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Everything posted by Ronda

  1. Thought I'd post that Insight are having an episode about why so many cats and dogs are getting pts. http://www.sbs.com.au/insight/episode/overview/501/The-Tail-End
  2. The shelter needs to beef up its security and the "children" need to be sent to a juvenile detention center.
  3. Yep,Joey nearly always finds a stick to pick up and carry with him while we are out walking. He looks so proud of himself when he has a stick and its funny when he finds a really big one. :laugh:
  4. There is a rally begin organized for that date (28th October)via facebook. Didn't know they were emailing people. I think it is legit.
  5. http://www.petrescue.com.au/ you might find a pug or pug cross in need of a home. Try and contact the breed club and/or breed rescue group if there is one.
  6. Melbourne is still going on the 5th http://www.facebook.com/events/447150685325032/447468141959953/?notif_t=plan_mall_activity
  7. New link :) http://www.facebook.com/events/447150685325032/447468141959953/?notif_t=plan_mall_activity
  8. If this is the one that was begin organized via facebook: Do you know if its still happening? Apparently the organizers wanted to postpone it, out of respect for the family of Ayen Chol, and now the event has disappeared off facebook...
  9. Seems to have been canceled
  10. Just saw this on facebook, someone has organized/is organizing a peaceful protest against BSL. Thought I would share it here. Link: http://www.facebook.com/events/325571247537618/ :)
  11. The Australian National Kennel Council Limited and its Member Bodies support legislation which seeks to establish objective and clear criteria for determining whether a dog, irrespective of its breed, is dangerous. We also support action for controlling dogs which are proven to be dangerous according to that criteria. We will not support legislation which determines the "dangerousness" of a dog on the basis of breed alone Straight from the Australian National Kennel Council website. http://www.ankc.org.au/About-ANKC/DANGEROUS-DOGS-CONTROL-LEGISLATION.aspx My guess as to why they don't recognize it is because the government wont let them. I don't believe they recognize any of the other dogs on the "dangerous breeds list" either. And as for the old man in the video. He did pick a breed that isn't banned. He picked what looked to be a lab cross.
  12. Thats horrible. Accident waiting to happen if there's a dog loose on a highway/busy road.
  13. I know that this wont stop puppy farms, but why cant the government just pass a law that says its illegal to sell puppy's/kittens/dogs/cats in pet stores? It would at least make it harder for them to sell pups.
  14. I would be plain stupid to expect people to believe the dog pictured here is a Cocker Spaniel? Apperance is in 99% in all cases how everyone determines breed, so how can we all accept on a daily we basis we think to ourselves "oh there is a GSD, a Lab, what ever what ever", but the council is not allowed to thing "oh there's a Pitbull"?? They want to include pit-bull crosses as well. It is near impossible to tell what a cross breed has in it. Name of the law should be changed to "Appearance Specific Legislation".
  15. AN Australian bulldog that bit the face of a nine-year-old boy as he peered over a fence at Port Lincoln has been put down. Problem is it's always the same crap involved 9 times out of 10, whatever an Australian Bulldog is, but another "good" dog that can't determine what's a threat and what isn't like little Ayen's killer, what was last weeks, oh another Mastiff X thing that breaks it's collar, kills a little dog, injures another and bites a lady........seriously what do these mongrels think they are protecting for the necessity to kill and people can't understand why laws are tightening up on these "type" of dogs Dogs with serious foggy headed aggression are hard to handle and difficult to train for novice or irresponsible owners and although I agree in principal that the deed should over ride the breed, but some innocent person or other animal will be the recipient of the deed for action to follow and preventing the deed caused by these half arsed breedings is what scooping up this type of dog is about to save the innocent recipients of the deed from suffering. So we don't agree with the random BYB's breeding crap dogs, but we are supposed to fight to save their products??, we either support BYB's or we don't and sorry I don't, I hate them passionately and always have done whether they are farming pet shop oodles or producing junk yard guard dogs they are all the same dogs with a different leg action. Dogs can be territorial. Kid should not have been sticking his head over the fence. The media reports whatever gets a headline that is why its always pitbulls did this and pitbulls did that. You'll never hear of chihuahua bit child on the face and child required stitches at hospital. The bulldog that you mention may have been the friendliest dog when out in public, but didn't like strangers in his yard. You'll never know because the media is too focused on the fact that it bit some one. Also if the laws are over turned that will allow ethical responsible breeders to start breeding quality dogs.
  16. Clean every thing up asap, get sick dogs out of there. Make it look all clean and pretty for when they come so you don't get shut down. Yep - except would they get shut down if they had Parvo? Why would you get shut down if there was no evidence of parvo? If it looks like they are following all the laws and there is no evidence of parvo or any other horrible contagious diseases then they probably wont be shut down. That's why they should do surprise visits. Don't call them and don't give them the chance to hide anything.
  17. Clean every thing up asap, get sick dogs out of there. Make it look all clean and pretty for when they come so you don't get shut down.
  18. Try a "Cuz" ball. Bought Joey a "bad cuz" ball after he destroyed yet another tennis ball. He chewed the feet off within 10 min and broke the squeaker after a couple of weeks but its otherwise intact and still going strong.
  19. This thread disappoints me! Ive always wanted floorboards when I finally get my own place, I love the look. But hearing that they can get scratched so easily I think I'll stick with tiles/carpet. :laugh:
  20. I'm gonna say that m-sass is a troll and gets a kick out of stirring everyone up.
  21. Yeah? He'd have to catch him first :laugh: Had a very dominant SBT rush up to my dogs when I was out walking them. I let Howard offlead (we were on an oval). He ran the SBT ragged. :) I remember being at a dog park and my Aussie was playing with a Whippet, they were doing zoomies and Lili, used to being the quick dog, was trying to catch the Whippet...not a chance, she was yelping as she ran out of frustration :laugh: my friends poodle does that too when ever she plays with joey. silly sbt got schooled
  22. Been reading this thread and having a laugh. Although some of it just makes me wonder. When walking Joey questions/comments I get are normally: is he a greyhound? is he a baby greyhound? You need to feed your dog more. He looks like a tiger. How much exercise does he need? Dose he eat much? The one that takes the cake is "Is he a pitbull?" No he is not, hes a whippet. Followed by "Bet my red nosed pitbull can beat your dog in a fight."
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