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  1. For starters i only posted that thread up because i was concern as it was 2 WEEKS since i have heard anything from the day after i brought my puppy. I don't believe all breeders are bad, i believe majority of them are actually FANTASTIC. So please don't assume that i believe all breeders are pointless and i'm sorry that you just took it the wrong way...I originally came on to this forum because i wanted to get other people opinion and experience just in case i did not EVER hear from her. So please don't jump my throat as the only way you are going to get anyone experience is by asking on the internet...If i came to a wrong forum for advise, please let me know NOW. AshSky
  2. I was actually trying to get in contact with her with regards to something else...NOT the paper, when no response that was when i was worried. But now its all good, i knew it wasn't 4 weeks but don't you contact your breeder when you are required an information of a puppy that you brought . Plus the reason why i was worried is because if she doesn't respond to me in any sort of way, then how will she respond to me when i don't get my papers in 4 weeks, that is why i was concern...
  3. Hi, no it was 2 weeks but the other reason was because she went on a holiday the day after and just returned and had to go somewhere and left her phone...I wouldn't care if it was only 2-5 days with no reply but 2 weeks just killed me and i thought she was a dodgy breeder...Let me say i'm glad to hear from her
  4. Ok good news the breeder got back to me and she had left her phone over someone house over the weekend and just contacted me. The other good news is that she has paid to get her renewal and will be putting her paperwork in 2 days after payment finalise. I'm so relieved as i just wanted a call back or some sort of contact..
  5. Hi Emileigh, i hope all goes well with your purchase..this is also my first pedigree puppy and i'm so glad to have her, she means the world to me, its like having a new baby that won't let you sleep lol. She is still currently getting use to her surrounding so the barking at night is very much new to me at the moment waking up every 30mins to her howling or barking. I hope to keep everyone updated on receiving my papers. Well i have the parents pedigree papers (copy). But fingers cross i will get mine also and i will make sure that i get it or else i will be taking it further... Its not right what these breeders are doing and hope that there will be new laws with purchasing puppies on pedigrees.
  6. I have tried calling her on private number and still no success..
  7. Posshut you are right, I have wanted this breed of dog for a while and done so much research of this breed and breeders. I thought i did do the right thing by asking them questions and i thought she was great when she was asking me questions aswell.. I even google about the prefix and her name to see if there was any comments and it was clear. I contacted Dogs NSW and they even told me she was clear. I trusted this breeder until she stopped communicating once i received my puppy. The reason why i never signed any transfer paper is because she was waiting until puppies are 8 weeks just to confirm which ones should be on 'mains or limited'. My only concern is that she isn't calling me back, sms and email and so i am now wondering how would it go when i try to get my puppy main papers through if i can't get in contact with her now. Oh yeah did i also mention that her home number that she provided to me is now disconnected.... The only way i can contact to her is by mobile and email and i have tried to contact her almost 10 times a day and she still refuses to pick up her mobile or even reply to my email.. Well lets hope that i see my papers sometime this year lol.
  8. Thank you so much everyone for your guidance, well i did contact the vet that did the 1st vaccination for my beautiful pup and it so happens to be that the breeder owes a shop nearby so i don't think she can hide from my phone call if needed. But i will get in contact in another 4 weeks and fingers cross that i get my main register papers
  9. When i originally got in contact with the breeder she had informed me of the pedigree of the parents of the pups and also gave me her prefix name. I rang DOG NSW and they also informed me that she is a member and her profile is also located on Dogzonline. But after when i picked up the puppy she didn't have any papers for the main register so i rang the DOG NSW again which someone else had informed me that she is non financial..So i did do my research and was given a false information from a member at DOGS NSW who also told me that she will be able to register her litters. I will wait for another 4 weeks to see if the papers will come through, but if not than yes i will write her an email to respond to my query within 2 weeks or i will take this issue further. I just want to know if anyone else has been in this situation and what process did they take to get their main register papers or money back from the breeder. I was not concern at all until she just never replied or got in contact with me after so many phone calls, sms and emails which i will keep as proof for the court if i need to take her. AshSky
  10. Hi Everyone, I will like to get some advice, i have just recently brought a purebreed Dogue De Bordeaux puppy from a breeder in NSW. She has informed me that the papers will be sent out to me and if i don't get any response in 4 weeks than to let her know and she will chase it up. She is listed as a breeder in Dogzonline and i found her puppies through Trading Post. Anyways i had contacted DOGS NSW and they have informed me that she is registered but as NON FINANCIAL as she is required to renew her membership. Anyways i have contacted her several occasions via email and phone including sms text and she has not responded to me or answered any of my calls. Now i am concern that she has just ripped me off but i don't want to let her get away with this if she has. Can anyone tell me what can i do if she has decided to ignore me and i don't receive my main papers. Also i have an email that she has sent me advising the price of the puppy for the main register. Any information will be appreciated, by the way i live in NSW.
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