system in dogs. There have been numerous threads here about the benefits of aloe vera juice, so I'm curious as to the adverse effects.
  14. The stuff you put on fingernails to stop biting them? OK for hoomans, no idea if ok for pups.
  15. Actually yeah you can - sled dogs often have them for snow work, not sure how grippy they are, but you'd have to assume they'd be ok. Doggy online stores have them - don't know of any offhand - probably the links on the banner here might be a goer. Or just get those little baby socks with the grip on them
  16. They look pretty rock solid - more like a hybrid surf ski. You'd have a hard time falling off that unintentionally . A true sea kayak is enclosed with two or more watertight compartments that a dog (not too big) could potentially sit in, and are a bit more tippy than your example. Bucketloads of fun to be had!
  17. The only drama I see is once pooch has jumped/fallen off - how you put her back on without you falling out. Is it a kayak or a canoe? A friend of mine used to put her pooch on the back of her surf ski - she loved it, and only jumped off when they were close enough for her to swim to shore. We're too precious about our 'yaks - don't want their nails scratching!
  18. Handy tip - don't do what I did for the first couple of times and mix mince in with the veggies in the food processor - it's a bitch to clean out! I mix all the fruit/veggies in together in the food processor, whack that in a big bowl and add mince + supplements and mix it all by hand. Another handy tip - take rings off first I don't weigh anything - just make cricket ball sized balls and squish them a bit flatter and put them in a big plastic container with waxed paper in between so they don't stick and then freeze. It ends up being about a week's worth of one patty per day each, so all up it's probably about 2 kg of food.
  19. My dog ate kibble and had smelly farts, therefore ALL dogs who eat kibble have smelly farts. Yup. That's not scientific rigour - it's scientific rigormortis
  20. We clean out Indy's ears regularly (ie 2-3 times per week) with those Aristapet moistened wipes. We don't need to do Keg's (generally) as Indy licks them out for him. They're beagles. With the change in weather (increased humidity) we've had him on a course of Panalog ointment. It's prescription only. As we took Keg to the vet at the same time, the vet did a quick check and said his ears were on the cusp of getting manky. Indy's ears got to the point where we were wiping them out dailyfor about 5 days, and it wasn't enough. Hopefully we've got it cleared up. Maybe a different medication? We're on the 2nd tube of ointment for Indy (lasts a week) - vet says if it hasn't cleared at the end that a different type would need to be tried. But I think it will be fine - he seems back to normal now, but will continue for another 5 days. Kodiak, mind if I ask what your Sibe's diet is?
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