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Everything posted by Leelaa17

  1. Thank you for all of your replies - but for freundhund and poodlefan - please don't attack me. I don't know whether or not that was your intention but I feel that you are just attacking me. I specifically wrote on here to get advice not to be berated for something I have done wrong. As of a week ago I haven't been sitting on the ground with the other dogs because when I stand up Jenna leaves me alone. And I enjoy going to the dog park and seeing the other dogs - I don't think it is wrong of me to be paying attention to other dogs at a dog park? But to be perfectly honest - from some of the replies I have gotten - I know now not to ask questions on this forum. I'll just go to my vet or go to my local training place so I'm not attacked when I've done something wrong. Sorry for wasting everybodies time.
  2. I have a 6 month old GSD, female. As soon as she got all her shots, I started taking her to my local dog park. I normally sit on the ground at the dog park because i like cuddling and spending time with the other dogs there. Ever since her first time, she stands in front of me or stands IN my lap and wont let any other dog come near me - her hackles go up, she bears her teeth, growls, barks and then nips the other dog. I know she doesnt do it to hurt the other dog but to just scare them away. But I don't know why she does it. I started taking her to training and the trainer said that Jenna (the dog) feels like I need protecting. But I'd like to know why she actually started doing this in the first place.... The worst thing is that my older male GSD Max is starting to follow her lead. and i don't want him to do that. Can anyone help me???
  3. what gets me is the fact that they put the euthanised puppy in a dumpster!!!! FOR GODS SAKE!! thats awful!! horrible!! i mean - i understand they cant bury every dog they euthanise but a bit more of a humane way to 'get rid of them' would be nice!!!! ffs. thats dispicable.
  4. Exactly what I was thinking! What is an attacking dog? Could you be charged for having a maltese terrier that bit at strangers' ankles an 'attacking dog'? Would the owner of that dog have to go to court? of course not. For Gods sake - its the owner not the breed - eg. what the UK are doing by punishing bad owners not 'bad breeds'. I think that is a FANTASTIC idea. and im sorry for the police officer but its a bit stupid to just walk into a yard with three strange dogs.
  5. I dont think thats what happened - I think the man rescued his dog - and further down in the news report you see that the other dog (the innocent one) was captured due to a 'tip off'.
  6. what an incredible story!!! This makes me proud to be a dog owner!!
  7. i hope she gets an extension cord tied around her neck and then gets set on fire. see how she likes it. cruel evil woman. i hope she gets whats coming to her. rest in peace diamond
  8. I'm sorry but that dog might not have necessarily been dangerous. And to be perfectly honest... the damage wasnt that bad - my gsd has done more than that to me purely by accident. I've gotten a bleeding nose from him accidentally lifting his head and hitting me, and I have gotten scratches and bruises from him purely because he has no idea how big he is. She wont even have any scarring. Seriously. It was the mothers fault, the little girls fault and the owners of the dogs fault. Everyone is to blame here - but the media sensationalised it. I am a journalist and I know exactly what they do and what reaction they want. And honestly? It looked like the mother just wanted her 15 minutes of fame. Those dogs were in a very stressful situation and had no idea what was going on... ANY dog - they could be the most placid dog in the world - but if they are hurt or stressed they can react badly. Dont blame the dogs.
  9. Leelaa17

    Poor Roxy

    This is an awful thing to see and I hate seeing that this guy got a $2000 fine - hopefully he doesn't have the money to pay for it and he'll be sent where he belongs - jail. I volunteered for the rspca for time and then stopped because I didn't agree with what they were doing. Their employees didnt seem to give a s**t about the animals. Another thing is yes the poor girl would've been in discomfort for months if she were rehomed straight away - but why not give her to one of the employees to rehabilitate? I mean maybe her condition was irreversible but I wouldn't put it past the rspca to just flick poor roxy to the side. And she doesn't look anything like a pitbull. I blame the stupid owner AND the rspca for this situation.
  10. I completely agree with you. I have a two year old rabbit called bunny and I love him to death - it sickens me to think these people could do this for pleasure or money. What really gets me is the fact that that stupid b***h tried to apologise - NOTHING will make up for what she did - sorry does not and will never cut it. And someone said 'find out who they are and spit on me' - SERIOUSLY??? I would do SOO much more than spit on them. This makes me sick to my stomach and I hope they get crucified for this.
  11. First of all, every time I see a stray dog I immediately stop my car ad get out to help it. I dont think of the consequences. However I do know when a dog doesn't want to be helped. Fortunately, every dog that I have saved has been completely happy to jump into the back of my car. Second of all - good intentions or not - the mother should NOT have let her kids out to go and get a stray dog. If she wanted to help it she should have done it herself. So even though it was a split second decision or whatever it was... she has kids to think about - and they should be her priority - so it is partly her fault. It also p***ed me off because she seemed so proud that she got the dog off her daughter. Thirdly, the owners of the dogs should have had better security - this probably wasnt the first time the dogs got out - it normally never is - so they should have done something. I feel awful for the dogs...
  12. ``If you’re in a park and a dog comes up to you and growls or has aggressive behaviour, this is deemed a dog attack,’’ he said. ^^^^ that was from the article in the mt druitt standard. I live in the Blacktown City area and go to the local dog park in doonside four days a week. I'm sorry but I think if someone thinks they've been 'attacked' by a dog because its growled at them is just ridiculous. When I take my GSD to the vet, we have to muzzle him (and he is the most placid, happy dog you could ever meet - guarenteed) because he growls at the vet - u can actually see hatred in his eyes. Does that mean my vet gets 'attacked' every time we go to the vet?? It's absolutely ridiculous. If someone said to me 'oh I just got attacked by a dog because its hackles were raised' I am going to laugh at them. On the other hand - I think having a licence to have a dog is a fantastic idea. I do agree that the laws that are already in place should be more enforced... but I have always said that having some sort of licence in place to own a dog would be the best idea yet. It would stop people buying animals on a whim. I am all for it.
  13. Leelaa17


    Can I just say - I was at my local dog park recently, and I have two german shepherds and one woman tried to hit my dog for chasing her jack russell - the jack russell was absolutely loving it - but she thought it was 'terrified' and tried to hit my dog... now... if my dog had bit her I would've cheered him on. I always like to know what a person has done to aggravate the dog that attacks them - granted, not all people do something... sometimes dogs just turn... but not all the time the 'victim' is innocent... maybe the dog was protecting itself? - and I'm not talking about this particular instance because I haven't seen the video and can't bring myself to watch it... but maybe we should ask what a person has done to piss a dog off - as I was saying... that woman HIT my german shepherd - if he wasnt so placid and loving, he could've ripped her apart - and of course, he would've gotten put down... she had absolutely no right to touch my dog. so just ask - what provoked the dog?
  14. I am so so disgusted with this. It actually makes me want to throw up. I have two german shepherds (one is 16 months and one is 11 weeks) - and I look at my baby girl and couldn't even think about even smacking her (even though I give her a light tap if she's naughty) let alone throw her against a wall... the woman got 'upset'??? 'UPSET'??? the b***h should be put in jail!! ooohh a $1000 fine??? what is that going to do to deter her?? Am I the only person who thinks there should be jail time for killing or mistreating animals?? Instead of just a fine and a POSSIBLE ban??? Honestly... I am a very loving person and I am against murder and death and killing and all that - but when it comes to people hurting animals, I really hope they rot in jail. :D
  15. I am so so disgusted with this. It actually makes me want to throw up. I have two german shepherds (one is 16 months and one is 11 weeks) - and I look at my baby girl and couldn't even think about even smacking her (even though I give her a light tap if she's naughty) let alone throw her against a wall... the woman got 'upset'??? 'UPSET'??? the b***h should be put in jail!! ooohh a $1000 fine??? what is that going to do to deter her?? Am I the only person who thinks there should be jail time for killing or mistreating animals?? Instead of just a fine and a POSSIBLE ban??? Honestly... I am a very loving person and I am against murder and death and killing and all that - but when it comes to people hurting animals, I really hope they rot in jail. :D
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